under call of senate, prior leave expires upon return   85 (7)
Leaving chamber, not permitted to senator while
presiding officer is speaking   8 (2)
Legislative council, joint, not to be deemed a legislative
committee (see also ss. 13.81 to 13.83, 13.91, stats.)   41 (3)
Legislative day (definition)   99 (43)
Legislative fiscal bureau, when prepare fiscal estimates   96
Legislative reference bureau (see also ss. 13.90 and 13.92, stats.):
enrolling of bills and resolutions   43
prepares all amendments; exception   49
provides jacket envelopes   30 (1)
puts all proposals in proper form   33 (1)
Lobby, galleries, and floor, disturbance in, and clearing of   13
Lobbying, regulation of   6 (2)(d), 11
Lobbyists, denied privilege of senate floor   11 (3), (4)
Main question   77 (3), 79
definition   99 (44)
Main question, motion for   77, 79
call of senate in order only once, on this motion   80
main question remains before senate   79
not debatable   68
not in order in committee of the whole   19
precedence of motions for   63 (1)(g)
definition   99 (45)
of membership presently serving, required for quorum,
see also Senate Rule 39   15
of members currently present, may adjourn under call   85 (6)
of members currently present, required to raise a call   86
two-thirds of members present, required to suspend rules   91
Majority leader:
assumes powers of president when president and
president pro tem are unable to serve   3
chairperson of committee on senate organization   20 (1)(a)
appoints special committees   21
appoints standing committee members and
chairpersons   20 (2)
Measure (definition)   99 (48m)
Meeting day, hour for (usually 10 a.m. on Tuesday and
Thursday)   14
absent with leave, statement of position on issue   75
call of senate, 5 members may make   81 (1)
citation, may issue on behalf of senate   98
citation, may sign   98 (3)
coats, must wear while senate sitting in session   8 (1)
coauthors, cosponsors not to be changed while senate
sitting in session   17 (5)
conduct while senate sitting in session   8
definition   99 (47)
disorderly conduct, may be removed by president   13
explanation of vote, not allowed during roll call   74
former member, privilege of senate floor,
limitation   11 (2), (3), (4)
leave of absence from daily session   16
may not consume food, drink, or tobacco products, or
read in chamber   8 (4)
may not question motives of other members   56
may read briefly from printed material unless objected to   56
may speak on question and on each amendment   53
may speak twice on pending question   59
membership presently serving, majority of constitutes
quorum   15
missed roll call   73m
must vote if present unless excused   3m, 73 (1)
occupying chair, not excused from voting   3m
out of order, to cease speaking   58
personal privilege, right to speak on matter of   60
present (definition)   99 (48)
presentation of documents to senate by   46 (1)
recognition of, to speak   56
room and seat assignments   97
serves on at least one committee   20 (5)
special privilege, right to speak on matter of   61
substitute president   2
substitute presiding officer not to extend beyond
adjournment   2 (3)
to vote, if present required to unless excused   73 (1)
tobacco products, not permitted in chamber   8 (4)
two or more rising at same time, presiding officer to
name first speaker   57
vote, may not explain during roll call   74
Membership presently serving determines quorum requirements;
for exceptions see Joint Rule 11   39
bills and joint resolutions passed   42, 93 (6)
from the assembly   17 (1)(h), 18 (1)
immediate messaging, motion to rescind
(two-thirds vote required)   42 (2)
proposals read by number only   32
transmitted to assembly after reconsideration period ends   42
committee appointments, nominations proposed
by minority leader   20 (2)(b)
power of, to adjourn or to send for absent members   15, 81 (1)
report by committee   28
adjourn, not debatable, may not be tabled   68
adjourn, precedence of   63 (1) (a), (b), 64
all motions to be entered in history file   30 (3)(b)
call of the senate   82
current or main question   77
definition   99 (49)