SB640, s. 49 4Section 49. 6.36 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,34,65 6.36 (1) (bm) 1. In this paragraph, "state authority" has the meaning given in
6s. 19.62 (8).
SB640,34,97 2. Except as provided in s. 6.256 (11), the board may transfer any information
8in the official registration list to which access is restricted under par. (b) 1. a. to any
9state authority or to a subunit of the state government of another state.
SB640, s. 50 10Section 50. 6.36 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,34,2111 6.36 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each registration list prepared for use
12as a poll list at a polling place or for purposes of canvassing absentee ballots at an
13election shall contain the full name and address of each registered elector; a blank
14column for the entry of the serial number of the electors when they vote or the poll
15list number used by the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers in canvassing
16absentee ballots; an indication whether the registration of an elector has been
17confirmed under s. 6.256 (7), if confirmation is required;
an indication next to the
18name of each elector for whom proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required; and a form
19of certificate bearing the certification of the administrator of the elections division
20of the board stating that the list is a true and complete registration list of the
21municipality or the ward or wards for which the list is prepared.
SB640, s. 51 22Section 51. 6.36 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,35,323 6.36 (2) (c) The list shall contain, next to the name of each elector, an indication
24of whether proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required for the elector to be permitted
25to vote. Proof of residence is required if the elector is not a military elector or an

1overseas elector and the elector registers by mail or has not confirmed his or her
2registration under s. 6.256 (7)
and has not previously voted in an election in this
SB640, s. 52 4Section 52. 6.54 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,35,9 56.54 Failure to register; rights. No name may be added to the registration
6list after the close of registration, but any person whose name is not on the
7registration list or whose registration has not been confirmed under s. 6.256 (7), if
8confirmation is required,
but who is otherwise a qualified elector , is entitled to vote
9at the election upon compliance with s. 6.29 or 6.55.
SB640, s. 53 10Section 53. 6.55 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,35,12 116.55 (title) Polling place registration and registration confirmation;
12voting by certification.
SB640, s. 54 13Section 54. 6.55 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,35,2414 6.55 (2) (a) 1. Except where the procedure under par. (c) or (cm) is employed,
15any person who qualifies as an elector in the ward or election district where he or she
16desires to vote, but has not previously filed a registration form, whose registration
17appears on the registration list but has not been confirmed under s. 6.256 (7)
or who
18was registered at another location, may request permission to vote at the polling
19place for that ward or election district, or at an alternate polling place assigned under
20s. 5.25 (5) (b). When a proper request is made, the inspector shall require the person
21to execute a registration form or confirmation form prescribed by the board. The An
registration form shall be completed in the manner provided under s. 6.33
23(2) and shall contain all information required under s. 6.33 (1), together with the
24following certification:
1"I, ...., hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, I am a qualified elector,
2having resided at .... for at least 10 days immediately preceding this election, and I
3have not voted at this election."
SB640, s. 55 4Section 55. 6.55 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,36,215 6.55 (2) (b) Upon executing the a registration form or confirmation form under
6par. (a), the elector shall provide proof of residence under s. 6.34. If the elector cannot
7provide proof of residence, the information contained in the elector's registration
8form or confirmation form shall be corroborated in a statement that is signed by any
9another elector who resides in the same municipality as the registering elector and
10that contains the current street address of the corroborating elector. The
11corroborator shall then provide proof of residence as provided in s. 6.34. If the elector
12is registering to vote or confirming his or her registration in the general election and
13the elector presents a valid driver's license issued by another state, the inspector or
14deputy shall record on a separate list the name and address of the elector, the name
15of the state, and the license number and expiration date of the license. The signing
16by the elector executing the registration form or confirmation form and the signing
17by any corroborator shall be in the presence of the special registration deputy or
18inspector who shall then print his or her name on and sign the form, indicating that
19the deputy or inspector has accepted the form. Upon compliance with this procedure,
20the elector shall be permitted to cast his or her vote, if the elector complies with all
21other requirements for voting at the polling place.
SB640, s. 56 22Section 56. 6.55 (2) (c) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
SB640,37,2423 6.55 (2) (c) 1. As an alternative to registration or confirmation of registration
24under par. (a)
at the a polling place under pars. (a) and (b), the board of election
25commissioners, or the governing body of any municipality may by resolution require

