Environmental contamination grants: eligibility of applicants and criteria for awards [Sec. 3015, 3017-3026; Enrolled AB-75: grant to Town of Beloit to construct a children's playground at Preservation Park, 215d, 9110 (12h)]  - AB75
Environmental Quality, Department of, created; DNR responsibilities revised; NRB to appoint the DNR Secretary; DATCP provision -  AB926
Environmental Results Program revisions and name changed to Green Tier Program, Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program provisions; Environmental Improvement Program revisions and name changed to Environmental Compliance Audit Program; DNR duties -  AB180
Environmental Results Program revisions and name changed to Green Tier Program, Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program provisions; Environmental Improvement Program revisions and name changed to Environmental Compliance Audit Program; DNR duties -  SB126
Environmental surcharge for violation of an environmental law increased -  AB257
Environmental surcharge rate increased and allocation revised; EEB funding [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 261t, 2665r, s]  - AB75
Flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids: revisions re definitions, Comm.Dept duties, and storage tanks (remedial legislation) -  SB459
Hazardous waste environmental repair fee increased; wastes recovered for recycling and reuse excluded [Sec. 2659-2662, 9137 (2)] -  AB75
Healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning requirements for certain publicly owned buildings: DHS duties set, Council on Healthy and Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning created - AB578
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions - AB162
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions [S.Amdt.1: compliance investigation provisions replaced with rules of compliance] -  SB123
Invasive species control: Stewardship program grants to nonprofit conservation organizations, lake districts, and qualified lake associations -  AB436
Land Recycling Loan Program: funding cap eliminated [Sec. 2588, 2589] -  AB75
Metallic minerals mining: environmental law revisions; notice to transferees of interests in mining sites provision; DNR duties modified -  SB139
Normal school fund income designated for environmental programs and financial aid [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 240b, 261w, 665s, 747rm, 9139 (2c)] -  AB75
PCB contaminated sediment disposal: program for reimbursement modified [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2665e]  - AB75
Petroleum inspection fund transfers to the general, recycling and renewable energy, environmental, and transportation funds [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9210 (1f)-(2f), (3q)]  - AB75
Phosphorus in machine dishwashing products for household use: limit reduced -  AB281
Root River Environmental Education Community Center: one-time granted provided to City of Racine [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  AB75
STH 13 between City of Marshfield and STH 29: DOT recommendation re environmental assessment required [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9150 (8j)] -  AB75
Tipping fees re PCB contaminated sediment removed from bed of navigable river [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2657u-2658e]  - AB75
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1918i] - AB75
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]  - AB75
Wisconsin River bridge connecting CTH Z to STH 54/73 (City of Wisconsin Rapids and Village of Port Edwards): DOT required to prepare an environmental assessment [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1918j] -  AB75
environmental remediation tax incremental district _ertid_Environmental remediation tax incremental district (ERTID), see Property tax
epamd _electric personal assistive mobility device_EPAMD (Electric personal assistive mobility device), see Recreation vehicle
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent -  AB506
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent -  SB354
equinesEquines, see Horses
ertid _environmental remediation tax incremental district_ERTID (Environmental remediation tax incremental district), see Property tax
estate of deceased personEstate of deceased person
Landlord may not make a claim against deceased tenant's estate for rent that is due, conditions set; rental agreement provision - AB543
Survivor benefits: DETF to ensure they are reported to the IRS that does not result in an erroneous tax liability [A.Sub.Amdt.1; deleted by A.Amdts.] -  AB75
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only - SB670
estate taxEstate tax
Estate tax eliminated - SB691
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only - SB670
ethanolEthanol, see Gasoline
Ethics, elections, and lobbying regulation laws: prosecution and venue for trial of civil and criminal violations modified; disclosure of certain information provision  - AB62
GAB federal aid moneys: use expanded re lobbying regulation and ethics laws [Sec. 591, 592] - AB75
Statements of economic interest filed with GAB: repealing requirement that individuals wishing to examine provide certain identifying information -  AB322
U.W. contracts with research companies: approval process and conflict of interest revisions; sunset provided [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 738s, 2443d, 3350d-s] -  AB75
ethnic diversityEthnic diversity, see Minority groups
evidenceEvidence, see also Lie detector
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances - AB124
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances - SB100
Digital representation of a photo, film, motion picture, audio, or video created by law enforcement agent permitted in a criminal prosecution, conditions and penalties for falsifying the contents created; JRCCP report -  AB627
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  AB514
Harboring or aiding a felon: family members are not exempt from prohibition against destroying, altering, hiding, or disguising physical evidence; domestic abuse provision; penalty for violation increased under certain conditions; JRCCP report - AB613
Health care provider conduct, statement, or gesture of apology, condolence, or sympathy is inadmissible in a civil action or administrative hearing -  AB710
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence - AB508
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence - SB332
Property tax assessment objections: changes made by 2007 WisAct 86 eliminated -  AB134
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -  AB456
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; JRCCP report  - AB769
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; JRCCP report  - SB561
Urine collection for drug testing purposes: restrictions created [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 156n] -  AB75
execution of judgmentExecution of judgment, see Judgment
executions _ exemptionExecutions — Exemption, see Judgment
Governor lapse of appropriations to general fund re pay increase and furlough days specified [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9220 (1c)] - AB75
executive orderExecutive order, see Governor
exemption from executionExemption from execution, see Judgment
expenditure restraint programExpenditure Restraint Program, see Shared revenue
extraordinary session, 2009 _ februaryExtraordinary session, 2009 — February
State finances and appropriations and other changes (budget adjustment bill) [S.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB62
extraordinary session, 2009 _ mayExtraordinary session, 2009 — May
Federal economic stimulus funds allocation provisions re ARRA [A.Amdt.1: state aid to school districts added]  - AB255
Federal economic stimulus funds allocation provisions re ARRA -  SB189
extraordinary session, 2009 _ decemberExtraordinary session, 2009 — December
Extraordinary session convened on December 16, 2009 amended to include AB-184, AB-476, AB-477, AB-478, AB-608 -  AJR97
OWI law revisions re ignition interlock device ordered by the court, penalties increased, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, and first offense penalties; Judicial Council to establish advisory sentencing guidelines; JRCCP report [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Judicial Council and JRCCP provisions removed, trial court may order probation, and court may not release a person after conviction but before sentencing in certain cases; A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] -  SB66
extraordinary session, 2010 _ decemberExtraordinary session, 2010 — December
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB989
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB719
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB990
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB720