Revoked parole or extended supervision: confinement in prison for six months or length of remaining sentence required; Corr.Dept given authority to extend confinement after revocation under set conditions -  AB498
Revoked parole or extended supervision: confinement in prison for six months or length of remaining sentence required; Corr.Dept given authority to extend confinement after revocation under set conditions -  SB316
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration revisions; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts duties specified  - AB353
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration revisions; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts duties specified  - SB240
Risk reduction sentence: list of offenses that render a person ineligible eliminated; Corr.Dept authority to modify an inmate's program and when an inmate may be released modified; JRCCP report -  AB500
Risk reduction sentence: list of offenses that render a person ineligible eliminated; Corr.Dept authority to modify an inmate's program and when an inmate may be released modified; JRCCP report -  SB318
Sex offender registrants required to provide email accounts and Internet addresses of every Web site maintained by the registrant for personal or household use and all Internet user names - AB323
Sex offender registrants required to provide email accounts and Internet addresses of every Web site maintained by the registrant for personal or household use and all Internet user names - SB231
Sex offender registry: Corr.Dept and DHS required to notify police chief or sheriff when the registrant's residential address changes -  AB933
Sex offenders under GPS tracking requirement on parole, probation, extended supervision, conditional release, or supervised release for crimes against children prohibited from entering certain areas such as playgrounds and areas where children 16 years old and younger congregate; political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance or resolution restricting placement or residency of a sex offender; JRCCP report -  AB759
Sex offenders under GPS tracking requirement on parole, probation, extended supervision, conditional release, or supervised release for crimes against children prohibited from entering certain areas such as playgrounds and areas where children 16 years old and younger congregate; political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance or resolution restricting placement or residency of a sex offender; JRCCP report -  SB548
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions [S.Amdt.1: changes court ``may" to ``shall" provide a person or juvenile be released from sex offender registration reporting requirements; Assembly nonconcurred; Senate recedes its position]  - AB411
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions  - SB281
Youth aids funding for 2009-11 fiscal biennium set; discretionary federal economic stimulus funds added as funding source [Sec. 845, 853, 2674, 2681-2689; Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 319j, 845d, 853d, 2674d, 2681d-2683d, 9111 (2j); deletes 845, 853, 2674, 2681-2683]  - AB75
Barber or cosmetologist apprentices: supervision of modified -  SB168
Domestic abuse or violence recognition training: Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board required to provide  - AB45
countyCounty, see also name of specific county
Animal taken into custody on behalf of a political subdivision: laws revised -  AB793
Animal taken into custody on behalf of a political subdivision: laws revised -  SB580
Governmental body required to post public notice of meetings and minutes to its Web site, definition and town provisions - SB276
Governmental body required to post public notice of meetings and minutes to its Web site, definition provision  - AB546
Joint local governmental self-insured health insurance plan: county housing authority may participate  - AB640
Joint local governmental self-insured health insurance plan: county housing authority may participate  - SB427
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower - AB531
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower [S.Amdt.1: lease provision added; S.Amdt.2: number of acres limited]  - SB408
OWI conviction for second or third offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment  - AB191
OWI conviction for second or third offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment  - AB283
Private roads within manufactured and mobile home communities: rules of the road applied to [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, rules of the road replaced with agreement between private owner and municipality or county re traffic regulation enforcement] -  AB348
Private sewage system maintenance program: governmental unit inventory and implementation deadlines changed  - AB950
Private sewage system maintenance program: governmental unit inventory and implementation deadlines changed  - SB687
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: annexation of territory and changing boundaries revisions  - AB501
Recovery zone facility bonds: waving allocation and requiring Comm.Dept to develop a system to reallocate, other units of government may apply; industrial revenue bonds for ``project" facilities and housing authority included in intergovernmental cooperation agreements -  AB643
Recovery zone facility bonds: waving allocation and requiring Comm.Dept to develop a system to reallocate, other units of government may apply; industrial revenue bonds for ``project" facilities and housing authority included in intergovernmental cooperation agreements [S.Amdt.2: counties granted authority to issue IDB] -  SB440
RTAs created by political subdivisions permitted, municipal insurance mutuals provision -  AB282
RTAs created by political subdivisions permitted, municipal insurance mutuals provision -  SB205
Sale of personal property or real estate to satisfy a judgment: public notice to include county, town, or municipality Web site - SB541
county _ boardCounty — Board, see also Milwaukee County
Governing body of a political subdivision: appointing a member to an RTA board of directors permitted  - AB860
Governing body of a political subdivision: appointing a member to an RTA board of directors permitted  - SB648
