The Senate Stood for the prayer which was offered by United Methodist Pastor and former State Representative Harvey Stower, who is also currently in his sixth term as the mayor of Amery. He spent eight years in the Wisconsin State Legislature representing the 28th Assembly District between 1982 and 1992. In addition, he serves on the Wisconsin Land & Water Conservation Board, and the Boards of the Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives, the Western Wisconsin Intergovernmental Collaborative, Wisconsin Church and Society-the United Methodist Church, and Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association. Mr. Stower has also been the recipient of the 2001 Award for Excellence from the Robert Gard Wisconsin Idea Foundation, and numerous awards for his work on issues regarding human services, environmental protections, the arts, and veterans programs.
"Although you are known by many names by many people, may your spirit; the spirit of love, justice, and mercy be present here today and throughout this senate session. We gather with a cloud of witnesses, the memory of so many who have made this very room their workplace for the people of Wisconsin.
Knowles, Nelson, Hollander, Krueger, Plewa and more; who could combine principle with civility. We ask your blessing upon all the senators here, all have taken noble risks to be on a ballot. And remind them daily, that this fine addiction that we have of politics and that we enjoy is a hard won legacy for many of those in our history that have fought for our freedom and our human rights. That is a legacy we need to be reminded of.
Remind us, that it is not that we play for keeps, but for being our brothers and sisters keeper. That we are here to serve and not to be served, and that we are judged finally by how we treat the least of the brothers and sisters among us. We give thanks for this most beautiful office building in the state, and for all those who make up the community of the capitol; for staffers and police, custodians, the media, press, pages, constituents, and lobbyists all. We give you thanks.
And finally, bless our families and loved ones that put up with the political life and grant us grace to tell them often that we love them. Amen."
The Colors were presented by the VFW Day Post 7591 Color Guard Unit of Madison, WI.
The National Anthem was performed by the Trumpet Ensemble from Antigo High School in the 12th Senate District, directed by Jeff Dewey.
The Senate remained standing and Senator Carpenter led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
State of Wisconsin
Government Accountability Board
December 4, 2008
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the official canvass of the November 4, 2008 General Election vote for state senator along with the determination by the designee of the Chairperson of the Government Accountability Board of the winners.
With this letter, I am delivering the Certificates of Election for the winners to you for distribution.
If the Government Accountability Board can provide you with further information or assistance, please contact our office.
Kevin J. Kennedy
Director and General Counsel
Statement of Canvass
State Senator
GENERAL ELECTION, November 4, 2008
I, William Eich, designee of the Chairperson of the Government Accountability Board, certify that the attached tabular statements, as compiled from the certified returns made to the Government Accountability Board by the county clerks of the several counties of the state, contain a correct abstract of the total number of votes given, including a recount in the 18th State Senate District, for the election of candidates for State Senator, at a General Election held in the several towns, wards, villages and election districts in said counties on the Fourth day of November, 2008.
I DO, THEREFORE, DETERMINE AND CERTIFY that the following candidates, having each received the greatest number of votes in their respective senatorial districts, are duly elected State Senator:
Senate District Elected
S2 2nd District Robert L. Cowles
4th District Lena C. Taylor
6th District Spencer Coggs
8th District Alberta Darling
10th District Sheila Harsdorf
12th District Jim Holperin
14th District Luther S. Olsen
16th District Mark Miller
18th District Randy Hopper
20th District Glenn Grothman
22nd District Robert W. Wirch
24th District Julie M. Lassa
26th District Fred A. Risser
28th District Mary Lazich
30th District Dave Hansen
32nd District Dan Kapanke
Done in the City of Madison, this 1st day of December, 2008.
william eich
Designee of the Chairperson
Government Accountability Board
Remarks of Majority Leader Decker
"Welcome to the opening of the 99th session of the Wisconsin State Senate.
Each session of the Wisconsin State Legislature brings new faces and over time, we have seen a long cast of characters.
And we are lucky enough to have two real characters from our past here today. Please welcome Judge Lynn Adelman and Pastor and former Representative Harvey Stower.
Our state is a better place thanks to their service and we are honored to have them here today.
In the last election, Wisconsin voters embraced change and history when they supported a charismatic man whose father was from Kenya, his mother was from Kansas and he was raised by his grandparents in Hawaii. That man is President-elect Barack Obama.
The voters said they want change. They want a new direction to deal with the problems we face today.
We need to think. We need to be creative. We need to change.
That is how we will move Wisconsin forward.
So welcome to a new year and a new session."
In the Chair
Pursuant to Senate Rule 2 (1), Senate President Pro Tempore Carpenter in the chair.
With unanimous consent, the party leaders introduced their respective members as they came before the bar to be sworn in.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Cowles
"Senator Cowles was first elected to the State Senate in an April, 1987 special election and has been re-elected every four years since. Prior to his election to the Senate, Rob served in the State Assembly from 1983-1987.
Senator Cowles has gained a reputation for being a vigilant watchdog against higher state spending. Rob has been an outspoken opponent of irresponsible state budgeting that has led to the poor fiscal conditions in which we now find our state.
As a past and current member of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Senator Cowles routinely request audits on state programs in an effort to find efficiencies and save taxpayer dollars. Audits of state programs conducted at Rob's request, such as the state's Information Technology projects and car fleet, have resulted in tens of millions of dollars in savings to taxpayers.
Senator Cowles is also known as a strong defender of our environment. Balancing sound environmental protection with the need to create and maintain quality jobs in our state, the Senator has guided responsible environmental and business policy for Wisconsin. Rob is particularly proud of his work with a bipartisan group of legislators to ensure passage of the Great Lakes Compact in the last session, as well as his work on a comprehensive energy efficiency and renewable energy bill that was designed to provide long-term economic and environmental benefits to the state."
