Graduated foster care licensing system created; kinship and long-term kinship care payments re treatment foster homes eliminated [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Children and Families, Department of"]  - AB75
Guardianships of children revised; power of attorney provision  - SB706
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer if it provides medically accurate information and addresses specified topics; notification required if not offered; instruction by volunteer health care provider, definitions, and State Superintendent duties provisions [A.Amdt.11: marriage and parental responsibility instruction added; S.Amdt.1 to Engr. AB-458: instruction about sex offender registration and criminal penalties re crimes against children required]  - AB458
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) jurisdictional provisions and minimum standards for Indian child custody proceedings incorporated into Children's Code provisions re CHIPS, TPR, adoption, and the Juvenile Justice Code re JIPS  - AB421
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) jurisdictional provisions and minimum standards for Indian child custody proceedings incorporated into Children's Code provisions re CHIPS, TPR, adoption, and the Juvenile Justice Code re JIPS [S.Amdts 1, 2, and 3: further revisions] -  SB288
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children; creates an Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children  - AB705
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children; creates an Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children  - SB517
Juvenile court jurisdiction extended to certain foster youth until they reach 21 years of age -  AB822
Juvenile court jurisdiction extended to certain foster youth until they reach 21 years of age -  SB568
Mandatory minimum sentences for certain child sex crimes applied only if convicted person was under age 18  - AB225
Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council: annual report and public hearing requirements; DCF duties  - AB883
Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council: annual report and public hearing requirements; DCF duties  - SB644
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records -  AB486
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records [S.Amdt.1: effective date changed re paying support or maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients] -  SB347
Posttermination of parental rights contact agreement between adoptive parent or agency and a birth relative of the child: provisions created -  AB214
Posttermination of parental rights contact agreement between adoptive parent or agency and a birth relative of the child: provisions created -  SB140
Proof of financial responsibility requirement re motor vehicle accident: liability release executed by a parent or guardian ad litem on behalf of a minor is acceptable (remedial legislation) - SB486
Reckless homicide of a child not older than five years of age: creating a penalty enhancer when convicted individual is a parent or caregiver of the victim; JRCCP report  - SB22
Sex offender registration required re child sexual assault that was dismissed or uncharged as part of a plea agreement for fourth-degree sexual assault -  AB934
Sex offenders under GPS tracking requirement on parole, probation, extended supervision, conditional release, or supervised release for crimes against children prohibited from entering certain areas such as playgrounds and areas where children 16 years old and younger congregate; political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance or resolution restricting placement or residency of a sex offender; JRCCP report -  AB759
Sex offenders under GPS tracking requirement on parole, probation, extended supervision, conditional release, or supervised release for crimes against children prohibited from entering certain areas such as playgrounds and areas where children 16 years old and younger congregate; political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance or resolution restricting placement or residency of a sex offender; JRCCP report -  SB548
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; JRCCP report  - AB769
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; JRCCP report  - SB561
Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients -  AB590
Temporary custody hearings: notification to adult relative of the child required, definition provision; notification contents specified; exception to confidentiality of agency and child abuse and neglect records -  AB298
Tribal gaming receipts appropriation re high-cost out-of-home placements of Indian children by tribal courts [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 478j, 586t, 979v] -  AB75
W-2 benefits reduced based on positive drug test: reduction percentage increased; dependent children provision  - AB874
children _ special educationChildren — Special education
Aversive interventions in schools regulated; implementation of positive behavioral interventions; definitions and DPI duties; local educational agency to prepare a behavioral intervention plan for child with a disability, conditions set  - AB682
Aversive interventions in schools regulated; implementation of positive behavioral interventions; definitions and DPI duties; local educational agency to prepare a behavioral intervention plan for child with a disability, conditions set  - SB468
Birth to 3 Program: DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law; counties to pay nonfederal share; reimbursement by MA program [Sec. 363, 438, 912, 1316, 1317, 1324, 1325]  - AB75
