S E N A T E R U L E S *
As last affected by 2009 Senate Resolution 2
Adopted January 28, 2009
Chapter 1: Officers — Election and Duties
President; president pro tempore Rule 1
Presiding officer and committee on senate organization Rule 1m
Substitute president Rule 2
Duties of president pro tempore and majority leader Rule 3
Voting by presiding officer Rule 3m
Duties of president and presiding officer Rule 4
Chief clerk Rule 5
Sergeant at arms Rule 6
* Under Senate Rule 94 (3) (a), a pamphlet of this type will be printed within one week following the adoption of any resolution making significant changes in the senate rules.
The senate rules were last readopted by 1979 Senate Resolution 2 on January 3, 1979. Subsequent changes, enacted by 1979 Senate Resolutions 3 and 4, 1981 Senate Resolutions 2, 19, 22, and 27, 1983 Senate Resolutions 4, 9, 11, and 13, 1985 Senate Resolutions 2 and 6, 1987 Senate Resolutions 2, 3, and 6, 1989 Senate Resolutions 2 and 3, 1991 Senate Resolution 2, 1993 Senate Resolutions 2, 3, and 7, 1995 Senate Resolution 2, 1997 Senate Resolution 2, 1999 Senate Resolution 2, 2001 Senate Resolution 2, 2003 Senate Resolution 3, 2003 Senate Resolution 21, 2005 Senate Resolution 2, 2007 Senate Resolution 2, and 2009 Senate Resolution 2 are recorded in the notes following the affected rules.
Chapter 2: Order and Decorum
Presiding officer to preserve order; appeal Rule 7
Conduct while sitting in session Rule 8
Who may be admitted to the floor; recording proceedings; listing of visitors Rule 11
Privileges of senate to contestants for seats Rule 12
Disturbance in lobby Rule 13
Conduct of individuals in the gallery Rule 13m
Chapter 3: Order of Business
Hour for meeting Rule 14
Roll call, quorum Rule 15
Leave of absence Rule 16
Order of business Rule 17
Daily calendar Rule 18
Committee of the whole Rule 19
Standing committees of senate Rule 20
Committees of conference Rule 20m
Special committees Rule 21
Advice and consent of the senate Rule 22
Committee not to be absent Rule 23
Committee quorum; subcommittees Rule 24
Business in committees; notice of meeting Rule 25
Schedule of committee activities Rule 26
Committee reports Rule 27
Minority reports Rule 28
Chapter 4: Proposals — Procedure
Copies of proposals Rule 29
Filing of proposals Rule 30
Clerical corrections to proposals Rule 31
Reference to proposals and other matters Rule 32
Introduction or offering of new proposals; admissibility of identical proposals; admissibility of resolutions in special session Rule 33
Proposals to be on file one day before action Rule 34
Three separate readings Rule 35
First reading; reference to committee Rule 36
Second reading; ordering to a 3rd reading Rule 37
Third reading; question Rule 38
Minimum special quorum Rule 39
Proposal amended on 3rd reading to be reengrossed Rule 40
Rereference in order; withdrawing from committee Rule 41
Messaging to the assembly; proposals held duringreconsideration period Rule 42
Enrolling bills and joint resolutions Rule 43
Signing of documents Rule 44
Presentation to the governor Rule 44m
Offering of privileged resolution Rule 45
Presentation of proposals and other matters Rule 46
Chapter 5: Amendments — Form and Procedure
When amendments may be considered Rule 47
Reading of amendments Rule 48
Offering amendments Rule 49
Substitute amendments and amendments must be germane Rule 50
Amendment in the 3rd degree prohibited Rule 51
Committee amendments; speaking on amendment Rule 53
Order of action Rule 55
Chapter 6: General Procedure — Order in Debate
Recognition; debate Rule 56
Presiding officer to name first speaker Rule 57
Member out of order Rule 58
How members may speak Rule 59
Personal privilege Rule 60
Special privilege Rule 61
Stating motions Rule 62
Motions in order during debate Rule 63
Motion to adjourn always in order Rule 64
Laying on table Rule 65
Motion to postpone Rule 66
Motion to reconsider Rule 67
Questions to be decided without debate and not placed on table Rule 68
Privileged motion or resolution Rule 69
Division of question Rule 70
Putting question Rule 71
Ayes and noes Rule 72
Every member to vote Rule 73
Missed roll calls Rule 73m
Explanation of vote not allowed Rule 74
Recording position of absent member Rule 75