Passage as amended.
Ayes, 4 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 1 - Senator
Senate Bill 604
Relating to: defining political subdivision of a state for purposes of the Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Kreitlow, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Kreitlow, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 618
Relating to: raffles.
Ayes, 5 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Kreitlow, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 622
Relating to: the number of raffles permitted in a year.
5 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Kreitlow, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 648
Relating to: the appointment of members of the governing body of a political subdivision to a transit authority board of directors.
Ayes, 5 - Senators
Risser, Robson, Kreitlow, Ellis and A. Lasee.
Noes, 0 - None.
Fred Risser
The joint committee on Finance reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 304
Relating to: the veterans tuition reimbursement program.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 307
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates associated with the Lions Clubs of Wisconsin and making an appropriation.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 456
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates supporting motorcycle safety and making appropriations.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction of Senate Amendment 2.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 2.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 15 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 625
Relating to: streamlined sales and use tax agreement changes.
Ayes, 11 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson and Lassa.
Representatives Pocan, Mason, Shilling, Sherman and Grigsby.
Noes, 4 - Senators
Darling and Olsen.
Representatives Vos and Montgomery.
Senate Bill 640
Relating to: various changes in election laws, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
Introduction of Senate Substitute Amendment 2.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 9 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen.
Representatives Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 5 - Senator
Taylor. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman and Grigsby.
Introduction of Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction of Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 14 - Senators
Miller, Hansen, Taylor, Lehman, Robson, Lassa, Darling and Olsen. Representatives Pocan, Shilling, Sherman, Grigsby, Vos and Montgomery.