Municipal ward, supervisory district, aldermanic district, and certain school district election district plans: legislative review revisions -  AB145
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: annexation of territory and changing boundaries revisions  - AB501
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: membership of board of commissioners revised  - AB795
Register of deeds fees for recording and filing instruments revised, redaction of SSN and electronic format provisions; land information council required if a county board created a land information office -  AB727
Register of deeds fees for recording and filing instruments revised, redaction of SSN and electronic format provisions; land information council required if a county board created a land information office [S.Amdt.1: ``redaction" replaced with ``make SSN not viewable on the Internet"]  - SB507
county _ clerkCounty — Clerk, see County — Officers
county _ electionsCounty — Elections
Local election-related inquiries re statewide elections and recounts: GAB required to allocate sufficient staff [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2q] -  AB75
Local elections board, local regulation of campaign contributions, enforcement, and registration and reporting: county, city, town, and village authorized to create and enact ordinances; GAB provision -  AB619
county _ fairCounty — Fair, see Fair
county _ financeCounty — Finance, see also Bonds — County
BCPL loan program changes [Sec. 20-28, 72] -  SB62
Birth to 3 Program: DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law; counties to pay nonfederal share; reimbursement by MA program [Sec. 363, 438, 912, 1316, 1317, 1324, 1325]  - AB75
Community recovery mental health services: DHS may implement through MA [Sec. 394, 890, 891, 1306, 1310, 1323; Enrolled AB-75: maintenance-of-effort requirement removed, deletes 890, 891] -  AB75
Dog damage claim re injured or killed farm animal, dog, or cat: deadline for filing revised; dog damage reimbursement fund required -  AB161
Dry cask storage to store spent fuel from a nuclear power plant: public utility required to make annual payments to municipality or county where it is stored; PSC duties  - AB309
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures: 2009 WisAct 28 provision repealed -  AB661
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures; DOR duties [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1900k] -  AB75
Energy efficiency improvement loans and water efficiency improvement loans: political subdivision authority and special charges provisions revised -  AB876
Energy efficiency improvement loans and water efficiency improvement loans: political subdivision authority and special charges provisions revised -  SB624
Energy efficient improvement or renewable resource application to residential property: municipality or county authorized to make a loan to owner and collect repayment as a special charge which may be collected in installments, property tax provision -  AB255
Energy efficient improvement or renewable resource application to residential property: municipality or county authorized to make a loan to owner and collect repayment as a special charge which may be collected in installments, property tax provision -  SB189
Federal economic stimulus funds re county and municipal aid [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 617, 618d] - AB75
First dollar property tax credit distribution [Sec. 1905, 1906, 1907-1916, 9343 (7); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 1917m] -  AB75
First dollar property tax credit distribution revised -  AB68
First dollar property tax credit distribution revised -  SB35
General transportation aids: funding amounts revised [Sec. 1941-1943] -  AB75
Juvenile correctional costs: additional funding to counties under certain conditions -  SB151
Local roads improvement program: discretionary component modified [Sec. 1944-1946] -  AB75
Mental health institute services to certain persons: county to pay portion not paid by federal government [Sec. 1309, 1322, 1425-1427, 1432-1437; Enrolled AB-75: funding modified, DHS to calculate counties' share, emergency detention revisions, 1424y, 9122 (4)(cq), 9322 (5f), 9422 (8f); deletes 1424] - AB75
Nonprofit organization providing assistance to low-income individuals or victims of domestic violence and related crimes: county may appropriate money re capital and operational expenses [A.Amdt.1: low-income aspect removed]  - AB209
Nursing home or intermediate care facility operated by a commission created by two or more political subdivisions: assessments and MA payments permitted under certain conditions - AB944
Nursing home or intermediate care facility operated by a commission created by two or more political subdivisions: assessments and MA payments permitted under certain conditions - SB684
OWI monetary and imprisonment penalties changed; counting number of convictions by the court revised; county can ask DOT not to reinstate operating privileges until person has reimbursed county for jail costs -  AB156
Police and fire protection fund re county and municipal aid [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 617, 619d, 1898]  - AB75
Production plant generating electricity from wind power: utility aid payments to towns and counties modified  - AB270
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application and closing deadlines changed -  AB733
Sustainable forestry grants to counties: appropriation carried over to next fiscal year [Sec. 276; Enrolled AB-75: grants made biennial appropriation, urban forestry program funding, 275L] - AB75
Unclaimed personal property: sheriff may sell at public auction or on an Internet site -  AB347
Unclaimed personal property: sheriff may sell at public auction or on an Internet site -  SB239
Utility aid payments to counties and municipalities: per capita limits [Sec. 1896, 1897] -  AB75
county _ highway departmentCounty — Highway department, see also Road — County
Neighborhood electric vehicle: municipal ordinance may allow use of on county trunk highways within municipality's boundaries under certain conditions - AB402
county _ human servicesCounty — Human services
Bills of rights for foster children and for foster parents created; requirements cited [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1051n, o, 9108 (6f), 9408 (5f)] -  AB75