Child abuse and neglect prevention grants: portion allocated to counties, private agencies, or Indian tribes that have not previously received grants [Sec. 1342e, f]  -  Act 32
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -  Act 32
Child placed in out-of-home care revisions re permanency plans, concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements  -  Act 181
Child support incentive payments to counties: DCF to develop plan, JCF approval required [Sec. 9108 (2i)] [partial veto] -  Act 32
Children and family aids: county allocation revised [Sec. 1324f]  -  Act 32
Community partnerships between school districts and foster home agencies and community-based nongovernmental agencies: DOA to submit funding plans prepared by DPI and DCF to JCF [Sec. 9101 (3i)] -  Act 32
Community Services Block Grant Program appropriation [Sec. 665, 666, 675, 676, 1415] -  Act 32
Fingerprints of licensed child care providers required [Sec. 1335d] [vetoed] -  AB-40
Income augmentation lapse re 2011 WisAct 10 -  Act 27
Income augmentation revenue: lapse to general fund -  Act 10
Income augmentation services receipts and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System appropriations modified [Sec. 660, 681, 682, 1325-1328]  -  Act 32
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created  -  Act 202
Parent with legal custody of a child: power of attorney to temporarily delegate certain powers to another person permitted; provisions for organizations that facilitate designations including criminal history search and child abuse reporting; foster home license exemption, Indian child, and juvenile court jurisdiction provisions; DCF rule requirements -  Act 87
Position transfers [Sec. 9108 (1), 9154 (1)] -  Act 32
Subsidized guardianship revisions [Sec. 660s, 667e, 1321j-n, 1330s-1332y, 1333n, p, 1334c, 1335c, e-k, 1336c, 1337c-1339f, 1341r-w, 1376n-1377f, 3526gm, h, q, 9108 (1u)] -  Act 32
TANF and child care allocations revised, transitional jobs demonstration projects provisions [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1385c, 1388-1400, 9408 (3f)] [1385c — vetoed] -  Act 32
TANF and federal social services block grant moneys: certain appropriations transferred from DHS to a new appropriation for DCF [Sec. 659d, 662-664, 667, 673, 1324, 1329, 1330]  -  Act 32
TANF funding increase to support EITC -  Act 10
TANF funding increase to support EITC -  Act 13
W-2 program revisions; transitional jobs demonstration project eliminated (ARRA moneys); DCF provision [Sec. 1346, 1348-1361f, 1362-1367, 1368-1371, 1385, 2391, 3568-3570, 9308 (4), (5i), 9408 (3i), (3j)] [1385 — partial veto] -  Act 32
Wisconsin Shares Child care automated attendance tracking system [Sec. 9108 (1v)] [partial veto]  -  Act 32
Wisconsin Shares: DCF authorized to implement certain cost-saving measures, report required [Sec. 1383]  -  Act 32
Wisconsin Shares: no subsidy for parent who is a child care provider, waiver provision [Sec. 1378c, d, 9108 (2c), 9308 (5c)] [9108 (2c) — vetoed] -  Act 32
chippewa countyChippewa County
Chippewa Moraine State Recreation Area's interpretive center designated the ``David R. Obey Ice Age Trail Interpretive Center" [Sec. 861g] -  Act 32
RTAs eliminated; dissolution and winding down of existing RTAs [Sec. 751g, h, 772g, r, 922e-v, 1139m, 1679d-t, 1720b, 1727m, 1729g, r, 1745m, 1747r, 1754r, 1894r, 1895r, 2014r, 2177m, 2180m, 2183d-r, 2187d-n, 2237e-o, 3182g, r, 3471m, 3567m, 9148 (3u), 9448 (6u)] -  Act 32
chippewa falls, city ofChippewa Falls, City of
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances, JCF approval; DOA cost-benefit analysis required [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1249-1269, 2665] [9101 (2u) — partial veto; 234 — vetoed] -  Act 32
Chiropractic exam requirements modified [Sec. 3212o, p] -  Act 32
Chiropractic service fees paid from attorney contingency fees re motor vehicle accident [Sec. 3503g, 9309 (1f)]  -  Act 32
cigaretteCigarette, see also Tobacco
Tobacco and nicotine products: prohibition on providing or purchasing cigarettes for minors expanded; definition and compliance investigations of retail outlets provisions  -  Act 249
Actions in which sole defendant is the state, a state board or commission, or certain state officers, employees, or agents: plaintiff may designate county in which to bring the action; appellant may select court of appeals district in which to appeal the judgment or order of a circuit court; certain actions commenced by a prisoners shall be venued in Dane County  -  Act 61
Annexation by city or village: county board approval of cross-county annexation no longer needed; town may ask DOA to review proposed annexation and if a requirement is violated, the town may challenge in circuit court  -  Act 128
Employment discrimination or unfair honesty or genetic testing cases: awarding of compensatory and punitive damages eliminated; DWD provision -  Act 219
Lapses from circuit court, court of appeals, and Supreme Court appropriations [Sec. 9245 (2f)] -  Act 32
Name changes: confidentiality provisions and exemption from newspaper publication requirement; confidential information may not be disclosed except by court order  -  Act 274
Sale of materials and services appropriation created [Sec. 767] -  Act 32
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions; court to modify period of probation and notifying victims -  Act 38
Videoconferencing technology: objections to use of in a courtroom modified; revisions to when a defendant is entitled to be in a courtroom in a criminal case [Sec. 3492r, w]  -  Act 32
Wetland permitting and mitigation revisions; fees, surcharge, wetland map review, and administrative and judicial review provisions -  Act 118
circuit court _ clerkCircuit court — Clerk, see Court — Clerk
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, ``proof of identification" and noncompliant REAL ID provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee may be waived and obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign; signature requirement re voting in person; durational residency requirement increased; straight party ticket eliminated; deadline for late registration and absentee voting in person changed; GAB special registration deputies discontinued; voter registration information and list revisions; proof of residence modified re university, college, and technical college student IDs -  Act 23
city of the 1st classCity of the 1st class, see Milwaukee — City
Career executive program: employee may be reassigned to any state agency -  Act 10
Compensation plan provisions modified re pay, benefits, and working conditions [Sec. 2764bg-bt]  -  Act 32
Local governmental unit without a civil service system must establish a grievance procedure and may establish a civil service system -  Act 10
Unclassified division administrators: FTE positions increased and DOA to decrease FTE positions in executive branch agencies; OSER provision -  Act 10
civil service _ preference to veteranCivil service — Preference to veteran
Noncompetitive appointment program for disabled veterans applies to all classified service positions; number of veterans on a 1st class city civil service certification list expanded -  Act 211
Actions in which sole defendant is the state, a state board or commission, or certain state officers, employees, or agents: plaintiff may designate county in which to bring the action; appellant may select court of appeals district in which to appeal the judgment or order of a circuit court; certain actions commenced by a prisoners shall be venued in Dane County  -  Act 61
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, legislative review of proposed rules, JCRAR duties, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state -  Act 21
DOR duties re administering taxes or fees revised re assessments, penalty for negligence, Tax Appeals Commission rulings, petition for declaratory ruling, petition to adopt a standard by rule, inspection of tax returns or claims, and prohibiting class action lawsuits against the state in certain cases; 2013-15 budget proposal provision re relying on past audits  -  Act 68
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability immunity of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -  Act 132
Minnesota and Wisconsin interchange of employees and services: liability and legal representation provisions re a civil lawsuit [Sec. 2681, 3500, 3504] -  Act 32
Recreational activities in a school building or on school grounds and granting liability immunity to school districts, school boards, and governing body of a charter school, recreational agreement provision; notice of claims provisions against certain volunteers and procurement or maintenance of insurance by volunteer fire companies and government bodies revised -  Act 162
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases  -  Act 2
clark countyClark County
Nikolay, Frank L.: life and public service [AJR-113] -  JR-14
clerk of courtClerk of court, see Court — Clerk
collection agencyCollection agency, see Debt and debtors
collective bargainingCollective bargaining
Collective bargaining agreements for certain school district and TCS board: memorandum of understanding to reduce fringe benefits without triggering 2011 WisAct 10 changes [Sec. 9132 (1d)] -  Act 32
Collective bargaining rights of U.W. System, UWHCA, and certain home care and child care provider employees eliminated -  Act 10
Discharge of state employees permitted for unapproved, three day absence during state of emergency or participating in a strike or work stoppage or slowdown  -  Act 10
Law enforcement and fire fighting personnel: retirement, health care, and arbitration provisions revised for populous county and first class city; ``public safety employee" definition [Sec. 1139r, 1145s, 1684p, 1715p, 2406d, 2408cv, cx, 2409cy, it, iv, 2424hr, jp, 9332 (1r), (2r)] [2406d — partial veto]  -  Act 32
MERA and SELRA changes: collective bargaining limited to base wages, exception for certain public safety employees; referendum and consumer price index provisions  -  Act 10
Municipal employer may enter into one memorandum of understanding with employee collective bargaining unit to reduce compensation or fringe benefit costs; not a modification for 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 purposes; sunset provision  -  Act 65
Police and fire fighters in municipalities other than Milwaukee: disciplinary provisions revised [Sec. 2409cp, 9332 (1c)] -  Act 32
Public employee labor unions: annual certification election; term of collective bargaining agreements limited to one year, no extensions; salary deductions for dues prohibited; employee may refrain from paying dues and remain a member  -  Act 10
Public employee labor unions: revisions to 2011 WisAct 10 [Sec. 634r, 1721g, 2405p-2406cr, fg, hg-pg, rg, 2407dg, 2408b, ch, 2409bg, br, db-igm, 2410oe, 2425p, 3570f, h, 9155 (3r), 9332 (1q)] -  Act 32
School district's use of a pupil's law enforcement and juvenile court records for athletic code disciplinary actions re 2011 WisAct 105 expanded; reductions in cost of compensation or fringe benefits to Milwaukee school districts without modifying existing collective bargaining agreements re 2011 WisAct 10 and 2011 WisAct 32 -  Act 165
State agency attorney pay progression plan, JCF approval [Sec. 9155 (3c)] [vetoed] -  AB-40
Transit employees whose employer receives certain federal funding: collective bargaining unit, dispute settlement, and definition provisions [Sec. 2406gh, prm, rrm, 2407bt, ep, 2409jn, 3508v] -  Act 32
UWHC Board eliminated and employees transferred to UWHCA -  Act 10