January 2011 Special Session
2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
January 26, 2011 - Offered by Representatives Molepske Jr and Bernard
AB6-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB6-AA1,1,2 21. Page 4, line 6: after that line insert:
AB6-AA1,1,3 3" Section 6m. 13.94 (1) (nt) of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,1,94 13.94 (1) (nt) Annually, conduct a financial audit of the Wisconsin Economic
5Development Corporation. The legislative audit bureau shall also conduct annual
6performance audits of the activities of the Wisconsin Economic Development
7Corporation and any programs developed and implemented by the board of directors
8of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. The legislative audit bureau
9shall file copies of audit reports with the list of distributees specified in par. (b).
AB6-AA1, s. 6r 10Section 6r. 13.94 (1s) (c) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,1,1211 13.94 (1s) (c) 5. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation under sub.
12(1) (nt).".
AB6-AA1,1,13 132. Page 5, line 25: after that line insert:
1" Section 11m. 16.03 of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,2,4 216.03 Contractual services agreement with the Wisconsin Economic
3Development Corporation.
(1) In this section, "board" means the board of the
4Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
AB6-AA1,2,6 5(2) The secretary shall enter into a contractual services agreement with the
6board to provide employee services for the board under s. 238.045.
AB6-AA1,2,12 7(3) (a) Any contractual services agreement under sub. (2) may include a
8provision that authorizes the board to perform specified duties for the department
9with respect to employees of the department. This authorization may include duties
10related to supervising employees, taking disciplinary action, or recommending new
11hires or layoffs, or with respect to collective bargaining, claims, complaints, or
12benefits and records administration.
AB6-AA1,2,1613 (b) Any authorization under par. (a) shall comply with all applicable provisions
14of subch. V of ch. 111 and ch. 230, any delegation of authority by the office of state
15employment relations to the department, and any collective bargaining agreement
16with respect to employees of the department.".
AB6-AA1,2,17 173. Page 6, line 23: after that line insert:
AB6-AA1,2,18 18" Section 15m. 20.505 (1) (gp) of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,2,2319 20.505 (1) (gp) Contractual services agreement with Wisconsin Economic
20Development Corporation.
All moneys received from the Wisconsin Economic
21Development Corporation under any contractual services agreement entered into
22under s. 16.03 (2) to provide employee services for the Wisconsin Economic
23Development Corporation.".
AB6-AA1,2,24 244. Page 13, line 16: after that line insert:
1" Section 28m. 19.42 (10) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,3,32 19.42 (10) (t) Nonclerical employees of the Wisconsin Economic Development
AB6-AA1, s. 28n 4Section 28n. 19.42 (13) (p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB6-AA1,3,65 19.42 (13) (p) Nonclerical employees of the Wisconsin Economic Development
AB6-AA1,3,7 75. Page 18, line 24: delete "and".
AB6-AA1,3,9 86. Page 19, line 1: after "governor" insert ", the speaker of the assembly or the
9speaker's designee, and the senate majority leader or the majority leader's designee".
AB6-AA1,3,11 107. Page 20, line 7: delete "Employ" and substitute "Subject to s. 238.045,
AB6-AA1,3,12 128. Page 20, line 14: after that line insert:
AB6-AA1,3,16 13"238.045 Contractual services agreement with the department of
The board shall contract with the department of administration
15under s. 16.03 (2) for all employee services of the corporation, except for executive,
16supervisory, and managerial employee services.".
AB6-AA1,3,17 179. Page 21, line 1: delete lines 1 to 4 and substitute:
AB6-AA1,3,20 18"238.07 Goals and accountability measures; reporting. (1) Goals and
19accountability measures.
The board shall do all of the following for each economic
20development program implemented under s. 238.03:
AB6-AA1,3,2221 (a) Establish clear and measurable goals for the program that are tied to the
22duties of the board under s. 238.03.
AB6-AA1,3,2423 (b) Establish at least one quantifiable benchmark for each program goal
24described in par. (a).
1(c) Require that each recipient of a grant, loan, or other award under the
2program submit a report to the corporation. Each contract with a recipient of a grant,
3loan, or other award under the program shall specify the frequency and format of the
4report to be submitted to the corporation and the performance measures to be
5included in the report.
AB6-AA1,4,86 (d) Establish a method for evaluating the projected results of the program with
7actual outcomes as determined by evaluating the information described in pars. (a)
8and (b).
AB6-AA1,4,109 (e) Annually and independently verify, from a sample of grants, loans, or other
10awards the accuracy of the information required to be reported under par. (c).
AB6-AA1,4,1811 (f) Establish a requirement that the recipient of a grant, loan, or other award
12under the program of at least $100,000 submit to the corporation a verified
13statement signed by both an independent certified public accountant licensed or
14certified under ch. 442 and the director or principal officer of the recipient to attest
15to the accuracy of the verified statement, and make available for inspection the
16documents supporting the verified statement. The board shall include the
17requirement established under this paragraph in the contract entered into by the
18recipient of a grant, loan, or other award.
AB6-AA1,4,2519 (g) Establish policies and procedures requiring the department to recoup
20payments made to a recipient of a grant, loan, or other award under the program, and
21permitting the board to, in addition to all other available legal remedies, do all of the
22following if a recipient of a grant, loan, or other award or tax benefits under the
23program submits false or misleading information to the corporation or fails to comply
24with the terms of a contract entered into with the board under the program and fails
25to provide to the satisfaction of the board an explanation for the noncompliance:
11. Recoup payments made to the recipient.
AB6-AA1,5,22 2. Withhold payments to be made to the recipient.
AB6-AA1,5,33 3. Impose a financial penalty on the recipient.
AB6-AA1,5,10 4(2) Economic development assistance reporting. Annually, no later than
5December 31, the board shall submit to the joint legislative audit committee and to
6the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) a
7comprehensive report assessing economic development programs implemented by
8the board. The board shall make readily accessible to the public on an
9Internet-based system the information required under this subsection. The report
10shall include all of the following information:
AB6-AA1,5,1111 (a) A description of each program.
AB6-AA1,5,1312 (b) Quantifiable performance measures directly related to the purpose of the
13program including, when applicable, all of the following information:
AB6-AA1,5,1614 1. An accounting of the location, by municipality, of each recipient of a grant,
15loan, or other award and each job created or retained in the state in the previous
16fiscal year as a result of the program.
AB6-AA1,5,2117 2. An accounting of the industry classification, based on the standard
18industrial classification manual, 1987 edition, published by the U.S. Office of
19management and budget; by municipality, of each recipient of a grant, loan or other
20award and each job created or retained in the state during the year as a result of the
AB6-AA1,5,2522 3. An accounting of the kind of employment position, including whether the
23position is full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, salaried, hourly, managerial,
24represented, or nonrepresented, by municipality, of each job created or retained in
25the state during the year as a result of the program.
14. An accounting of the salary or hourly wage, by municipality, of each job
2created or retained in the state during the year as a result of the program.
AB6-AA1,6,53 5. An accounting of the extent to which each recipient of a grant, loan, or other
4award retrained or relocated current employees during the year as a result of the
AB6-AA1,6,86 6. An accounting of the extent to which each recipient of a grant, loan, or other
7award utilized the Wisconsin supply chain, including Wisconsin manufacturers,
8suppliers, transporters, warehouses, and retailers, during the year.
AB6-AA1,6,119 7. An accounting of the percentage of recipients of a grant, loan, or other award
10during the year, by municipality, that were businesses with fewer than 100
11employees, including employees of any subsidiary or affiliated organization.
AB6-AA1,6,1412 8. An accounting of the estimated economic growth within this state that is
13likely to result from each grant, loan, or other award made by the corporation during
14the year.
AB6-AA1,6,1715 9. An accounting of the percentage of recipients of a grant, loan, or other award
16during the year, by municipality, that were minority businesses certified by the
17department of commerce under s. 560.036.
AB6-AA1,6,2018 10. An accounting of the percentage of recipients of a grant, loan, or other
19award during the year, by municipality, that were woman-owned businesses
20certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.035.
AB6-AA1,6,2321 11. An accounting of the percentage of recipients of a grant, loan, or other award
22during the year, by municipality, that were disabled veteran-owned businesses
23certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.0335.