Sauk Ho Chunk Nation $27,408
Sawyer Lac CourteOreilles
Chippewa $69,437
Shawano Ho Chunk Nation $17,040
Shawano Stockbridge-Munsee
Mochican $45,251
Vilas Lac de Flambeau
Chippewa $57,726
Wood Ho Chunk Nation $20,053
TOTAL $701,300
The Department of Justice's County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Program continues to help local law enforcement provide needed services in Native American communities. In addition, this program helps build a cooperative atmosphere and positive relationship between law enforcement and tribal governments and communities. I am pleased to share information regarding this important program with you.
j.b. Van hollen
Attorney General
State of Wisconsin
Department of Corrections
December 22, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As required by s. 301.03(10)(g), Wis. Stats., I am sending you a report on youth waived into adult court in Wisconsin. The statutory provision is as follows:
Keep statistics, by race, age and gender, of the number of juveniles over whom the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 49 and 938 waives its jurisdiction under s.938.18 as well as the nature of the waiver that was ordered and annually report those statistics to the governor, and to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172(3).
The Department of Corrections (DOC) is grateful for the assistance of the Office of State Court in compiling the requested statistics. Since Wisconsin courts do not report any information directly to DOC on juvenile adjudications or adult convictions, the Department cannot fulfill the statutory mandate without the help of the Office of State Courts. The Wisconsin Consolidated Court Automation Programs staff and CIO Jean Bousquet produced the data on individual waiver cases that we used to compile the statistics on the following pages.
Please note several considerations in reviewing the waiver data:
Race: The Office of State Courts did not supply DOC with data on race of waived youth. Unfortunately, local clerks of court do not submit race data in the majority of cases they post in the CCAP database. Thus, the Office of State Courts did not provide DOC with race information because of the significant amount of missing data.
Age: The Office of State Courts supplied DOC with each waived youth's birth date and the date on which her/his case was waived to adult court. We calculated each youth's age on the date of waiver, rounding it to the nearest whole number, for the report. You will note that some persons are waived at older ages, generally as the result of absconding during a juvenile prosecution, being apprehended months or years later, and being waived to adult court due to their age and circumstances.
Sex: The data on gender was reported by local courts in over 95% of cases entered into CCAP.
The Office of State Courts has provided the Department with annual data for years 2000-2008 inclusive. Data Tables for each year are attached. We are working with the Office to determine the method and schedule by which future reports will be reduced.
Rick raemisch
Referred to committee on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and Housing.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
December 22, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 565.45, Wisconsin Statutes, requires the Department of Revenue to submit a biennial report to the legislature regarding the "effect on the operation of the lottery not exceed 10% of gross lottery revenues unless approved by the Joint Committee on Finance under s. 13.10.
As indicated in the enclosed chart, total administrative expenditures remain well below the 10% limitation imposed by Section 25.75(3)(b).
roger m. ervin
S466 National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Wisconsin Chapter
December 23, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Wisconsin Chapter is pleased to submit the attached report to the Governor and State Legislature, pursuant to Wisconsin Act 71.10(5m), "Multiple Sclerosis Programs Check-off." The report reflects the disbursements made from January 1, 2009-December 31, 2009. Disbursements made in 2010, will be reported prior to January, 2011, and thereafter annually, as promulgated in Wisconsin Act 71.
In December 2005, Governor Jim Doyle and members of the State Legislature created Wisconsin ACT 71 to assist those who live with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Wisconsin. This law established a voluntary income tax check-off on Wisconsin State income tax forms for 2006 and beyond to fund health-related programs and services for people with MS in Wisconsin. Under Wisconsin Act 71, Provision 71.10(5m)(L), the National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Wisconsin Chapter was directed to file a report prior to January 1, 2010, that "details the entities to which the society distributed funds under paragraph (k), the amount of money each entity received, and the health-related multiple sclerosis programs on which the money was spent."
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Wisconsin Chapter is proud to partner with the Governor, State Legislature, Wisconsin taxpayers, and entities in moving forward to provide vital programs and services to people living with MS in Wisconsin.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
kim kinner, m.a.
Senior Director, Community Outreach & Education
Referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
Medical College of Wisconsin
December 28, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Enclosed, please find the Medical College of Wisconsin's (MCW) annual report for the Breast Cancer Research Program funded through the income tax check-off created by 2003 Wisconsin Act 176. The document represents the annual report highlighting the fiscal reporting period of July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please contact me at 955-456-8217.
kathryn a. kuhn
Associate Vice President of Government Affairs
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health Services
December 28, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Enclosed is the Department of Health Services' (DHS) 2008 Annual Report on Substance Abuse Programs. This report was prepared in accordance with s. 51.45(4)(p), Wis. Stats., which requires the Department to submit to you an annual report on the treatment of substance abuse.
The report describes substance abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment programs administered by the Department's Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Substance abuse is a significant challenge for individuals, families, and communities across Wisconsin and the Department is making great strides in addressing substance abuse problems. Following are a few highlights of the successes in 2008:
Wisconsin Epidemiological Profile on Alcohol and Other Drug Use
DHS Health Integration Initiative Joint Statement
The Department's continued receipt of federal grants to enhance the state's service capacity and improved the quality of services.
We are proud of our achievements, but more work is needed. We will continue to explore ways to build partnerships and support effective substance abuse programs to reach our goal of Wisconsin becoming the nation's healthiest state, and a place where our citizens can grow up safe, healthy, and successful.
karen e. timberlake
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health Services
December 28, 2009
The Honorable, The Legislature:
I am pleased to submit to the Legislature the enclosed report as required by Chapter 256.08 (1), Wisconsin Statutes. The report describes "priorities for changes in the state emergency medical services system." This report was produced in cooperation with the emergency medical services board and many Emergency Medical Services (EMS) stakeholders.
karen e. timberlake
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration