Agent may sign instruments, 243.05
Death of principal, effect on agency, 243.06
Board of trade contracts, requirements, 241.24
Conveyance defined, 243.04
Encumbered property, 943.84
Exempt property, 815.18 (10)
Heirs of creditors and purchasers, void as to, 243.02
After rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.53
Prior to rehabilitation or liquidation petition, 645.52
Lands, interest in, defined, 243.03
Power to revoke, conveyances with:
Conveyance valid on vesting of, 240.05
In grantor, void, 240.03
In third person, valid, 240.04
Fraud if possession not changed, 241.05 to 241.07
Gift if goods unsolicited, 241.28
Property rights of surviving spouse, 861.17
Recovery of property fraudulently sold by decedent, 859.41
Residential real estate transactions; fraud and misrepresentation, tort action, 895.10
Statute of limitations, 242.09, 893.425
Trusts in lands, grant or assignment void if not written, 243.01
Uniform fraudulent transfer act:
Generally, 242.01 to 242.11
Application and construction, uniformity of, 242.11
Creditors' remedies, 242.07
Defenses of transferee, 242.08
Definitions, 242.01
Fraudulent transfers, as to:
Present and future creditors, 242.04
Present creditors, 242.05
Insolvency defined, 242.02
Law and equity rules apply, 242.10
Transferees; defenses, liability, 242.08
Value, when given, 242.03
Void conveyances, 240.01
Exception, purchaser with notice, 240.02
Writing, when required:
Generally, 241.02
Bank book transfer, 241.25
Croppers contracts, 241.03
Employment contracts, 241.025
Peddlers contract, debt for goods, warning required, 241.27
Real estate agency contracts, 240.10
Wage assignments, 241.09
free press and speech FREE PRESS AND SPEECH
Guaranteed, I, 3
freeways FREEWAYS
See Highways
frivolous matters FRIVOLOUS MATTERS
fruit FRUIT
fuel FUEL
fugitives FUGITIVES
funeral directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Generally, Ch. 445
Advertising, printed, 445.145
Apprentices, registration, regulation, 445.095, 445.10
Burial agreements and trusts, prearranged, 445.125
Funeral insurance policies, 632.415
Cemeteries, prohibited relationships, 157.067, 445.12 (6)
Corpses, restrictions on sending to, 445.14
Cremation regulations:
Crematory operation, see Death and Dead Persons
Permits, 979.10
Deaths, registration, 69.18
Disclosures and representations for certain sales, 440.947
Examinations, 445.04
Examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (16)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Powers, 445.03
Exceptions under the law, 445.16
Funeral establishments, permits, 445.105
Investigations and hearings by examining board, 445.13
Licenses, 445.04
Display, 445.09
Eligibility requirements, 445.045
Fees, 440.05
Interstate reciprocity, 445.08
Renewal, 445.06