Wayne French, (date of birth August 3, 1963) convicted on or about January 28, 1983, of Party to Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Waukesha County, for selling a half ounce of marijuana, and sentenced to two years prison, thirty days in jail, and two years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. French was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the offense, the length of time since, and valid job concerns in advancing in the trucking industry.
Vickie Harris, (date of birth December 23, 1962) convicted on or about December 13, 1990, of Failure to Report Receipt of Income in Milwaukee County, for failing to report additional income while she was on welfare, and sentenced to three years in prison, three years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 7-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Harris was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, valid job concerns, the non-violent nature of the offense, and the length of time since the crime.
David Klingenmeyer, (date of birth November 22, 1958) convicted on or about February 18, 1981, of Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver in Rock County, for selling marijuana to friends, and sentenced to two years probation and forty hours of community service. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Klingenmeyer was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on his contributions to his community and church, lack of other criminal justice system contacts and the length of time since the crime occurred.
Robert Kriz, (date of birth May 12, 1961) convicted on or about May 30, 1980, of Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Winnebago County, for selling cocaine, and sentenced to thirty days jail and two years probation, and on September 8, 1986 of Possession with Intent to Deliver THC in Winnebago County, for selling marijuana, and sentenced to thirty months in prison. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Kriz was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, his desire to obtain employment with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, the support from members of his community, and the support of both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction.
Edward Montgomery, Jr., (date of birth October 5, 1953) convicted on or about February 3, 1978, of Theft in Milwaukee County, for taking deposits from his place of employment, and sentenced to ten years in prison, four years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Montgomery was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on based on his positive adjustment, a lack of other criminal justice system offenses, and the length of time since the offense.
David Osterling, (date of birth June 7, 1975) convicted on or about December 8, 1997, of Two Counts of Delivery of THC in Winnebago County, for selling marijuana to a friend on three occasions, and sentenced to thirty days in jail for each count, eighteen months probation for each count, and to pay a fine. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Osterling was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on based on based on his positive adjustment, a lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the crime, and valid job concerns. Mr. Osterling cannot accept a specific promotion with his employer without a pardon.
S882 Alejandro Vargas, (date of birth January 2, 1979) convicted on or about October 12, 1999, of Forgery- Writings or Objects (Party to a Crime) in Milwaukee County, for stealing a credit card and receiving items purchased from the credit card, and sentenced to one year in the House of Corrections, two years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Vargas was granted a pardon on January 14, 2008, based on based on his positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the crime, no past criminal record, valid job concerns, and extensive personal growth and development. Mr. Vargas seeks to work in the information securities systems and cannot do so without a pardon.
Christine Alloy, (date of birth September 5, 1969) convicted on or about August 16, 1990, of Delivery of THC in Marinette County, for selling to quarter ounce bags of marijuana to an informant, and sentenced to forty-five days in jail, eighteen months probation, and to pay a fine. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Alloy was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, extensive personal growth and development, and the support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Ms. Alloy cannot acquire a teaching position without a pardon.
Tiffany Austin, (date of birth October 18, 1971) convicted on or about January 16, 1996, of Failure to Report Receipt of Income and Food Stamp Fraud in Milwaukee County, for failing to report her employment to her caseworker, and sentenced to five years in prison for each county (served concurrent), six months in the House of Corrections, three years probation for each county (served concurrent), and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-1. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Austin was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, lack of criminal justice contacts and the non-violent nature of the crime.
Leroy Baldwin, (date of birth October 4, 1964) convicted on or about June 1, 1983, of Party to a Crime- Theft in Richland County, for stealing and selling seven cows, and sentenced to four years probation and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Baldwin was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, the non-violent nature of the offense, length of time since the offense, and support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Mr. Baldwin has obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Social work and is currently working on his Master's in Business Administration.
Reginald Birt, (date of birth September 2, 1969) convicted on or about September 23, 1992, of Delivery of a Controlled Substance- Cocaine in Milwaukee County, for selling cocaine to an undercover officer on two occasions, and sentenced to four years prison, one year in the House of Corrections, four years probation, one hundred hours of community service, to pay a fine, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Birt was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, length of time since the crime was committed and the recommendation of the Judge in the county of conviction.
Kelli Court, (date of birth March 17, 1967) convicted on or about October 9, 1991, of Party to a Crime of Felony Theft in Shawano County, for selling part of her property to a neighbor which was part of a federal land bank, and sentenced to pay a fine and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Court was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the offense, length of time since the offense, and no past record.
Gary Domaika, (date of birth November 7, 1969) convicted on or about July 25, 1988, of Burglary in Oneida County, for stealing items from Nicolet College, and sentenced to eight days in jail, two years probation, to pay restitution, and 100 hours of community service. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Domaika was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment and substantial need to re-enlist in the Army National Guard but cannot do so without a pardon.
Christopher Hackbarth, (date of birth August 6, 1974) convicted on or about April 6, 1995, of Burglary in Milwaukee County, for taking an envelope with $1,000 cash from his employer's home, and sentenced to three years prison (stayed), forty-five days in the House of Corrections, three years probation, and one 120 hours of community service. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-1. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Domaika was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment and extensive personal growth and development. Mr. Hackbarth obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and a master's Degree in Business Administration, and would like to pursue a career in these fields, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Donald Landsverk, (date of birth June 1, 1934) convicted on or about July 29, 1950, of seven counts of Breaking and Entering and Operating a Vehicle without Owner's Consent in Brown County, for taking a car to go joy riding, and sentenced to two years in prison. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Landsverk was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on the length of time since the crime, no subsequent criminal justice system contacts, and substantial need in order to run for public office.
Belinda Lathan, (date of birth September 13, 1960) convicted on or about September 25, 1984, of Forgery- Uttering in Milwaukee County, for attempting to cash a check from her neighbor's bank account, and sentenced to eighteen months probation and eighty hours of community service. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Lathan was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, a lack of other criminal justice system contacts, extensive personal growth and development, and support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Ms. Lathan needs a pardon for her to become a notary public.
S883 Russell Mueller, (date of birth January 25, 1925) convicted on or about July 14, 1992, of Theft in Winnebago County, for stealing an antique mantel, and sentenced to two years prison (stayed), three years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Mueller was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the offense, and recommendation and support from members of his community.
Frederick Parker, (date of birth September 16, 1951) convicted on or about January 27, 1972, of Burglary in Jackson County, for breaking into a bar and stealing cigarettes and beer, and sentenced to two years prison, two years probation, and to pay a fine. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Parker was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on valid job concerns, substantial need, and length of time since to offense. Mr. Parker desires to maintain his current employment, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Elizabeth Smith, (date of birth December 20, 1968) convicted on or about June 30, 1993, of Issuance of Worthless Checks in Sheboygan County, for writing checks from her account which had no money, and sentenced to thirty-six months probation and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Smith was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on her positive adjustment, personal growth and development, substantial need, recommendation and support from members of her community, and the support of both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Ms. Smith desires to become bonded for her cleaning business, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Frank Sorano, (date of birth July 14, 1943) convicted on or about March 4, 1964, of Operating a Vehicle without Owner's Consent in Milwaukee County, for taking a friend's car to go joy riding, and sentenced to three years prison (stayed) and two years probation, and on January 9, 1965 Forgery- Uttering in Milwaukee County, for cashing a friend's check stolen from his father, and sentenced to three years in prison. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Sorano was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on the length of time since the crime, non-violent nature of the offense, substantial need, and the support of the District Attorney on the county of conviction. Mr. Sorano desires to obtain employment in the security sector, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Jason Ventura, (date of birth October 1, 1971) convicted on or about October 12, 1992, of Delivery of Marijuana in Kenosha County, for selling marijuana to an undercover agent on two occasions, and sentenced to two years probation, to pay a fine, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Ventura was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the crime, and the support from the Judge in the county of conviction.
Trevor Underhile, (date of birth December 9, 1974) convicted on or about February 23, 1994, of Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Crawford County, for selling marijuana in his home to a friend, which was less then 100 feet from a school, and sentenced to four months jail, four years probation, and to pay a fine. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Underhile was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, valid job concerns and the support of the District Attorney in the county of conviction. Mr. Underhile desires to obtain employment with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Michael Wenzel, (date of birth July 8, 1969) convicted on or about September 26, 1989, of Burglary in Eau Claire County, for breaking into a Dairy Queen and stealing money, and sentenced to ten days in jail, two years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Wenzel was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, substantial need, valid job concerns, lack of other criminal system contacts, the non-violent nature of the crime, and length of time since the offense. Mr. Wenzel has obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Health Care Administration and wishes to advance his career in the Health Care field, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Russ Wilson, (date of birth June 5, 1969) convicted on or about March 12, 1997, of Party to a Crime- Theft by Fraud in Winnebago County, for cashing a check and failing to turn over property they sold, and sentenced to one year in jail (stayed) five years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Wilson was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice contacts, substantial need, the non-violent nature of the offense, personal growth and development, and the support from the District Attorney in the county of conviction. Mr. Wilson desires to adopt children, but cannot do so without a pardon.
John Krivinchuk, (date of birth December 16, 1956) convicted on or about October 16, 1975, of Feloniously and Intentionally Have Sexual Intercourse with a Female who is Under the Age of 18 Years in Douglas County, for having sexual intercourse with a girl of 15 when he was 19, and sentenced to two years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-3. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Krivinchuk was granted a pardon on May 8, 2008, based on his positive adjustment, no prior or subsequent criminal justice system contacts other than the offense for which he seeks a pardon, recommendation and support from various members of his community, length of time since the offense, and support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction.
Jeffrey Mayou, (date of birth August 20, 1966) convicted on or about April 15, 1988, of two counts Delivery of Cocaine in Marinette County, for selling cocaine to an undercover officer on two separate occasions, and sentenced to thirty months prison for each count (served concurrent), six months jail, thirty months probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Mayou was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, the non-violent nature of the offense, recommendation from various members if his community, and the support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Mr. Mayou desires to run for Marinette County Board and cannot do so without a pardon.
S884 Jason Doro, (date of birth March 14, 1973) convicted on or about June 30, 1992, of Party to a Crime- Operating Motor Vehicle without Owner's Consent Party to a Crime, Burglary in Portage County, for taking a car on two separate occasions, and sentenced to five years probation for each count and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Doro was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, substantial need, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, support from various members of his community, support from the victim, and support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Mr. Doro has served the Wisconsin Army National Guard since 1990 and needs a pardon to obtain a security clearance.
Keith Halverson, (date of birth July 1, 1970) convicted on or about October 1, 1991, of Intentionally Transferring Moveable Property without Consent in Dunn County, for stealing a truck from an auto dealer, and sentenced to sixty days in county jail and three years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Halverson was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on valid employment concerns, no prior or subsequent criminal justice system contacts other than the offense for which he seeks a pardon for, and support from various members of his community. Mr. Halverson's employment as a truck driver in distribution requires him to enter Canada regularly and is unlikely to receive permission to enter Canada in the future without a pardon.
Dillon Beardsley, (date of birth March 9, 1973) convicted on or about January 30, 1995, of Possession of THC with Intent to Deliver (Party to a Crime) in Manitowoc County, for planning on selling marijuana, and sentenced to four months in jail, three years probation, and to pay a fine. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Beardsley was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, extensive personal growth and development, substantial need, the non-violent nature of the offense, and the support of the District Attorney in the county of conviction. Mr. Beardsley has completed his law degree and wishes to take the Florida Bar Exam and practice law, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Kenneth Bennett, (date of birth September 13, 1952) convicted on or about November 3, 1977, of Theft (Party to a Crime) in Milwaukee County, for stealing a motorcycle from a UW-Milwaukee dorm parking lot, and sentenced to four years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-1. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Bennett was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, valid job concerns, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the crime, and length of time since the crime.
Richard Coburn, (date of birth June 21, 1956) convicted on or about May 17, 1989, of Theft (Party to a Crime) in Racine County, for stealing barrels of scrap copper from his employer, and sentenced to four months in jail, three years probation, and restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended denying a pardon by a vote of 4-3. Overturning the Board's recommendation, Mr. Freeman was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, valid job concerns, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, the non-violent nature of the offense. Mr. Coburn desires to work for a guide service in Canada, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Carl Freeman, (date of birth August 29, 1958) convicted on or about September 29, 1989, of Uttering Forged Writing in Rock County, for forging a lien waiver, and sentenced to ninety days in jail, one year probation, and restitution, and on or about September 29, 1989, of three counts of Theft by Contractor, for not completing jobs he was paid in advance for, and sentenced to five years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-3. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Freeman was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on his positive adjustment, lack of other criminal justice system contacts, valid job concerns, and the support from both the District Attorney and Judge in the county of conviction. Mr. Freeman has become a well-respected and contributing member of the Home Builders Association of the Greater Rockford Area.
Kelly Mott, (date of birth October 22, 1955) convicted on or about April 10, 1975, of Burglary (Party to a Crime) in Racine County, for cutting the bolt to a trailer that held beer, and three years in Wisconsin State Reformatory and two years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 7-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Mott was granted a pardon on October 7 2008, based on a lack of subsequent criminal justice system contacts, valid job concerns, and length of time since the offense. Mr. Mott desires to receive his gaming license which will make him eligible for specific employment, but cannot do so without a pardon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Doyle
Advice and Consent of the Senate
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 17, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Feldhake, Laura, of Stoughton, as a member of the Hearing and Speech Examining Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted,
Read and referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 10, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Franklin, LaMarr, of Milwaukee, as a member of the Board of Veterans, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2013.
Respectfully Submitted,
Read and referred to committee on Veterans and Military Affairs, Biotechnology, and Financial Institutions.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 11, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
S885 I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Gagnon , Claude, of Milwaukee, as a member of the Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted,
Read and referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 11, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Johnson, Jeanne, of La Crosse, as a member of the Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted,
Read and referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 17, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Krizenesky, Betsy, of Neenah, as a member of the Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted,
Read and referred to committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 10, 2010
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Maxwell, Dave, of Westby, as a member of the Kickapoo Reserve Management Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2013.
Respectfully Submitted,