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  - AB296
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  - SB210
Reading specialist and special education teacher: supplementary examination in reading development, language methods, and phonemic awareness required for license issuance or renewal; DPI duties set -  AB583
children and families, department ofChildren and Families, Department of
Adoption records may be disclosed to determine availability of placing a child with adoptive parent of the child's sibling - SB411
Appropriations reorganized [Sec. 475, 476, 481, 482, 491, 492, 495, 496, 499, 501, 502, 504-509, 511-513]  - AB75
Bills of rights for foster children and for foster parents created; requirements cited [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1051n, o, 9108 (6f), 9408 (5f)] -  AB75
Biometric fingerprint identification system re child care attendance under Wisconsin Shares, DCF duties  - AB845
Biometric fingerprint identification system re child care attendance under Wisconsin Shares, DCF duties  - SB592
Birth certificate fees increased; annual funding to DCF for foster care public information and to DHS for maternal and child health activities [Sec. 327, 1504, 1505, 1508, 9422 (5); original bill only] -  AB75
Brighter Futures program: annual funding for the Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools, Inc. [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 989f; deleted by Senate; Conf.Amdt.1: restored, recipient changed to Diverse and Resilient, Inc.] -  AB75
Caregiver or nonclient resident of a child care provider: report requirements for suspected drug activity or child abuse or neglect; sheriff duties, confidentiality, and civil and criminal liability immunity -  AB695
Caregiver or nonclient resident of a child care provider: report requirements for suspected drug activity or child abuse or neglect; sheriff duties, confidentiality, and civil and criminal liability immunity -  SB500
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - AB825
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - SB571
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, CANPB provision removed]  - AB297
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  - SB211
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program revisions; expansion re home visitation program services; matching funds requirement [Sec. 1102-1127, 2547, 2549, 2550, 9108 (6); Enrolled AB-75: certain restrictions reinstated, matching requirement removed, 1106d, 1110d, 1111d; deletes 1104-1110, 1115] -  AB75
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  AB428
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision [S.Amdts 1 and 3: report requirements revised] -  SB299
Child abuse or neglect resulting in the child dying or placed in serious or critical condition: requiring certain information be disclosed to the legislature and made available to the public; DCF duties; report and exception provisions  - SB79
Child care allocations, kinship care funding, allocation for public assistance program fraud and error reduction; funding for Milwaukee and statewide child welfare information systems removed [Sec. 477, 478, 497, 996, 999, 1193-1200, 1228-1232, 1237-1241, 1243-1250, 9408 (4); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, W-2 cash benefits allocation and agency contact administration and services, 1195b, 1200c, 1228g, i; deletes 1195, 1231, 1237]  - AB75
Child care provider license, certification, or contract: prohibiting a person convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a drug-related felony from showing he or she has been rehabilitated; employment with a child care provider or residing where child care is provided provisions -  AB694
Child care provider license, certification, or contract: prohibiting a person convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a drug-related felony from showing he or she has been rehabilitated; employment with a child care provider or residing where child care is provided provisions -  SB499
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision -  AB462
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision [S.Amdt.3: Wisconsin Shares provisions added re ineligibility for child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud; S.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.3: fraudulent activity in W-2 program reporting requirements]  - SB331
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes or having certain TRO or injunction entered against the person; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry and TRO or injunction provisions; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment and TRO or injunction provisions; certain employees required to report to DA any suspected fraud in the W-2 Program, penalty and immunity from liability  - AB479
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes or having certain TRO or injunction entered against the person; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry and TRO or injunction provisions; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment and TRO or injunction provisions; certain employees required to report to DA any suspected fraud in the W-2 Program, penalty and immunity from liability  - SB333
Child care providers under W-2 child care subsidy program: personal liability of officers, directors, and employees of a corporation or LLC for penalties -  AB412
Child care providers under W-2 child care subsidy program: personal liability of officers, directors, and employees of a corporation or LLC for penalties -  SB280
Child care quality rating system: DCF required to provide; Internet provision [Sec. 1057, 9108 (7); Enrolled AB-75: review and plan revisions, 9108 (7f); deletes 9108 (7)]  - AB75
Child care search database: DCF to make available specific description of violations and steps taken to remedy violations [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1056t] -  AB75
Child care subsidies and cost savings options [Sec. 1214, 1215, 9108 (4); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, authorized hours provision added, 1214a; deletes 1215, 9108 (4)]  - AB75
Child care subsidy and assistance: local administration revisions; subsidies under W-2 restructured [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Day care'']  - AB75
Child or juvenile taken into custody: notice to relatives and disclosure of information to facilitate a relationship or placement; parent to provide names of relatives re potential placement; permanency planning; exception to confidentiality requirements [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 919p, 921h, 958p, 1086f, 1101c, 3290n, p, 3292h, 3327p, 3339j] -  AB75
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care [A.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB164
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  SB122
Child protective services: DCF to establish pilot program under which county department may employ alternative responses; evaluation report required [Sec. 1097, 1098. 1100; Enrolled AB-75: limited to five counties (including Milwaukee County)] -  AB75
Child removed from parental custody: county department or DCF required to notify adult relatives of the child; temporary custody hearing, permanency plan, and placement provisions; exception to confidentiality of child abuse and neglect records - SB212
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from a child care provider; DCF duties, emergency rule, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB176
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from a child care provider; DCF duties, emergency rule, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - SB141
Child safety alarms in child care vehicles: certain effective dates re 2009 WisAct 19 modified [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 3416g-j] - AB75
Child support distribution change and pass-through; SSI and caretaker supplement [Sec. 1154, 1156, 1368, 1370, 1371, 9308 (9), 9322 (7), 9408 (14), 9422 (12); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 1155c, 1369c, 9308 (8d), 9408 (13d); deletes 1154, 1368, 9408 (14)] -  AB75
Child support distribution changes for pre-assistance arrearages [Sec. 997, 1000, 1155, 1369, 9108 (1), 9408 (1)]  - AB75
Child support enforcement activities: federal and state funding; matching requirements [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 482c, 1268b-k, 9108 (8c)] -  AB75
Child support statements of account [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 3211p] -  AB75
Child welfare provider rate regulation re treatment foster homes [Sec. 1274-1286, 3314, 3315, 9108 (2), 9308 (3), 9408 (5); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, emergency rules promulgation, JLC study, 1276g-m, 1278g; deletes 1275]  - AB75
Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established [A.Amdt.1: DCF to certify need for new group home or increasing capacity at an existing one, emergency rules provision; A.Amdt.2: appropriation added]  - AB780
Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established -  SB567
Children receiving MA and who have health insurance coverage: DHS incentive payments for DCF to identify [Sec. 1300, 1377; Enrolled AB-75: funding re incentive payments to local child support agencies, 487p, 1268p, 1377; deletes 1300] - AB75
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  - AB485
Children's Code and Juvenile Justice Code revisions re required judicial findings and orders when child is placed outside the home, TPR warnings, mandatory child abuse or neglect reporters, confidentiality of social services records, changing ``day care" to ``child care", and definition of ``neglect"  - SB346
Community action agency program: income eligibility threshold increased until set date -  AB255
Community action agency program: income eligibility threshold increased until set date -  SB189
DCF funding re AFDC, Milwaukee child welfare services, TANF, and federal block grant aids [Sec. 1233, 1234, 9208 (1)-(3), 9408 (12), (13); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, ombudsman and LAB audit provisions, 9108 (8u), 9131 (2f)] - AB75
Electronic records in CCAP and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System: DCF and Director of State Courts to enter into agreement to allow for the transfer of, confidentiality and penalty provisions -  AB550
Electronic records in CCAP and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System: DCF and Director of State Courts to enter into agreement to allow for the transfer of, confidentiality and penalty provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transfer of records between DCF and the juvenile court and facilitated by CCAP specified] - SB375
Emergency assistance: DCF to establish amount of aid to be granted; maximum amounts to be published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register if DCF does not set by rule [Sec. 1140, 9308 (1), 9408 (3); original bill only]  - AB75