Senator Decker Introduced Senator Taylor
"The Senator from the 4th is entering her second term in the State Senate. She has come to our house after serving a term in the Assembly.
The 4th District stretches from Milwaukee's Riverwest community to the Northwest corner of the city and also includes wards in Glendale and Wauwatosa. This diverse and dynamic district is an invigorated, redeveloping and integrating community and includes some the great sections of old Milwaukee, like the Rufus King Neighborhood, where this Senator hails from.
Her district has elected to return a leader in the matters of justice. This senator serves in distinction for her work on the justice system and the rights of all people. She is a passionate voice for the people of her district and her community.
Senator Taylor is joined by her son Isaiah, and her parents, Wilbert and Lena J Taylor. Please stand and be recognized.
Ladies and gentlemen, Senator Lena C Taylor."
Senator Decker Introduced Senator Coggs
"The Senator from the 6th is beginning his 3rd term in the state Senate and his 26th year of service as a Wisconsin Legislator. He has previously served as a City of Milwaukee Health Inspector and Chief Steward of AFSCME Local 1091.
He is best known for his work on health care issues through enactment of his lead poisoning prevention programs that have saved the lives of countless Wisconsin children, and as Chairman of the Board of Milwaukee Health Services, Incorporated. He is also known for his work on criminal justice issues through his service as Chairman of the Governor's Commission on Reducing Racial Disparities in Wisconsin's Criminal Justice System.
He is a lifelong resident of the city of Milwaukee, having earned degrees from Riverside University High School, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He and his wife Gershia are the proud parents of two children, Kijana Coggs and Mariama Coggs-Linares.
Joining Senator Coggs today is his wife Gershia. Please stand and be recognized.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Spencer Coggs."
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Darling
"Senator Alberta Darling was elected to the State Senate in 1992 after previously serving in the State Assembly. The 8th Senate District includes portions of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington and Ozaukee Counties.
A former teacher, Senator Darling entered public service with a commitment to protecting, educating and improving the lives of children. She has been a champion for reform efforts that expand educational opportunities for Wisconsin students and has authored landmark legislation for protecting children and families, including the Sexual Predator Law, the Sex Offender Registry and the Internet Predator Law.
S3 Senator Darling is a member and former co-chair of the Joint Committee on Finance and has served on a variety of committees, including Health, Education and Economic Development.
Senator Darling has been married to Dr. William Darling for over 40 years. They are the parents of two children, Liza and Will, and proud grandparents of grandson Charlie and Granddaughter Andie.
Joining Senator Darling today is her husband, Dr. Bill Darling."
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Hardorf
"Senator Sheila Harsdorf is beginning her third term representing the 10th Senate District. She will be the longest serving senator from that district since former Governor Robert Knowles.
Senator Harsdorf's roots are in dairy farming. Her parents, Ervin and Eloise, brought the Harsdorf Family to western Wisconsin to make a better life in farming nearly four decades ago.
Seeing how our everyday lives are affected by public policy, particularly the lives of those working on farms, Senator Harsdorf got involved in public service. She was first elected to the State Assembly in 1988, serving 10 years there before being elected to the State Senate in 2000.
Today, Senator Harsdorf and her teenage son, Ryan, live in River Falls Township. Senator Harsdorf is an important leader on agricultural and higher education issues. Senator Harsdorf is also a strong advocate for western Wisconsin, leading the way on the Crackdown on Meth Act.
Joining Senator Harsdorf today is her son, Ryan Bailey, along with Naomi Magner, Casie Kelley, and Jan Jablonski who provided instrumental help with her re-election."
Senator Decker Introduced Senator Holperin
"The Senator from the 12th District is starting his first term in the Senate today, but he is not new to the State Capitol. Many of you know that he previously represented one of the Assembly Districts of this senate seat. But this is not Jim's first leg of legislative service in the Senate. He was appointed Assistant Chief Clerk of the State Senate in 1977.
Now he is representing the largest geographical Senate district, and Jim knows it well. He was born and raised in the district and has continued to live in the area through stints as the State Tourism Secretary and as Executive Director of Trees for Tomorrow.
Jim and his wife Kathy have two sons, Christopher and Andrew. The Holperins also own and operate Grandma's Toy Box, a retail toy store in downtown Eagle River.
Jim is joined today by his wife, Cathy, his nephew, Dan, and his many friends and supporters who made the long drive from the northwoods to be here with him.
Please help me welcome Jim back to the State Capitol. Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Jim Holperin."
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Olsen
"Senator Luther Olsen was first elected to the State Senate in 2004 after serving in the State Assembly for 10 years. He was born in Berlin, WI, graduated from Berlin High School, and has been a lifelong resident of the 14th Senate District.
Senator Olsen has been a leader in education. He served on the Berlin School Board for 20 years, 9 of them as President, and spent more than a decade chairing the Assembly and Senate Education Committees. Senator Olsen has been at the forefront of Virtual Education and is a member of numerous national boards having recently served as Vice-Chair of the Education Commission of the States.
Senator Olsen also serves as a member of the Wisconsin Education Communications Board and the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board. In addition, he is on the Board of Directors of Manitowoc Mutual and serves as a finance committee member of the Wisconsin Hospital Clinics and Authority Board.
Senator Olsen is probably best known for the Graduated Driver's License legislation he authored a law aimed at improving the way teenagers learn to drive.
Joining Senator Olsen today are his wife Joan and his stepdaughter Mykayla."
Senator Decker Introduced Senator Miller