1a person who qualifies as an elector and who is not registered or confirmed and
2desires to register or confirm his or her registration on the day of an election to do
3so at another readily accessible location in the same building as the polling place
4serving the elector's residence or at an alternate polling place assigned under s. 5.25
5(5) (b), instead of at the polling place serving the elector's residence. In such case,
6the municipal clerk shall prominently post a notice of the registration location at the
7polling place. The elector who desires to register or confirm his or her registration
8shall execute a registration form or confirmation form as prescribed under par. (a)
9and provide proof of residence as provided under s. 6.34. If the elector cannot provide
10proof of residence, the information contained in the registration form or confirmation
shall be corroborated in the manner provided in par. (b). If the elector is
12registering to vote or confirming his or her registration in the general election and
13the elector presents a valid driver's license issued by another state, the municipal
14clerk, deputy clerk, or special registration deputy shall record on a separate list the
15name and address of the elector, the name of the state, and the license number and
16expiration date of the license. The signing by the elector executing the registration
17form or confirmation form and the signing by any corroborator shall be in the
18presence of the municipal clerk, deputy clerk or special registration deputy. The
19municipal clerk, the deputy clerk, or the special registration deputy shall then print
20his or her name and sign the form, indicating that the clerk, deputy clerk, or deputy
21has accepted the form. Upon proper completion of registration, the municipal clerk,
22deputy clerk or special registration deputy shall serially number the registration and
23give one copy to the elector for presentation at the polling place serving the elector's
24residence or an alternate polling place assigned under s. 5.25 (5) (b).
12. Upon compliance with the procedures under subd. 1., the municipal clerk or
2deputy clerk shall issue a certificate addressed to the inspectors of the proper polling
3place directing that the elector be permitted to cast his or her vote if the elector
4complies with all requirements for voting at the polling place. The clerk shall enter
5the name and address of the elector on the face of the certificate. If the elector's
6registration or confirmation is corroborated, the clerk shall also enter the name and
7address of the corroborator on the face of the certificate. The certificate shall be
8numbered serially and prepared in duplicate. The municipal clerk shall preserve one
9copy in his or her office.
SB640, s. 57 10Section 57. 6.55 (2) (cs) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,39,211 6.55 (2) (cs) The board shall provide to each municipal clerk a list prepared for
12use at each polling place showing the name and address of each person whose name
13appears on the list provided by the department of corrections under s. 301.03 (20m)
14as ineligible to vote on the date of the election, whose address is located in the area
15served by that polling place, and whose name does not appear on the poll list for that
16polling place. Prior to permitting an elector to register to vote or to confirm a
17registration in accordance with s. 6.256 (7)
under this subsection or s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2.,
18the inspectors or special registration deputies shall review the list. If the name of
19an elector who wishes to register to vote appears on the list, the inspectors or special
20registration deputies shall inform the elector or the elector's agent that the elector
21is ineligible to register to vote. If the elector or the elector's agent maintains that the
22elector is eligible to vote in the election, the inspectors or special registration
23deputies shall permit the elector to register or to confirm his or her registration but
24shall mark the elector's registration form as "ineligible to vote per Department of

1Corrections." If the elector wishes to vote, the inspectors shall require the elector to
2vote by ballot and shall challenge the ballot as provided in s. 6.79 (2) (dm).
SB640, s. 58 3Section 58. 6.55 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,39,54 6.55 (5) Any person who violates falsifies a statement under this section may
5be punished as provided in ss. 12.13 (3) (g) and 12.60 (1) (b).
SB640, s. 59 6Section 59. 6.79 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,39,207 6.79 (4) Supplemental information. When any elector provides proof of
8residence under s. 6.15, 6.29 or 6.55 (2), the election officials shall enter the type of
9identifying document provided on the poll list, or separate list maintained under sub.
10(2) (c). If the document submitted as proof of identity or residence includes a number
11which applies only to the individual holding that document, the election officials
12shall also enter that number on the list. When any elector corroborates the
13registration identity or residence or confirmation of registration of any person
14offering to vote under s. 6.55 (2) (b) or (c), or the registration identity or residence or
of any person registering on election day under s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2., the
16election officials shall also enter the name and address of the corroborator next to the
17name of the elector whose information is being corroborated on the poll list, or the
18separate list maintained under sub. (2) (c). When any person offering to vote has
19been challenged and taken the oath, following the person's name on the poll list, the
20officials shall enter the word "Sworn".
SB640, s. 60 21Section 60. 6.855 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,39,22 226.855 (title) Alternate absentee ballot site sites.
SB640, s. 61 23Section 61. 6.855 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,40,2124 6.855 (1) The governing body of a municipality may elect to designate a site
25one or more sites other than the office of the municipal clerk or board of election

1commissioners as the a location from which electors of the municipality may request
2and vote absentee ballots and to which voted absentee ballots shall may be returned
3by electors for any election. The designated site shall be located as near as
4practicable to the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners and
No alternate site may be designated that affords an advantage to any political
6party. An election by a governing body to designate an alternate site under this
7section shall be made no fewer than 14 days prior to the time that absentee ballots
8are available for the primary under s. 7.15 (1) (cm), if a primary is scheduled to be
9held, or at least no fewer than 14 days prior to the time that absentee ballots are
10available for the election under s. 7.15 (1) (cm), if a primary is not scheduled to be
11held, and shall remain in effect until at least the day after the election. If the
12governing body of a municipality makes an election under this section, no function
13related to voting and return of absentee ballots that is to be conducted at the
14alternate site may be conducted in the office of the municipal clerk or board of
15election commissioners.
An alternate site may be used for absentee voting in
16addition to or in lieu of use of the office of the municipal clerk or board of election
17commissioners. No later than the latest time specified in this subsection for
18designation of an alternate site for absentee voting at an election, a municipality
19designating an alternate site shall provide written notice to the board of the
20designation of the site, the address of the site, and the election at which it will be in
SB640, s. 62 22Section 62. 6.855 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,41,923 6.855 (2) The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall
24prominently display a notice of the designation of the each alternate site selected
25under sub. (1) in the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners

1beginning on the date that the site is designated under sub. (1) and continuing
2through the period that absentee ballots are available for the election and for any
3primary under s. 7.15 (1) (cm). The notice shall specify the days and hours of
4operation of each alternate site and the days and hours of operation of the office of
5the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners.
If the municipal clerk or
6board of election commissioners maintains a Web site on the Internet, the clerk or
7board of election commissioners shall post a notice of the designation of the each
8alternate site selected under sub. (1) on the Web site during the same period that
9notice is displayed in the office of the clerk or board of election commissioners.
SB640, s. 63 10Section 63. 6.86 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,41,1411 6.86 (1) (a) (intro.) Any elector of a municipality who is registered to vote
12whenever required and who qualifies under ss. 6.20 and 6.85 as an absent elector
13may make written application to the municipal clerk of that municipality for an
14official ballot by one of the following methods:
SB640, s. 64 15Section 64. 6.86 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,41,1616 6.86 (1) (a) 3. By signing submitting a statement under sub. (2) (a).
SB640, s. 65 17Section 65 . 6.86 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act ....
18(this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
SB640,41,2019 6.86 (1) (a) 3. By filing a request to receive absentee ballots under sub. (2m) (a)
20or s. 6.22 (4) or 6.24 (4).
SB640, s. 66 21Section 66. 6.86 (1) (ab) of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,41,2322 6.86 (1) (ab) The application shall be signed by the elector except as authorized
23in par. (ag) and subs. (2m) (a) and (3) (a) 1.
SB640, s. 67 24Section 67. 6.86 (1) (ac) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.86 (1) (ac) Any elector qualifying under par. (a) may make written application
2to the municipal clerk for an official ballot by means of facsimile transmission or
3electronic mail. Any application under this paragraph shall need not contain a copy
4of the applicant's original signature. An elector requesting a ballot under this
5paragraph shall return with the voted ballot a copy of the request bearing an original
6signature of the elector as provided in s. 6.87 (4).
SB640, s. 68 7Section 68. 6.86 (1) (ad) of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,42,108 6.86 (1) (ad) The board shall prescribe the form of applications for absentee
9ballots by electors who vote in person at the office of the municipal clerk or an
10alternate site designated under s. 6.855.
SB640, s. 69 11Section 69. 6.86 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,43,812 6.86 (1) (b) Except as provided in this section, if application is made by mail,
13facsimile transmission, or electronic mail, the application, signed by the elector, shall
14be received no later than 5 p.m. on the 5th day immediately preceding the election.
15If application is made in person, the application shall be made no later than 5 p.m.
16on the day preceding the election. If Except as provided in par. (c), if the elector is
17making written application for an absentee ballot at the September primary or, the
18general election, the presidential preference primary, or a special election for
19national office,
and the application indicates that the elector is a military elector, as
20defined in s. 6.36 (2) (c), the application shall be received by the municipal clerk no
21later than 5 p.m. on election day. If the application indicates that the reason for
22requesting an absentee ballot is that the elector is a sequestered juror, the
23application shall be received no later than 5 p.m. on election day. If the application
24is received after 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the election, the
25municipal clerk or the clerk's agent shall immediately take the ballot to the court in

1which the elector is serving as a juror and deposit it with the judge. The judge shall
2recess court, as soon as convenient, and give the elector the ballot. The judge shall
3then witness the voting procedure as provided in s. 6.87 and shall deliver the ballot
4to the clerk or agent of the clerk who shall deliver it to the polling place or, in
5municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal
6clerk as required in s. 6.88. If application is made under sub. (2) or (2m), the
7application may be received no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately
8preceding the election.
SB640, s. 70 9Section 70 . 6.86 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
10....(this act), is amended to read:
SB640,44,611 6.86 (1) (b) Except as provided in this section, if application is made by mail,
12facsimile transmission, or electronic mail, the application shall be received no later
13than 5 p.m. on the 5th day immediately preceding the election. If application is made
14in person, the application shall be made no later than 5 p.m. on the day preceding
15the election. Except as provided in par. (c), if the elector is making written
16application for an absentee ballot at the September primary, the general election, the
17presidential preference primary, or a special election for national office, and the
18application indicates that the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.36 (2) (c)
196.34 (1), the application shall be received by the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m.
20on election day. If the application indicates that the reason for requesting an
21absentee ballot is that the elector is a sequestered juror, the application shall be
22received no later than 5 p.m. on election day. If the application is received after 5 p.m.
23on the Friday immediately preceding the election, the municipal clerk or the clerk's
24agent shall immediately take the ballot to the court in which the elector is serving
25as a juror and deposit it with the judge. The judge shall recess court, as soon as

1convenient, and give the elector the ballot. The judge shall then witness the voting
2procedure as provided in s. 6.87 and shall deliver the ballot to the clerk or agent of
3the clerk who shall deliver it to the polling place or, in municipalities where absentee
4ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal clerk as required in s. 6.88. If
5application is made under sub. (2) or (2m), the application may be received no later
6than 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the election.
SB640, s. 71 7Section 71. 6.86 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,44,118 6.86 (1) (c) If an application is made by mail by a military elector, as defined
9in s. 6.22 (1) (b), by mail, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail, the application
10shall be received no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the
SB640, s. 72 12Section 72. 6.86 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB640, s. 73 13Section 73. 6.86 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 6.86 (2m) (a) and amended
14to read:
SB640,45,1915 6.86 (2m) (a) An Except as provided in this subsection, any elector other than
16an elector who is eligible to receive absentee ballots under sub. (2) receives an
17absentee ballot under s. 6.22 (4) or 6.24 (4) (c)
may by written application filed with
18the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides require that an
19absentee ballot be sent to the elector automatically for every succeeding election that
20is held within the same calendar year in which the application is filed
until the
21elector is no longer an elector of the municipality or the elector otherwise requests.
22If an elector is unable to sign the application and has designated an agent with the
23power of attorney and the agent has authority to act on the elector's behalf, the agent
24may file the application
. The application form and instructions shall be prescribed
25by the board, and furnished upon request to any elector by each municipal clerk. The

1municipal clerk shall thereupon mail an absentee ballot to the elector for all
2succeeding elections that are held in the municipality during the same calendar year
3that the application is filed
, except that the clerk shall not send an absentee ballot
4for an election if the elector's name appeared on the registration list in eligible status
5for a previous election following the date of the application but no longer appears on
6the list in eligible status. The municipal clerk shall ensure that the envelope
7containing the absentee ballot is clearly marked as not forwardable. If an elector who
8files an application under this subsection no longer resides at the same address that
9is indicated on the application form, the elector shall so notify the municipal clerk.
10The municipal clerk shall discontinue mailing absentee ballots to an elector under
11this subsection upon receipt of reliable information that the elector no longer
12qualifies for the service as an elector of the municipality. In addition, the municipal
13clerk shall discontinue mailing absentee ballots to an elector under this subsection
14if the elector fails to return any absentee ballot mailed to the elector
. The municipal
15clerk shall notify the elector of any such action not taken at the elector's request
16within 5 days, if possible. An elector who fails to cast an absentee ballot but who
17remains qualified to receive absentee ballots under this subsection may then receive
18absentee ballots for subsequent elections by notifying the municipal clerk that the
19elector wishes to continue receiving absentee ballots for subsequent elections.
SB640,46,2 20(b) If a municipal clerk is notified by an elector that the elector's residence is
21changed to another municipality within this state, the municipal clerk shall forward
22the request to the municipal clerk of that municipality and that. The municipal clerk
23shall honor the request, except as provided in this subsection of that municipality
24shall thereupon send an absentee ballot to the elector for each succeeding election

1held in the municipality until the elector is no longer an elector of the municipality
2or the elector otherwise requests, except as otherwise provided in this subsection
SB640, s. 74 3Section 74. 6.86 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,46,144 6.86 (3) (a) 1. Any elector who is registered and whose registration is confirmed,
5whenever confirmation is required,
and who is hospitalized, may apply for and
6obtain an official ballot by agent. The agent may apply for and obtain a ballot for the
7hospitalized absent elector by presenting a form prescribed by the board and
8containing the required information supplied by the hospitalized elector and signed
9by that elector and any other elector residing in the same municipality as the
10hospitalized elector, corroborating the information contained therein. The
11corroborating elector shall state on the form his or her full name and address.
12Notwithstanding sub. (2m) (a), if the hospitalized elector has designated the agent
13with the power of attorney and the agent has authority to act on the elector's behalf,
14the agent may sign the application form on behalf of the elector.
SB640,47,1615 2. If a hospitalized elector is not registered, the elector may register or confirm
16his or her registration
by agent under this subdivision at the same time that the
17elector applies for an official ballot by agent under subd. 1. To register the elector
18under this subdivision, the agent shall present a completed registration form that
19contains the required information supplied by the elector and the elector's signature,
20unless the elector is unable to sign due to physical disability. In this case
To confirm
21a registration under this subdivision, the agent shall present a completed
22registration confirmation form under s. 6.256 (7). If the elector is unable to sign
23either form due to physical disability
, the elector may authorize another elector to
24sign on his or her behalf. Any elector signing a form on another elector's behalf shall
25attest to a statement that the application or confirmation is made on request and by

1authorization of the named elector, who is unable to sign the form due to physical
2disability. The agent shall present this statement along with all other information
3required under this subdivision. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision,
4the agent shall in every case provide proof of the elector's residence under s. 6.34.
5If the elector has designated the agent with the power of attorney and the agent has
6authority to act on the elector's behalf, the agent may sign the registration form on
7behalf of the elector.
If the elector is registering to vote for or confirming an elector's
8registration for voting in
the general election and the elector's agent presents a valid
9driver's license issued to the elector by another state, the municipal clerk shall record
10on a separate list the name and address of the elector, the name of the state, and the
11license number and expiration date of the license. If the agent cannot present proof
12of residence, the registration form or confirmation form shall be signed and
13substantiated by another elector residing in the elector's municipality of residence,
14corroborating the information in the form. The form shall contain the full name and
15address of the corroborating elector. The elector's agent shall then present proof of
16the corroborating elector's residence under s. 6.34.
SB640, s. 75 17Section 75. 6.86 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,48,818 6.86 (3) (c) An application under par. (a) 1. may be made and a registration form
19or confirmation form under par. (a) 2. may be filed in person at the office of the
20municipal clerk not earlier than 7 days before an election and not later than 5 p.m.
21on the day of the election. A list of hospitalized electors applying for ballots under
22par. (a) 1. shall be made by the municipal clerk and used to check that the electors
23vote only once, and by absentee ballot. If the elector is registering for the election
24after the close of registration or if the elector registered by mail or the elector
25confirmed his or her registration after the close of registration
and has not voted in

1an election in this state, the municipal clerk shall inform the agent that proof of
2residence under s. 6.34 is required and the elector shall enclose proof of residence
3under s. 6.34 in the envelope with the ballot. The ballot shall be sealed by the elector
4and returned to the municipal clerk either by mail or by personal delivery of the
5agent; but if the ballot is returned on the day of the election, the agent shall make
6personal delivery to the polling place serving the hospitalized elector's residence
7before the closing hour or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed
8under s. 7.52, to the municipal clerk no later than 8 p.m. on election day.
SB640, s. 76 9Section 76. 6.86 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,48,1410 6.86 (3) (d) A power of attorney agent is not permitted to cast an absentee ballot
11on behalf of a hospitalized elector, but if a hospitalized elector has difficulty reading,
12writing, or understanding English or due to disability is unable to mark a ballot, the
13elector may request assistance in marking his or her ballot from the power of
14attorney agent or another individual specified in s. 6.82 (2) (a).
SB640, s. 77 15Section 77. 6.865 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,48,16 166.865 (title) Federal absentee ballot requests ballots.
SB640, s. 78 17Section 78. 6.865 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB640, s. 79 18Section 79. 6.865 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,49,619 6.865 (3m) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if any elector who certifies If an
20individual who will be a military elector on election day applies for an absentee
21ballot, the individual may certify
that he or she will be a military elector on election
22day requests an absentee ballot, the municipal clerk shall send or transmit to the
23elector an absentee ballot for all elections that occur in the municipality or portion
24thereof where the elector resides beginning on the date that the clerk receives the
25request and ending on the day after the 3rd successive general election that follows

1receipt of the request, unless the elector otherwise requests. In addition, the
2municipal clerk shall continue to send or transmit to the elector an absentee ballot
3for all elections ending on the day after the 3rd successive general election that
4follows any election at which the elector returns an absentee ballot under this section
5or renews his or her request under par. (c)
and the municipal clerk shall treat the
6ballot as provided under s. 6.221
SB640, s. 80 7Section 80. 6.865 (3m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,49,138 6.865 (3m) (b) A military elector may indicate an alternate address on his or
9her absentee ballot application. If the elector's ballot is returned as undeliverable
10prior to the deadline for receipt and return of absentee ballots under sub. (3) s. 6.87
and the elector remains eligible to receive absentee ballots under this subsection,
12the municipal clerk shall immediately send or transmit an absentee ballot to the
13elector at the alternate address.
SB640, s. 81 14Section 81. 6.865 (3m) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB640, s. 82 15Section 82. 6.868 of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,49,19 166.868 Period for absentee voting in person. The period for absentee voting
17in person at the office of the municipal clerk or an alternate site designated under
18s. 6.855 begins on the 21st day before each election and ends on the day before each
SB640, s. 83 20Section 83. 6.869 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,50,4 216.869 Uniform instructions. The board shall prescribe uniform instructions
22for municipalities to provide to absentee voters. The instructions shall include the
23specific means of electronic communication that an absentee elector may use to file
24an application for an absentee ballot and, if the absentee elector is required to
25register, to request a registration form or change his or her registration.

1instructions also shall include information concerning the procedure for correcting
2errors in marking a ballot and obtaining a replacement for a spoiled ballot. The
3procedure shall, to the extent possible, respect the privacy of each elector and
4preserve the confidentiality of each elector's vote.
SB640, s. 84 5Section 84. 6.87 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,50,106 6.87 (2) (intro.) Except as authorized under sub. (3) (d), the municipal clerk
7shall place the ballot in an unsealed envelope furnished by the clerk. The Except as
8provided in sub. (2m) and s. 6.24 (4) (d), the
envelope shall have the name, official
9title and post-office address of the clerk upon its face. The other side of the envelope
10shall have a printed certificate in substantially the following form:
SB640, s. 85 11Section 85. 6.87 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB640,50,1712 6.87 (2m) The board shall prescribe the form of an absentee ballot envelope for
13use by electors voting absentee ballots in person at the office of the municipal clerk
14or an alternate site designated under s. 6.855. No certification and no witness is
15required on such envelopes. The form shall include a space for the name and
16residence of the absentee elector and the ward and aldermanic district where the
17elector resides, if any.
SB640, s. 86 18Section 86. 6.87 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,51,1419 6.87 (3) (d) A municipal clerk may shall, if the clerk is reliably informed by an
20absent elector of a facsimile transmission number or electronic mail address where
21the elector can receive an absentee ballot, transmit a facsimile or electronic copy of
22the absent elector's ballot to that elector in lieu of mailing under this subsection if,
23in the judgment of the clerk, the time required to send the ballot through the mail
24may not be sufficient to enable return of the ballot by the time provided under sub.
. An elector may receive an absentee ballot under this subsection only if the elector

1has filed a valid application for the ballot under s. 6.86 (1). If the clerk transmits an
2absentee ballot under this paragraph to an absent elector electronically, the clerk
3shall also transmit a facsimile or electronic copy of the text of the material that
4appears on the certificate envelope prescribed in sub. (2), together with instructions
5prescribed by the board. The instructions shall require the absent elector to make
6and subscribe to the certification as required under sub. (4) and to enclose the
7absentee ballot in a separate envelope contained within a larger envelope, that shall
8include the completed certificate. The elector shall then affix sufficient postage
9unless the absentee ballot qualifies for mailing free of postage under federal free
10postage laws and shall mail the absentee ballot to the municipal clerk. Except as
11authorized in s. 6.97 (2), an absentee ballot received under this paragraph from an
12elector who receives the ballot electronically
shall not be counted unless it is cast in
13the manner prescribed in this paragraph and sub. (4) and in accordance with the
14instructions provided by the board.
SB640, s. 87 15Section 87. 6.87 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,52,1616 6.87 (4) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (2m) and s. 6.875, the elector
17voting absentee shall make and subscribe to the certification before one witness who
18is an adult U.S. citizen. The absent elector, in the presence of the witness, shall mark
19the ballot in a manner that will not disclose how the elector's vote is cast. The elector
20shall then, still in the presence of the witness, fold the ballots so each is separate and
21so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit them in the proper
22envelope. If a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used, the elector shall fold the
23ballot so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit the ballot in the
24proper envelope. If proof of residence is required, the elector shall enclose proof of
25residence under s. 6.34 in the envelope. Proof of residence is required if the elector

