Article 2. Disposition of My Property
2.1. PERSONAL, RECREATIONAL AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. Except as provided in paragraph 2.2, I give all my furniture, furnishings, household items, recreational equipment, personal automobiles and personal effects to my spouse, if living; otherwise they shall be divided equally among my children who survive me.
2.2. GIFTS TO PERSONS OR CHARITIES. I make the following gifts to the persons or charities in the cash amount stated in words (.... Dollars) and figures ($....) or of the property described. I SIGN IN EACH BOX USED. I WRITE THE WORDS "NOT USED" IN THE REMAINING BOXES. If I fail to sign opposite any gift, then no gift is made. If the person mentioned does not survive me or if the charity does not accept the gift, then no gift is made. - See PDF for table PDF
2.3. ALL OTHER ASSETS (MY "RESIDUARY ESTATE"). I adopt only one Property Disposition Clause in this paragraph by writing my signature on the line next to the title of the Property Disposition Clause I wish to adopt. I SIGN ON ONLY ONE LINE. I WRITE THE WORDS "NOT USED" ON THE REMAINING LINES. If I sign on more than one line or if I fail to sign on any line, the property will be distributed as if I did not make a will in accordance with Chapter 852 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
IF YOU HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL ESTATE, CHOOSING CLAUSE (a) OR (b) MIGHT NOT BE THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TAX OPTION AVAILABLE TO YOU. If you have questions concerning the tax implications of these clauses, you should consult a competent tax adviser.
Article 3. Nominations of Personal Representative, Trustee and Guardian
3.1. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. (Name at least one.)
I nominate the person or institution named in the first box of this paragraph to serve as my personal representative. If that person or institution does not serve, then I nominate the others to serve in the order I list them in the other boxes. I confer upon my personal representative the authority to do and perform any act which he or she determines is in the best interest of the estate, with no limitations. This provision shall be given the broadest possible construction. This authority includes, but is not limited to, the power to borrow money, pledge assets, vote stocks and participate in reorganizations, to sell or exchange real or personal property, and to invest funds and retain securities without any limitation by law for investments by fiduciaries.
3.2. TRUSTEE. (Name at least one.)
Because it is possible that after I die my property may be put into a trust, I nominate the person or institution named in the first box of this paragraph to serve as trustee of that trust. If that person or institution does not serve, then I nominate the others to serve in the order I list them in the other boxes.
FIRST TRUSTEE - See PDF for diagram PDF
SECOND TRUSTEE - See PDF for diagram PDF
THIRD TRUSTEE - See PDF for diagram PDF
3.3. GUARDIAN. (If you have a child under 18 years of age, you should name at least one guardian of the child.)
If my spouse dies before me or for any other reason a guardian is needed for any child of mine, then I nominate the person named in the first box of this paragraph to serve as guardian of the person and estate of that child. If the person does not serve, then I nominate the person named in the second box of this paragraph to serve as guardian of that child.
FIRST GUARDIAN - See PDF for diagram PDF
3.4. BOND.
My signature in this box means I request that a bond, as set by law, be required for each individual personal representative, trustee or guardian named in this will. IF I DO NOT SIGN IN THIS BOX, I REQUEST THAT A BOND NOT BE REQUIRED FOR ANY OF THOSE PERSONS.
I sign my name to this Wisconsin Basic Will With Trust on ................(date), at...............(city),.............. (state).
Signature of Testator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
STATEMENT OF WITNESSES (You must use two witnesses, who should be adults.)
I declare that the testator signed the will in front of me, acknowledged to me that this document was his or her will or acknowledged to me that the signature above is his or her signature. The testator appears to me to be of sound mind and not under undue influence.
Signature Residence Address:
Print Name Here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I declare that the testator signed the will in front of me, acknowledged to me that this document was his or her will or acknowledged to me that the signature above is his or her signature. The testator appears to me to be of sound mind and not under undue influence.
Signature Residence Address:
Print Name Here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
853.56 History History: 1983 a. 376; 1993 a. 304; 1997 a. 188.
853.57 853.57 Personal, recreational and household items. The following is the full text of paragraph 2.1 of the Wisconsin basic will and the basic will with trust:
If my spouse survives me, I give my spouse all my books, jewelry, clothing, personal automobiles, recreational equipment, household furnishings and effects, and other tangible articles of a household, recreational or personal use, together with all policies of insurance insuring any such items. If my spouse does not survive me, the personal representative shall distribute those items among my children who survive me, and shall distribute those items in as nearly equal shares as feasible in the personal representative's discretion. If none of my children survive me, the items described in this paragraph shall become part of the residuary estate.
853.57 History History: 1983 a. 376.
853.58 853.58 Residuary estate; basic will. The following is the full text of the property disposition clauses referred to in paragraph 2.3 of the Wisconsin basic will:
If my spouse survives me, then I give all my residuary estate to my spouse. If my spouse does not survive me, then I give all my residuary estate to my descendants by right of representation who survive me. If my spouse and descendants do not survive me, the personal representative shall distribute my residuary estate to my heirs at law, their identities and respective shares to be determined according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin in effect on the date of my death.
The personal representative shall distribute my residuary estate to my heirs at law, their identities and respective shares to be determined according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin in effect on the date of my death.
853.58 History History: 1983 a. 376.
853.59 853.59 Residuary estate; basic will with trust. The following is the full text of the property disposition clause referred to in paragraph 2.3 of the Wisconsin basic will with trust, except that if a different age is specified by the testator in the Wisconsin basic will with trust, that specified age is substituted for 21 years in this section:
(1) If my spouse survives me, then I give all my residuary estate to my spouse.
(2) If my spouse does not survive me and if any child of mine under 21 years of age survives me, then I give all my residuary estate to the trustee, in trust, on the following terms:
(A) As long as any child of mine under 21 years of age is living, the trustee shall distribute from time to time to or for the benefit of any one or more of my children and the descendants of any deceased child (the beneficiaries) of any age as much, or all, of the principal or net income of the trust or both, as the trustee deems necessary for their health, support, maintenance and education. Any undistributed income shall be accumulated and added to the principal. "Education" includes, but is not limited to, college, vocational and other studies after high school, and reasonably related living expenses. Consistent with the trustee's fiduciary duties, the trustee may distribute trust income or principal in equal or unequal shares and to any one or more of the beneficiaries to the exclusion of other beneficiaries. In deciding on distributions, the trustee may take into account the beneficiaries' other income, outside resources or sources of support, including the capacity for gainful employment of a beneficiary who has completed his or her education.
(B) The trust shall terminate when there is no living child of mine under 21 years of age. The trustee shall distribute any remaining principal and accumulated net income of the trust to my descendants by right of representation who are then living. If principal becomes distributable to a person under legal disability, the trustee may postpone the distribution until the disability is removed. In that case, the assets shall be administered as a separate trust under this Wisconsin basic will with trust and the net income and principal shall be applied for the benefit of the beneficiary at such times and in such amounts as the trustee considers appropriate. If the beneficiary dies before the removal of the disability, the remaining assets shall be distributed to his or her estate.
(3)  If my spouse does not survive me and if no child of mine under 21 years of age survives me, then I give all my residuary estate to my descendants by right of representation who survive me. If my spouse and descendants do not survive me, the personal representative shall distribute my residuary estate to my heirs at law, their identities and respective shares to be determined according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin in effect on the date of my death.
853.59 History History: 1983 a. 376; 1993 a. 304; 1995 a. 225; 1997 a. 188.
853.59 Annotation Trust B of the Wisconsin basic will may be a hazardous estate plan. Erlanger and Crowley, WBB January, 1986.
853.60 853.60 Mandatory clauses. The Wisconsin basic will and basic will with trust include the following mandatory clauses:
853.60(1) (1)Intestate disposition. If the testator has not made an effective disposition of the residuary estate, the personal representative shall distribute it to the testator's heirs at law, their identities and respective shares to be determined according to the laws of the state of Wisconsin in effect on the date of the testator's death.
853.60(2) (2)Powers of personal representative.
853.60(2)(a)(a) In addition to any powers conferred upon personal representatives by law, the personal representative may do any of the following:
853.60(2)(a)1. 1. Sell estate assets at public or private sale, for cash or on credit terms.
853.60(2)(a)2. 2. Lease estate assets without restriction as to duration.
853.60(2)(a)3. 3. Invest any surplus moneys of the estate in real or personal property, as the personal representative deems advisable.
853.60(2)(b) (b) The personal representative may distribute estate assets otherwise distributable to a minor beneficiary to any of the following:
853.60(2)(b)1. 1. The guardian of the minor's person or estate.
853.60(2)(b)2. 2. Any adult person with whom the minor resides and who has the care, custody or control of the minor.
853.60(2)(b)3. 3. A custodian, serving on behalf of the minor under the uniform gifts to minors act or uniform transfers to minors act of any state.
853.60(2)(c) (c) On any distribution of assets from the estate, the personal representative may partition, allot and distribute the assets in kind, including undivided interests in an asset or in any part of it; partly in cash and partly in kind; or entirely in cash. If a distribution is being made to more than one beneficiary, the personal representative may distribute assets among them on a prorated or nonprorated basis, with the assets valued as of the date of distribution.
853.60(3) (3)Powers of guardian. A guardian of the person or of the estate nominated in the Wisconsin basic will or basic will with trust, and subsequently appointed, shall have all of the powers conferred by law.
853.60 History History: 1983 a. 376; 1987 a. 191.
853.61 853.61 Mandatory clauses; basic will with trust. The Wisconsin basic will with trust includes the following mandatory clauses:
853.61(1) (1)Ineffective disposition. If, at the termination of any trust created in the Wisconsin basic will with trust, there is no effective disposition of the remaining trust assets, then the trustee shall distribute those assets to the testator's then living heirs at law, their identities and respective shares to be determined as though the testator had died on the date of the trust's termination and according to the laws of the state of Wisconsin then in effect.
853.61(2) (2)Powers of trustee.
853.61(2)(a)(a) In addition to any powers conferred upon trustees by law, the trustee shall have all the powers listed in s. 701.16.
853.61(2)(b) (b) In addition to the powers granted in par. (a), the trustee may:
853.61(2)(b)1. 1. Hire and pay from the trust the fees of investment advisers, accountants, tax advisers, agents, attorneys and other assistants for the administration of the trust and for the management of any trust asset and for any litigation affecting the trust.
853.61(2)(b)2. 2. On any distribution of assets from the trust, the trustee may partition, allot and distribute the assets in kind, including undivided interests in an asset or in any part of it; partly in cash and partly in kind; or entirely in cash. If a distribution is being made to more than one beneficiary, the trustee shall have the discretion to distribute assets among them on a prorated or nonprorated basis, with the assets valued as of the date of distribution.
853.61(2)(b)3. 3. The trustee may, upon termination of the trust, distribute assets to a custodian for a minor beneficiary under the uniform gifts to minors act or uniform transfers to minors act of any state. The trustee is free of liability and is discharged from any further accountability for distributing assets in compliance with this section.
853.61(3) (3)Trust administrative provisions. The following provisions shall apply to any trust created by a Wisconsin basic will with trust:
853.61(3)(a) (a) The interests of trust beneficiaries shall not be transferable by voluntary or involuntary assignment or by operation of law and shall be free from the claims of creditors and from attachment, execution, bankruptcy or other legal process to the fullest extent permissible by law.
853.61(3)(b) (b) The trustee shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for ordinary and extraordinary services, and for all services in connection with the complete or partial termination of any trust created by this will.
853.61(3)(c) (c) All persons who have any interest in a trust under a Wisconsin basic will with trust are bound by all discretionary determinations the trustee makes in good faith under the authority granted in the Wisconsin basic will with trust.
853.61 History History: 1983 a. 376; 1987 a. 191.
853.62 853.62 Date of execution of will. Except as specifically provided in ss. 853.50 to 853.61, a Wisconsin basic will or basic will with trust includes only the texts of the property disposition clauses and the mandatory clauses as they exist on the day the will is executed.
853.62 History History: 1983 a. 376.
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