Date of enactment: February 17, 2012
2011 Senate Bill 381 Date of publication*: February 20, 2012
* Section 991.11, Wisconsin Statutes 2009-10 : Effective date of acts. "Every act and every portion of an act enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto which does not expressly prescribe the time when it takes effect shall take effect on the day after its date of publication as designated" by the secretary of state [the date of publication may not be more than 10 working days after the date of enactment].
An Act to renumber 7.52 (6) (a); to renumber and amend 7.52 (5), 7.52 (6) (b) and 7.53 (1); to amend 5.64 (1) (e) 1., 6.86 (2m) (a), 6.97 (4), 7.15 (4), 7.51 (1), 7.51 (5) (b), 7.515 (6) (b), 7.52 (1) (a), 7.53 (2) (d), 7.53 (3) (a), 7.60 (3), 7.60 (5) (a), 9.01 (1) (a) 1., 9.01 (1) (ag) 1., 9.01 (1) (ag) 1m., 9.01 (1) (ag) 2., 9.01 (1) (b) (intro.), 60.11 (2), 60.16 (1), 60.30 (4) (b), 66.0213 (4) (b), 66.0215 (9), 66.1113 (2) (g) and 66.1113 (2) (h); and to create 5.86 (3), 7.15 (15) and 7.53 (1) (b) of the statutes; relating to: county and municipal canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, the deadline for filing a recount petition, terms of town officers, the date of the annual town meeting, and technical revisions to certain election laws.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
115,1 Section 1. 5.64 (1) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
5.64 (1) (e) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., each candidate's name shall be placed in the column of the party by which nominated or if independent, in a column designated independent and all candidates for the same office shall appear within the same rows on the ballot. If a separate column is provided to write in the names of any party candidates under subd. 2., the column shall appear before the column designated independent with the spaces provided to write in the names of the candidates for each such party appearing in the same order in which the columns of their parties would appear under par. (b). Along with the names of the independent candidates shall appear the party or principle of the candidates, if any, in 5 words or less, as shown on their nomination papers. Independent candidates for the same county office shall be listed in the same manner in an order drawn by lot by or under supervision of the county clerk or board of election commissioners. The board shall conduct a redrawing for purposes of determining the arrangement of independent candidates for state office who appeared on the primary ballot in the manner provided in s. 5.60 (1) (b).
115,2 Section 2. 5.86 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
5.86 (3) Upon completion of the central count at a county seat, the county clerk shall return any ballots, statements, tally sheets, or envelopes relating solely to a municipal election to the appropriate municipal clerk and any ballots, statements, tally sheets, or envelopes relating solely to a school district election to the school district clerk. In addition, the county clerk shall report the results of the central count of votes for each office or referendum by ward or by combined wards authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b) to the municipal clerk of the municipality where the votes are cast.
115,3 Section 3. 6.86 (2m) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 23, is amended to read:
6.86 (2m) (a) Except as provided in this subsection, any elector other than an elector who receives an absentee ballot under sub. (2) or s. 6.22 (4) or 6.24 (4) (c) may by written application filed with the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides require that an absentee ballot be sent or transmitted to the elector automatically for every election that is held within the same calendar year in which the application is filed. The application form and instructions shall be prescribed by the board, and furnished upon request to any elector by each municipal clerk. The municipal clerk shall thereupon mail or transmit an absentee ballot to the elector for all elections that are held in the municipality during the same calendar year that the application is filed, except that the clerk shall not send an absentee ballot for an election if the elector's name appeared on the registration list in eligible status for a previous election following the date of the application but no longer appears on the list in eligible status. The municipal clerk shall ensure that any envelope containing the absentee ballot is clearly marked as not forwardable. If an elector who files an application under this subsection no longer resides at the same address that is indicated on the application form, the elector shall so notify the municipal clerk. The municipal clerk shall discontinue mailing or transmitting absentee ballots to an elector under this subsection upon receipt of reliable information that the elector no longer qualifies as an elector of the municipality. In addition, the municipal clerk shall discontinue mailing or transmitting absentee ballots to an elector under this subsection if the elector fails to return any absentee ballot mailed or transmitted to the elector. The municipal clerk shall notify the elector of any such action not taken at the elector's request within 5 days, if possible. An elector who fails to cast an absentee ballot but who remains qualified to receive absentee ballots under this subsection may then receive absentee ballots for subsequent elections by notifying the municipal clerk that the elector wishes to continue receiving absentee ballots for subsequent elections.
115,4 Section 4. 6.97 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
6.97 (4) Whenever a board of canvassers receives timely notification from the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners under sub. (3) that an individual who has voted under this section is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual's ballot is cast, the board of canvassers shall promptly reconvene and meet no later than 9 a.m. on the Monday following the election. The board of canvassers shall proceed to record the name of the individual who has cast the ballot and, if the ballot cast by the individual is otherwise valid, shall count the ballot and adjust the statements, certifications, and determinations accordingly. If the municipal clerk or executive director transmits returns of the election to the county clerk or board of election commissioners, the municipal clerk or executive director shall transmit to the county clerk or board of election commissioners a copy of the amended returns together with amended tally sheets and all additional ballots counted reviewed by each the board of canvassers.
115,5 Section 5. 7.15 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.15 (4) Recording electors. Within Except as authorized in s. 6.33 (5) (a), within 30 days after each election, the municipal clerk shall enter on the registration list under the name of each elector of the municipality who has voted at the election an indication of the date of the election in which the elector voted.
115,6 Section 6. 7.15 (15) of the statutes is created to read:
7.15 (15) Provide notice of outstanding provisional ballots. As soon as possible after the closing hour for all polling places in the municipality on election night, the municipal clerk shall post at his or her office and on the Internet at a site announced by the clerk before the polls open, and shall make available to any person upon request, a statement of the number of electors who have cast provisional ballots at the election in the municipality that cannot be counted as of that closing hour because the electors have not satisfied relevant voting requirements.
115,7 Section 7. 7.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (1) Canvass procedure. Immediately after the polls close the inspectors except any inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (1) (b) shall proceed to canvass publicly all votes received at the polling place. In any municipality where an electronic voting system is used, the municipal governing body or board of election commissioners may provide or authorize the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners to provide for the adjournment of the canvass to one or more central counting locations for specified polling places in the manner prescribed in subch. III of ch. 5. No central counting location may be used to count votes at a polling place where an electronic voting system is not employed. The canvass, whether conducted at the polling place or at a central counting location, shall continue without adjournment until the canvass of all ballots cast and received on or before election day is completed and the return statement is made or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, until the canvass of all absentee ballots cast and received on or before election day is completed and the return statement for those ballots is made. The inspectors shall not permit access to the name of any elector who has obtained a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2) during the canvass, except as authorized in s. 6.47 (8).
115,8 Section 8. 7.51 (5) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
7.51 (5) (b) The municipal clerk shall deliver all ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes relating to a school district election to the school district clerk, excluding any absentee ballots that are received after the closing hour on election night and any provisional ballots, by 4 p.m. on the day following each such election and shall deliver to the school district clerk any amended statements, tally sheets, and lists for additional provisional and absentee ballots canvassed under s. 6.97 (4) or 7.515 (6) (b) no later than 4 p.m. on the Monday after the election. The municipal clerk shall deliver to the county clerk the ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes for his or her municipality relating to any county, technical college district, state, or national election to the county clerk no later than 4 p.m. on the day following each such election or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, by 4 p.m. on the 2nd day following each such election, and shall deliver to the county clerk any additional provisional and absentee ballots canvassed under s. 6.97 (4) or 7.515 (6) (b) together with amended statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes no later than 4 p.m. on the day after receiving any corrected returns under s. 7.515 (6) (b) Monday after the election. The person delivering the returns shall be paid out of the municipal treasury. Each clerk shall retain ballots, statements, tally sheets, or envelopes received by the clerk until destruction is authorized under s. 7.23 (1).
115,9 Section 9. 7.515 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
7.515 (6) (b) Whenever a board of canvassers receives notification from a municipal clerk under par. (a), the board of canvassers shall reconvene meet no later than 9 a.m. on the day Monday after the last day permitted for acceptance of absentee ballots under sub. (3) and election. The board of canvassers shall proceed to open and record the names of the absentee electors whose ballots have been received. If the ballot cast by an absentee elector is otherwise valid, the board of canvassers shall count the ballot and adjust the statements, certifications, and determinations accordingly. If the municipal clerk transmits returns of the election to the county clerk, the municipal clerk shall transmit to the county clerk a copy of the amended returns together with all additional ballots and envelopes reviewed by the board of canvassers and with amended tally sheets.
115,10 Section 10. 7.52 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.52 (1) (a) The governing body of any municipality may provide by ordinance that, in lieu of canvassing absentee ballots at polling places under s. 6.88, the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers designated under s. 7.53 (2m) shall, at each election held in the municipality, canvass all absentee ballots at all elections held in the municipality received by the municipal clerk by 8 p.m. on election day. Prior to enacting an ordinance under this subsection, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality shall notify the board in writing of the proposed enactment and shall consult with the board concerning administration of this section. At every election held in the municipality following enactment of an ordinance under this subsection, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall, any time after the opening of the polls and before 10 p.m. on election day, publicly convene to count the absentee ballots for the municipality. The municipal clerk shall give at least 48 hours' notice of any meeting under this subsection. Any member of the public has the same right of access to a meeting of the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers under this subsection that the individual would have under s. 7.41 to observe the proceedings at a polling place. The board of absentee ballot canvassers may order the removal of any individual exercising the right to observe the proceedings if the individual disrupts the meeting.
115,11 Section 11. 7.52 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 7.52 (5) (a) and amended to read:
7.52 (5) (a) The vote of any absent elector may be challenged by any elector for cause and the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall have all the power and authority given the inspectors to hear and determine the legality of the ballot the same as if the ballot had been voted in person.
115,12 Section 12. 7.52 (6) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 7.52 (6).
115,13 Section 13. 7.52 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 23, is renumbered 7.52 (5) (b) and amended to read:
7.52 (5) (b) Any elector may challenge for cause any absentee ballot. For the purpose of deciding upon ballots that are challenged for any reason, the board of absentee ballot canvassers may call before it any person whose absentee ballot is challenged if the person is available to be called. If the person challenged refuses to answer fully any relevant questions put to him or her by the board of absentee ballot canvassers under s. 6.92, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall reject the person's vote. If the challenge is not withdrawn after the person offering to vote has answered the questions, one of the members of the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall administer to the person the following oath or affirmation: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that: you are 18 years of age; you are a citizen of the United States; you are now and for 28 consecutive days have been a resident of this ward except under s. 6.02 (2), stats.; you have not voted at this election; you have not made any bet or wager or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of this election; you are not on any other ground disqualified to vote at this election." If the person challenged refuses to take the oath or affirmation, the person's vote shall be rejected. If the person challenged answers fully all relevant questions put to the elector by the board of absentee ballot canvassers under s. 6.92, takes the oath or affirmation, and fulfills the applicable registration requirements, and if the answers to the questions given by the person indicate that the person meets the voting qualification requirements, the person's vote shall be received.
115,14 Section 14. 7.53 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 7.53 (1) (a) and amended to read:
7.53 (1) (a) Where the municipality constitutes one ward or combines all wards to utilize a single polling place under s. 5.15 (6) (b), the canvass of the votes cast at the polling place shall be conducted publicly under s. 7.51 and the inspectors, other than any inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (1) (b), shall act as the municipal board of canvassers. The inspectors shall then complete the return statement for all votes cast at the polling place. If there are no provisional ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 and the municipal clerk has not mailed or transmitted absentee ballots to any electors of the municipality that have not been returned by election night, and no absentee ballots are being canvassed under s. 7.52, the inspectors may complete and sign the canvass statement and determination on election night. In municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, after the canvass of the absentee ballots is completed under s. 7.52, the board of absentee ballot canvassers shall reconcile the poll list of the electors who vote by absentee ballot with the corresponding poll list of the electors who vote in person to ensure that no elector is allowed to cast more than one ballot. If an elector who votes in person has submitted an absentee ballot, the absentee ballot is void. Except as authorized in par. (b), if one or more electors of the municipality have cast provisional ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 or if the municipal clerk receives one or more absentee ballots by 4 p.m. on the Friday after the election that are eligible to be counted under s. 7.515 (6) (b), the inspectors, acting as the board of canvassers, shall reconvene no later than 9 a.m. on the Monday after the election to count the valid provisional and absentee ballots and shall adjust the returns accordingly. Upon completion of the canvass under this subsection paragraph and any canvass that is conducted under s. 7.52 and ascertainment of the results by the inspectors or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, by the inspectors and the board of absentee ballot canvassers, the municipal clerk shall publicly read to the inspectors or the board of absentee ballot canvassers the names of the persons voted for and the number of votes for each person for each municipal office, the names of the persons declared by the inspectors or board of absentee ballot canvassers to have won nomination or election to each municipal office, and the number of votes cast for and against each municipal referendum question.
115,14m Section 14m. 7.53 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
7.53 (1) (b) Solely for purposes of the reconvention of a board of canvassers under par. (a) for a specific election, the municipal clerk may determine to replace the members of the board of canvassers with a 3-member board of canvassers consisting of the clerk, the chief inspector, and one other inspector who shall be appointed by the clerk. If the municipal clerk is a candidate at the election being canvassed or is unable to serve, the other 2 members shall appoint a qualified elector of the municipality to serve in place of the clerk. If one of the other members is unable to serve, the municipal clerk shall appoint a qualified elector of the municipality to serve in place of that member. The person or persons making any appointment under this paragraph shall do so by letter which shall be signed by the person or persons, dated, and filed in the office of the municipal clerk. Upon the appointment and qualification of all members, the reconstituted board of canvassers shall then reconvene and carry out its responsibilities under par. (a).
115,15 Section 15. 7.53 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.53 (2) (d) The In municipalities with one polling place, the canvass shall be conducted under sub. (1) publicly on election night. In other municipalities, the municipal board of canvassers shall publicly canvass the returns of every election. The canvass shall begin within 24 hours after the polls close no earlier than the time that the municipal board of canvassers receives the returns from all polling places in the municipality on election night and no later than 9 a.m. on the Monday after the election. After any canvass of the absentee ballots is completed under s. 7.52, the board of canvassers shall reconcile the poll list of the electors who vote by absentee ballot with the corresponding poll list of the electors who vote in person to ensure that no elector is allowed to cast more than one ballot. If an elector who votes in person has submitted an absentee ballot, the absentee ballot is void. At the spring election, the board of canvassers shall publicly declare the results on or before the 2nd 3rd Tuesday in April. The board of canvassers shall prepare a statement showing the results of each election for any municipal office and each municipal referendum. After each primary for municipal offices, the board of canvassers shall prepare a statement certifying the names of those persons who have won nomination to office. After each other election for a municipal office and each municipal referendum, the board of canvassers shall prepare a determination showing the names of the persons who are elected to each municipal office and the results of each municipal referendum. The board of canvassers shall file each statement and determination in the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners.
115,16 Section 16. 7.53 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.53 (3) (a) In a common, union high or unified school district, the school district clerk shall appoint 2 qualified electors of the school district prior to the date of the election being canvassed who shall, with the school district clerk, constitute the school district board of canvassers. If the school district clerk is a candidate at the election being canvassed, the other 2 members of the board of canvassers shall designate a 3rd member to serve in lieu of the clerk for that election. The school district clerk shall appoint a member to fill any other temporary vacancy on the board of canvassers. The canvass shall begin as soon as possible after receipt of the returns no later than 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election, and shall continue, without adjournment, until completed. The board of canvassers may return defective returns to the municipal board of canvassers in the manner provided in s. 7.60 (3). The If the board of canvassers meets before 4 p.m. on the Monday after the election and thereafter receives amended statements, tally sheets, and lists from a municipal clerk for provisional or absentee ballots that are eligible to be counted under s. 6.97 (4) or 7.515 (6) (b), the board of canvassers shall reconvene no later than 9 a.m. on the Tuesday after the election and shall adjust the returns accordingly. No later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday after the election, the board of canvassers shall complete the canvass and shall prepare a written statement showing the numbers of votes cast for each person for each office and for and against each question and shall prepare a determination showing the names of the persons who are elected to the school board and the results of any school district referendum. Following each primary election, the board of canvassers shall prepare a statement certifying the names of the persons who have won nomination to the school board. Each statement and determination shall be attested by each of the canvassers. The board of canvassers shall file each statement and determination in the school district office. The school district clerk shall certify nominations after each primary and issue certificates of election to persons who are elected to the school board after each election in the manner provided in sub. (4).
115,17 Section 17. 7.60 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.60 (3) Canvassing. Not later than 9 a.m. on the Thursday Tuesday after each election the county board of canvassers shall open and publicly examine the returns. If returns have not been received from any election district or ward in the county, they shall dispatch a messenger and the person having them shall deliver the returns to the messenger. If, on examination, any of the returns received are so informal or defective that the board cannot intelligently canvass them, they shall dispatch a messenger to deliver the returns back to the municipal board of canvassers with written specifications of the informalities or defects and command them to immediately complete the returns or remedy the defects in the manner required and deliver them to the messenger. Every messenger shall safely keep all returns, show them to no one but the municipal clerk and board of canvassers and deliver them to the county clerk with all possible dispatch. To acquire the necessary full returns and remedy any informalities or defects the county board of canvassers may adjourn not longer than one day at a time nor more than 2 days in all.
115,18 Section 18. 7.60 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
7.60 (5) (a) Immediately following the canvass, the county clerk shall deliver or send transmit to the government accountability board, by 1st class mail, a certified copy of each statement of the county board of canvassers for president and vice president, state officials, senators and representatives in congress, state legislators, justice, court of appeals judge, circuit judge, district attorney, and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if the commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am). The statement shall record the returns for each office or referendum by ward, unless combined returns are authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b) in which case the statement shall record the returns for each group of combined wards. Following primaries the county clerk shall enclose on forms prescribed by the government accountability board the names, party or principle designation, if any, and number of votes received by each candidate recorded in the same manner. The county clerk shall deliver or transmit the certified statement to the government accountability board no later than 7 9 days after each primary except the partisan primary, no later than 10 days after the partisan primary and any other election except the general election, and no later than 14 days after the general election. The board of canvassers shall deliver or transmit a certified copy of each statement for any technical college district referendum to the secretary of the technical college district board.
115,19 Section 19. 9.01 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (a) 1. Any candidate voted for at any election or any elector who voted upon any referendum question at any election may petition for a recount. The petitioner shall file a verified petition or petitions with the proper clerk or body under par. (ar) not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass following canvassing of any valid provisional and absentee ballots under ss. 6.97 (4) and 7.515 (6) and, except as provided in this subdivision, not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the municipal or county board of canvassers determining the election for that office or on that referendum question prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 7.515 (6) (b) following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots or, if more than one board of canvassers makes the determination, not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the last board of canvassers which makes a determination prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 7.515 (6) (b) following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots. If the chairperson of the board or chairperson's designee makes the determination for the office or the referendum question, the petitioner shall file the petition not earlier than the last meeting day of the last county board of canvassers to make a statement in the election or referendum following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots and not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the day on which the government accountability board receives the last statement from a county board of canvassers for the election or referendum following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots.
115,20 Section 20. 9.01 (1) (ag) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (ag) 1. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading candidate and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative and negative votes cast upon any referendum question is less than 10 if 1,000 or less votes are cast or not more than 0.5% of the total votes cast for the office or on the question if more than 1,000 votes are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 7.515 (6) (b) following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots, the petitioner is not required to pay a fee.