1is not a military elector or an overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1), and the elector
2registered by mail or confirmed his or her registration after the close of registration
3and has not voted in an election in this state. If the elector requested a ballot by
4means of facsimile transmission or electronic mail under s. 6.86 (1) (ac), the elector
5shall enclose in the envelope a copy of the request which bears an original signature
6of the elector.
The elector may receive assistance under sub. (5). The return envelope
7shall then be sealed. The witness may not be a candidate. The envelope shall be
8mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot
9or ballots. If the envelope is mailed from a location outside the United States, the
10elector shall affix sufficient postage unless the ballot qualifies for delivery free of
11postage under federal law. Failure to return an unused ballot in a primary does not
12invalidate the ballot on which the elector's votes are cast. Return of more than one
13marked ballot in a primary or return of a ballot prepared under s. 5.655 or a ballot
14used with an electronic voting system in a primary which is marked for candidates
15of more than one party invalidates all votes cast by the elector for candidates in the
SB640, s. 88 17Section 88. 6.87 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,52,2218 6.87 (9) If a municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot by mail with an
19improperly completed certificate or with no certificate, the clerk may return the
20ballot to the elector, inside the sealed envelope when an envelope is received, together
21with a new envelope if necessary, whenever time permits the elector to correct the
22defect and return the ballot within the period authorized under sub. (6).
SB640, s. 89 23Section 89. 6.875 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,53,1724 6.875 (3) An occupant of a nursing home or qualified retirement home or
25qualified community-based residential facility who qualifies as an absent elector

1and desires to receive an absentee ballot shall make application under s. 6.86 (1), (2),
2or (2m) with the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the
3municipality in which the elector is a resident. The clerk or board of election
4commissioners of a municipality receiving an application from an elector who is an
5occupant of a nursing home or qualified retirement home or qualified
6community-based residential facility located in a different municipality shall, as
7soon as possible, notify and transmit an absentee ballot for the elector to the clerk
8or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the home or qualified
9community-based residential facility is located. The clerk or board of election
10commissioners of a municipality receiving an application from an elector who is an
11occupant of a nursing home or qualified retirement home or qualified
12community-based residential facility located in the municipality but who is a
13resident of a different municipality shall, as soon as possible, notify and request
14transmission of an absentee ballot from the clerk or board of election commissioners
15of the municipality in which the elector is a resident. The clerk or board of election
16commissioners shall make a record of all absentee ballots to be transmitted,
17delivered, and voted under this section.
SB640, s. 90 18Section 90. 6.875 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,54,1219 6.875 (4) (a) For the purpose of absentee voting in nursing homes and qualified
20retirement homes and qualified community-based residential facilities, the
21municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of each municipality in which one
22or more nursing homes or qualified retirement homes or qualified community-based
23residential facilities are located shall appoint at least 2 special voting deputies for
24the municipality. Upon application under s. 6.86 (1), (2), or (2m) by one or more
25qualified electors who are occupants of a nursing home or qualified retirement home

1or qualified community-based residential facility, the municipal clerk or board of
2election commissioners of the municipality in which the home or facility is located
3shall dispatch 2 special voting deputies to visit the home or qualified
4community-based residential facility for the purpose of supervising absentee voting
5procedure by occupants of the home or qualified community-based residential
6facility. The clerk shall maintain a list, available to the public upon request, of each
7nursing home or qualified retirement home or qualified community-based
8residential facility where an elector has requested an absentee ballot. The list shall
9include the date and time the deputies intend to visit each home or facility. The 2
10deputies designated to visit each nursing home or qualified retirement home and
11qualified community-based residential facility shall be affiliated with different
12political parties whenever deputies representing different parties are available.
SB640, s. 91 13Section 91. 6.875 (6) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB640,55,214 6.875 (6) (c) 1. Upon their visit to the home or facility under par. (a), the
15deputies shall personally offer each elector who has filed a proper application for an
16absentee ballot the opportunity to cast his or her absentee ballot. If an elector is
17present who has not filed a proper application for an absentee ballot, the 2 deputies
18may accept an application from the elector and shall issue a ballot to the elector if
19the elector is qualified and the application is proper. The deputies shall each witness
20the certification and may, upon request of the elector, assist the elector in marking
21the elector's ballot. The deputies shall then sign the certification as witnesses and,
22if they provide assistance, shall sign the back of the ballot indicating that they
23provided assistance.
All voting shall be conducted in the presence of the deputies.
24Upon request of the elector, a relative of the elector who is present in the room may
25assist the elector in marking the elector's ballot. No individual other than a deputy

1may witness the certification and no individual other than a deputy or relative of an
2elector may render voting assistance to the elector.
SB640, s. 92 3Section 92. 6.88 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: