14. Page 120, line 14: delete "insert" and substitute "and substitute".
****Note: Corrects form of expression of item 544. of conference amendment 1.
15. Page 126, line 10: delete lines 10 and 11.
****Note: Item 550. of conference amendment 1 deletes the creation of s. 77.51 (12m) (b) 9. from senate substitute amendment 1, rendering the material deleted here, which proposes to repeal that statute, a nullity.
16. Page 126, line 18: delete lines 18 and 19.
****Note: Item 552. of conference amendment 1 deletes the creation of s. 77.51 (15b) (b) 9. from senate substitute amendment 1, rendering the material deleted here, which proposes to repeal that statute, a nullity.
17. Page 144, line 4: delete "demolition, or" and substitute "or demolition, or".
18. Page 219, line 15: delete "$47,346,000" and substitute "$47,346,000)".
19. Page 223, line 17: delete "(5x)" and substitute "(5k)".
20. Page 233, line 7: delete "line 25" and substitute "line 24".
21. Page 246, line 24: delete "(2m)" and substitute "(2m),".
22. Page 249, line 22: delete that line.
****Note: Deletes item 1038. of conference amendment 1 because that item adds to an effective date provision a reference to a nonexistent treatment.
23. Page 251, line 22: delete "takes" and substitute "take".
24. Page 253, line 5: delete the material beginning with "77.51" and ending with "(15b) (b) 9." on line 6 and substitute "77.54 (55)".
****Note: This item and items 25. , 26. , and 28. below give effect to items 1066., 1067., and 1068. of conference amendment 1, by applying, to the subsection (1j) that item 1065. of conference amendment 1 substituted for subsection (1m) of Section 9441 of senate substitute amendment 1, the changes that those items would have made to that subsection (1m).
25. Page 253, line 6: delete the material beginning with "October" and ending with "2009," on line 7 and substitute "September 1, 2009.".
26. Page 253, line 7: delete the material beginning with "or on" and ending with "later." on line 8.
27. Page 253, line 9: delete the material beginning with "77.51" and ending with "9.," on line 10.
****Note: Removes the repeal of s. 77.51 (12m) (b) 9. and (15b) (b) 9. from an effective date provision because those repeals are deleted by items 15. and 16. above.
28. Page 253, line 13: delete lines 13 to 17.
Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 75
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 1, line 1: on that line and thereafter, the bill SECTION numbers and the nonstatutory subsection numbers under each nonstatutory section have been modified, as necessary, so that the bill SECTIONS and statutory subsection numbers appear in ascending alpha-numeric order; all of those changes are shown in the Legislative Reference Bureau drafting record.
2. Page 580, line 23: delete "1." and substitute "(a)".
3. Page 580, line 24: delete "2." and substitute "(b)".
4. Page 580, line 25: delete "3." and substitute "(c)".
5. Page 1885, line 9: delete "section" and substitute "SECTION".
Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Assembly Bill 75
Presented to the Governor on Monday, June 29.
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
Executive Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
June 29, 2009
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bill, originating in the Assembly, has been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
AB 75 (in part)28June 29, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
JIM Doyle
A298 Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Bill Number Act Number Publication Date
AB 75 (in part)28June 29, 2009
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
Governor's Veto Message
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
June 29, 2009
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
I have approved Assembly Bill 75 as 2009 Wisconsin Act 28 and deposited it in the Office of the Secretary of State.
In the face of the worst global and national economic conditions in generations, Wisconsin, like most other states, faced the largest deficit in state history – $6.6 billion – and, despite this challenge, the Legislature finished the budget on time. Today, for the first time since 1977, the budget will be enacted before the start of the new biennium. I hope that future legislatures will continue to meet this deadline.
This budget reflects difficult decisions. State spending is cut by over $3 billion, the largest cut in state history. All state programs, with very few exceptions, will be cut at least 1 percent from base. Many programs will be cut by an additional 5 percent or more. State employees will be making dramatic sacrifices – 8 furlough days per year, no pay increases, layoffs, and increased contributions to retirement and fringe benefits. The economic conditions facing our state are not the fault of state workers or Wisconsin citizens. Unfortunately, we must now all make sacrifices due to reckless behavior on Wall Street and in real estate markets.
Smaller reductions in key programs such as school aid and shared revenue were made possible through much deeper cuts in other areas. I worked with President Obama and Congressman Dave Obey to shape the federal recovery legislation that delivered over $2 billion to protect Wisconsin's schools, property taxpayers and health care programs. Finally, after making deep cuts and securing federal stabilization funds, targeted revenue measures were necessary to keep the global economic crisis from damaging Wisconsin's future economic growth.
This budget protects the middle class. Despite two consecutive years of falling tax collections, there is no sales tax increase. There is no across-the-board income tax increase. The top 1 percent of taxpayers have been asked to pay 1 percent more on income above $300,000. Wisconsin's generous capital gains exemption will be trimmed back but still remain one of the most favorable in the nation. Collection measures are being enhanced and corporate tax deductions clarified to ensure fairness. Property taxes will be held in check by maintaining tight limits on municipal and school district levies and increasing the first dollar credit on property tax bills. Public health is improved through a 75 cent increase in state tobacco taxes in conjunction with the recently enacted statewide smoking ban.
As a result of 2009 Wisconsin Acts 2 and 11, which I signed earlier this year, along with provisions in this budget, business taxes will be cut by over $130 million during the next four years. Research and development, job creation, and new business venture investments are given a boost through new tax credits. New jobs are created immediately through an $823 million increase in state transportation spending from state resources and federal recovery funding. Future economic opportunity is fostered through investments in the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, along with support for cutting edge research on personalized medicine and genomics and bonding to support UW-Milwaukee's efforts to build its research capacity. Additional state bonding is also authorized to help keep Wisconsin on-track for federal support to expand passenger rail service from Milwaukee to Madison and beyond.
Our future lies in our children and their education. Despite deep spending cuts in many programs, this budget preserves funding for small class sizes, increases support for schools with high proportions of children in poverty and delivers more resources to rural schools. Access to higher education is enhanced through $20 million more for financial aid, including holding the line on tuition increases for families making less than $60,000 per year, and commitment of $25 million for the Wisconsin Covenant. Through greater operational efficiencies and prioritization, the University of Wisconsin System will manage its share of cuts to state government and maintain modest tuition increases.
The global recession has made access to health care all the more critical for Wisconsin families. This budget preserves the health care safety net by maintaining eligibility and health care benefits provided to the state's most vulnerable citizens under the Medicaid, BadgerCare and SeniorCare programs.
A299 Health care access and costs continue to be a major issue for Wisconsin families and businesses. This budget addresses those health care concerns by identifying new sources of federal revenue to support program expansions covering uninsured children and low-income families and adults, thereby ensuring that 98 percent of Wisconsin citizens will now have access to affordable, high-quality care. However, the sizeable budget deficit will require significant reductions in state health care expenditures. Over the next two years, the Department of Health Services will be implementing initiatives to improve efficiency and quality, reduce unnecessary Medicaid expenditures and limit costs in order to save almost $200 million GPR. These reductions, while difficult, are necessary to ensure the long-term financial viability of these essential programs.
Effective local services are critical to Wisconsin citizens. This budget establishes a new police and fire protection fee to help maintain local law enforcement and emergency response efforts. Reductions to shared revenue are limited to 3.5 percent through use of federal recovery funding.
One of the critical issues facing local government and regional economic development is effective transit systems. My budget recommendations to the Legislature included a comprehensive series of proposals to move forward on regional transit authorities. Those proposals were based on discussion and dialogue by local government officials, business leaders and interested parties.
What I heard and what I have learned about successful regional transit systems in other parts of the country is that it is important to focus efforts and resources solely on transit throughout an economic region. While the Legislature did not adopt all of my recommendations, I commend several of the steps it took. New regional transit authorities were created in the Chippewa Valley, Chequamegon Bay region, Dane County and Southeast Region. My vetoes will improve on those efforts.
Unfortunately, the Legislature chose not to include a transit authority in the Fox Valley, even though government and business leaders in that area have worked cooperatively for many years to create a regional structure to support transit with an eye toward efficient use of taxpayer resources. The Fox Valley deserves to have a regional transit authority.
Economic growth in southeastern Wisconsin, the most populous region of the state, would be enhanced through regional transit efforts. People travel throughout the region to work, seek employment and conduct business. Regional cooperation would enhance and improve those economic development activities.
I recognize that the Legislature's proposal for a Milwaukee Transit Authority and a Southeastern Regional Transit Authority is an attempt to move forward on this issue and while I could have signed these provisions, I believe they would move us in the wrong direction. We must commit from the very beginning to a vision of real regional transit. New revenues must be focused on regional transit, not immediate local transit funding needs. Transit planning and operations must reach across county boundaries in southeastern Wisconsin.
My vetoes remove the Milwaukee Transit Authority but retain the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority and the $18 vehicle rental fee. This will at least allow important engineering studies for the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee rapid rail system to move to the next step in the federal New Starts process. However, I strongly urge the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority to avoid full implementation of the new vehicle rental fee. I also respectfully request the Legislature to build on the positive steps it took in this budget on regional transit. Further efforts and legislation are needed as soon as possible to continue to make progress toward a truly regional transit system in support of economic growth.
Smart and effective use of taxpayer investments in public safety have become a priority in many states, including Wisconsin. This budget represents a carefully measured first step toward comprehensive sentencing reform in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is not alone in passing sentencing reform this budget cycle, but it is important to note that this budget invests resources to ensure the reforms enacted will maintain public safety by ensuring that the most violent offenders are held accountable while low-risk offenders are offered opportunities for rehabilitation and a chance to resume productive lives in the community.
Not only does this budget enact sentencing reform, but it also strives to make the sentencing process more efficient and streamlined while still maintaining public safety. In the past year, the Council of State Governments' Justice Reinvestment Initiative has been working in Wisconsin to determine what drives growth in our prison population and identify the steps necessary to reduce recidivism and break the cycles of crime and violence. Recommendations have been adopted by the Legislative Council Special Committee on Justice Reinvestment Initiative Oversight. Some of those recommendations are included in this budget and build on the proposals I made in February. My administration will continue to work with the Legislature and the Justice Reinvestment Initiative to identify further reforms that positively impact public safety. As part of these efforts, I urge the Legislature to carefully review the risk reduction measures included in this budget to better address responsible sentence adjustment for nonviolent offenders.
The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will address some of the key issues facing the citizens of Wisconsin:
K-12 Education
Provides $237 million in federal stabilization funds for general equalization aid and $390 million over the biennium under federal Title 1 (No Child Left Behind) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), which will protect districts from significant cuts to staff and programming. As a result, school districts will actually receive a $107 million increase in state and federal funding compared with the previous biennium.
Repeals the Qualified Economic Offer to create equity between teachers and other public employees in collective bargaining, increases the allowable length of teacher contracts to four years, and authorizes the creation of bargaining units consisting of school district employees from multiple districts.
Creates new requirements for private schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program to significantly strengthen program accountability and the quality of schools participating in the program. Among these provisions are requirements on schools to employ teachers with bachelor's degrees, adopt academic standards and schedule the same number of hours of instruction as in public schools.
A300 Increases high-poverty aid by $13.4 million over the biennium to reduce the property tax burden in high-poverty school districts where at least 50 percent of pupils qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Increases sparsity aid by $11.3 million and increases the per pupil aid amount to $300. This program provides additional aid to low enrollment, rural school districts where offering a high-quality curriculum poses greater fiscal challenges.
Creates a new revenue limit increase beginning in the 2009-10 school year for school district spending on energy efficiency measures and renewable energy products that result in cost savings, and additional revenue limit increases for school safety, transportation and nursing costs beginning in the 2011-12 school year.
Higher Education