115,21 Section 21. 9.01 (1) (ag) 1m. of the statutes, as affected to 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (ag) 1m. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading candidate and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative and negative votes cast upon any referendum question is at least 10 if 1,000 or less votes are cast or is more than 0.5% but not more than 2% if more than 1,000 votes are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 7.515 (6) (b) following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots, the petitioner shall pay a fee of $5 for each ward for which the petition requests a ballot recount, or $5 for each municipality for which the petition requests a recount where no wards exist.
115,22 Section 22. 9.01 (1) (ag) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (ag) 2. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading candidate and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative and negative votes cast upon any referendum question is more than 2% if more than 1,000 votes are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 7.515 (6) (b) following canvassing of all valid provisional and absentee ballots, the petitioner shall pay a fee equal to the actual cost of performing the recount in each ward for which the petition requests a recount, or in each municipality for which the petition request a recount where no wards exist.
115,23 Section 23. 9.01 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (b) (intro.) The proper board of canvassers shall reconvene no earlier than 9 a.m. on the day following delivery of notice to all candidates under sub. (2) and no later than 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a petition, or if the original canvass is subject to correction under s. 7.515 (6) (b), immediately after issuance of the amended statement and determination in the original canvass, whichever is later. The board of canvassers shall then proceed to recount the ballots in the wards or municipalities specified and to review the allegations of fact contained in the petition or petitions. The recount shall proceed for each ward or municipality as follows:
115,24 Section 24. 60.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
60.11 (2) When held. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the annual town meeting shall be held on the 2nd 3rd Tuesday of April.
(b) The annual town meeting may set a date different than provided under par. (a) for the next annual town meeting if the date is within 10 days after the 2nd 3rd Tuesday of April.
115,25 Section 25. 60.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
60.16 (1) When held. The first town meeting in a newly organized town shall be held at 8 p.m. on the 2nd 3rd Tuesday of the first April after the town is organized. If the 2nd 3rd Tuesday of the first April after a town is organized has passed and the first town meeting has not been held, 3 qualified electors of the town may call the first town meeting any time thereafter by posting notice of the town meeting in at least 3 public places at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.
115,26 Section 26. 60.30 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
60.30 (4) (b) The regular term of elected town officers, other than the town assessor, commences on the 2nd 3rd Tuesday of April in the year of their election. The regular term of an elected assessor commences on June 1 in the year of the assessor's election.
115,26g Section 26g. 66.0213 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0213 (4) (b) The election shall be conducted as prescribed by ch. 6, except that no registration of voters may be required. The inspectors shall make returns to the clerk of the circuit court who shall, within one week 14 days after the election, canvass the returns and declare the result. The clerk shall notify the officers-elect and issue certificates of election. If the first election is on the first Tuesday in April the officers elected and their appointees shall commence and hold their offices as for a regular term. Otherwise they shall commence within 10 14 days and hold their offices until the regular village or city election and the qualification of their successors and the terms of their appointees expire as soon as successors qualify.
115,26r Section 26r. 66.0215 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0215 (9) First city election. Within 10 days after incorporation of the city, the town board and the town clerk who received the petition shall fix a time for the first city election, designate the polling place or places, and name 3 inspectors of election for each place. Ten days' previous notice of the election shall be given by the clerk by publication in the newspapers selected under sub. (3) and by posting notices in 3 public places in the city. Failure to give notice does not invalidate the election. The election shall be conducted as is prescribed by chs. 5 to 12, except that no registration of voters may be required. The inspectors shall make returns to the board which shall, within one week 14 days after the election, canvass the returns and declare the result. The clerk shall notify the officers-elect and issue certificates of election. If the first election is on the first Tuesday in April the officers elected and their appointees commence and hold their offices as for a regular term. Otherwise they commence within 10 14 days and hold until the regular city election and the qualification of their successors, and the term of their appointees expires as soon as successors qualify.
115,27 Section 27. 66.1113 (2) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 75, is amended to read: