Relating to: domestic abuse identification training.
Representatives Schneider and Vruwink; cosponsored by Senators Sullivan, Lehman and Coggs.
To committee on Jobs, the Economy and Small Business.
Assembly Bill 46
Relating to: an official state language, encouragement of cultural diversity, use of English for governmental written expression, acquiring language proficiency, and use of languages for nongovernmental purposes.
Representatives Schneider, Ziegelbauer, Nygren, Kerkman, Roth, Huebsch, Townsend, Vos, Mursau, Bies, M. Williams, A. Ott, Lothian, Gunderson, Strachota and Kleefisch; cosponsored by Senators A. Lasee, S. Fitzgerald, Darling, Schultz and Leibham.
To committee on State Affairs and Homeland Security
Assembly Bill 47
Relating to: prohibiting persons convicted of certain felonies from providing martial arts instruction to minors.
; cosponsored by Senators Olsen and Plale.
To committee on Criminal Justice
Assembly Bill 48
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates for groups that are military in nature and making an appropriation.
Representatives Schneider, Townsend, Bies and Spanbauer; cosponsored by Senators Olsen and A. Lasee.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 49
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates for motorcycles owned by veterans.
Representatives Schneider, Vruwink, Townsend, Bies, Honadel, Barca, Lothian, Strachota and Kleefisch; cosponsored by Senators Olsen, A. Lasee and Coggs.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 50
Relating to: maintaining records of certain driving offenses related to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
Representatives Schneider and Vruwink; cosponsored by Senator A. Lasee
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 51
Relating to: scheduling of classes at technical colleges.
Representatives Schneider, Vruwink and Barca; cosponsored by Senator Wirch
To committee on Colleges and Universities
Assembly Bill 52
Relating to: bottling of water provided by a local governmental unit.
Representatives Schneider and A. Ott; cosponsored by Senator Coggs
To committee on Natural Resources
Assembly Bill 53
Relating to: making companies that employ unauthorized aliens ineligible for certain tax exemptions, governmental contracts, grants, and loans, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
Representatives Schneider, Kessler and Suder; cosponsored by Senators Lazich and Olsen.
To committee on Workforce Development
Assembly Bill 54
Relating to: requirements for ordering maintenance.
; cosponsored by Senator Plale
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 55
Relating to: finance charges for certain motor vehicle title and payday loans.
Representatives Schneider, Ziegelbauer, Kessler, Richards, Vruwink, Gunderson and Roys; cosponsored by Senator A. Lasee
To committee on Financial Institutions
Assembly Bill 56
Relating to: advertising for prescription drugs.
Representatives Sherman, Berceau, Black, Hubler, Kerkman, A. Williams, Pope-Roberts, Smith, Soletski and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Erpenbach, Lehman and Wirch.
To committee on Public Health.
Assembly Bill 57
Relating to: permitting a mother to breast-feed in any public or private location where she is otherwise authorized to be.
Representatives Pasch, Roys, Parisi, Sinicki, Benedict, Black, Berceau, Ballweg, Cullen, Hintz, Hebl, Hilgenberg, Mason, Molepske Jr., Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Toles, Townsend, Vruwink and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Erpenbach, Wirch, Darling, Schultz, Cowles, Sullivan and Lehman.
To committee on Public Health.
Assembly Bill 58
Relating to: the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, as approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Representatives Cullen, Fields, Stone, Davis, Smith, Zepnick, Turner, Berceau, A. Ott, Kaufert, Kestell, Benedict, Townsend and Shilling; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Lehman, Cowles, Plale, Lassa, Miller, Robson, Taylor and Wirch.
To committee on Financial Institutions
Assembly Bill 59
Relating to: passing parked motor vehicles and opening motor vehicle doors on highways and providing a penalty.
Representatives Black, Sherman, Mason, Berceau, Pope-Roberts, Pocan, Zepnick, A. Williams and Ballweg; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Miller, Lehman and Hansen.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 60
Relating to: payment of judgments in traffic courts and municipal courts by installments and the suspension of operating privileges.
Representatives Grigsby, Kessler, Berceau, Colon, Fields, Mason, Roys, Sinicki, Toles, Turner, A. Williams, Young and A. Ott; cosponsored by Senators Taylor, Lehman and Plale.
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 61
Relating to: motor vehicle operating privilege suspensions for controlled substance violations.
Representatives Grigsby, Kessler, Berceau, Colon, Fields, Mason, Roys, Sinicki, Toles, Turner, A. Williams, Young and A. Ott; cosponsored by Senators Taylor, Grothman, Lehman, Plale and Erpenbach.
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 62
Relating to: the prosecution and venue for trial of certain offenses by certain state residents.
Representatives Kessler, Soletski, Hubler, Cullen, Hilgenberg, Black, Berceau, Benedict, Danou, Pope-Roberts, Hixson and Parisi; cosponsored by Senators Sullivan, Risser and Lehman.
To committee on Judiciary and Ethics
Assembly Bill 63
Relating to: the scope of regulated activity under the campaign finance law.
Representatives Dexter, Hebl, Cullen, Zigmunt, Sherman, Barca, Hintz, Black, Hilgenberg, Mason, Toles, Hixson, Pope-Roberts, Pocan and Kaufert; cosponsored by Senators Erpenbach, Kreitlow, Ellis, Vinehout, Hansen, Risser, Lehman, Holperin, Harsdorf, Carpenter, Cowles and Robson.
To committee on Elections and Campaign Reform
Assembly Bill 64
Relating to: employer monitoring of employee electronic mail usage.
To committee on Personal Privacy
Assembly Bill 65
Relating to: public financing of campaigns for the office of justice of the supreme court, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
Representatives Hintz, Hilgenberg, Smith, Garthwaite, Benedict, Roys, Hebl, Staskunas, Turner, Parisi, Cullen, Jorgensen, Richards, Zepnick, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Clark, Shilling, Hubler, Black, Berceau, Grigsby, Molepske Jr. and Kessler; cosponsored by Senators Kreitlow, Taylor, Lehman, Erpenbach, Miller, Risser, Lassa, Hansen, Wirch, Vinehout, Schultz and Sullivan.
To committee on Elections and Campaign Reform
Relating to: pricing of retail sales of alcohol beverages.
Representatives Zepnick, Berceau, A. Williams and A. Ott.
To committee on Urban and Local Affairs
Assembly Bill 67
Relating to: alcohol beverages operators' licenses, managers' licenses, and retail licenses, and persons responsible for the operation of certain retail licensed premises.