Motion to postpone Rule 66
Motion to reconsider Rule 67
Questions to be decided without debate and not placed on table Rule 68
Privileged motion or resolution Rule 69
Division of question Rule 70
Putting question Rule 71
Ayes and noes Rule 72
Every member to vote Rule 73
Missed roll calls Rule 73m
Explanation of vote not allowed Rule 74
Recording position of absent member Rule 75
Chapter 7: Limiting Debate
Scheduling time limits for debate Rule 76
Voting immediately; time limit on debate Rule 77
But one motion to reconsider in order; main question may remain before the senate Rule 79
But one call of the senate in order Rule 80
Chapter 8: Call of the Senate
Call of the senate Rule 81
Putting question Rule 82
Doors to be closed Rule 83
Sergeant to bring in absentees Rule 84
Transacting business while under call Rule 85
Sergeant at arms may report Rule 86
Call raised when absentees present and business disposed of Rule 87
Chapter 9: Employees
Employment and supervision of senate employees Rule 88
Certification of payroll Rule 89
Chapter 10: Rules
Creating, amending, or repealing rules Rule 90
Suspending rules Rule 91
Continuity of senate rules Rule 92
Special or extraordinary sessions Rule 93
Publishing of senate rules Rule 94
Chapter 11: Miscellaneous
Copies for senate Rule 95
Governor's veto message Rule 95m
Fiscal estimates Rule 96
Space assignments Rule 97
Citations on behalf of the senate; joint citations Rule 98
Definitions Rule 99
Alphabetical Index
Revised by Legislative Reference Bureau
January 2009
  Senate Rule
call of the senate   81 (1)
committee members not to be absent   23
granting of leave under call   85 (7)
leave of absence, members   16
members absent or not voting reported by chief clerk   72 (1)
missed roll calls   73m
motion to grant leave not debatable   68
number smaller than a quorum may compel
attendance of   15, 81 (1)
position on issue, statement of, by absent member   75
temporary absence of president, president pro tem,
temporary presiding officer   2
under call of senate, prior leave expires upon return   85 (7)
Absentees during call, names to be read and entered
in journal   84
Act (definition)   99 (1)
Adjourn (definition)   99 (2)
call of senate expires as the result of, may be renewed   85 (6)
call of senate superseded by motion for   85 (1), (5)
honors, under 15th order of business   17 (1)(o)
is 16th order of business   17 (1)(p)
member's limit to speak twice on question
continues through adjournment   59
motion to adjourn always in order, exceptions   64
motion to adjourn amendable only as to time   63 (1)(b)
motion to adjourn not debatable, may not be tabled   68
pending motion or question is lost by   59
precedence of motion for   63, 64
smaller number than quorum may adjourn   15, 85 (6)
Administrative rules, committee for review of
(see also ss. 13.56 and 13.565 stats.)   20 (3)
bill to suspend rule, how placed in committee on
senate organization   41 (1)(d)
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR   46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on proposed rule   27 (2)
senate committee (JCRAR) may return proposal
referred by senate   20 (3)(b)
Administrative rules, review of:
bill to suspend proposed administrative rule: reference
to calendar after 30 days   41 (1)(d)
notice and report referred to committee
by president   46 (2)(am)
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR   46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on
proposed rule   17 (1)(f), 27 (2)
rereference to different standing committee   46 (2)(b)
Admission to senate floor:
contestants for seats admitted to   12
correspondents of news media admitted, limited to
press lobby while senate meeting in session;
recording by   11 (5), (7)
denied to person engaged in defeating or
promoting legislation   11 (3), (4)
disturbance on, and clearing of members and others   13