Noes, 1 - Senator C. Larson.
Luther Olsen
The committee on Labor, Public Safety, and Urban Affairs reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 208
Relating to: the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
S527 Senate Bill 219
Relating to: various changes in the unemployment insurance law, providing a penalty, and making appropriations.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 88
Relating to: possession of dogs by certain felony offenders and providing a penalty.
Introduction and adoption of Senate Amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction and adoption of Senate Amendment 2.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction and adoption of Senate Amendment 3.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Wanggaard, Grothman, Lazich, Wirch and King.
Noes, 0 - None.
Van Wanggaard
The committee on Workforce Development, Small Business, and Tourism reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 164
Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for workplace wellness programs, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Moulton, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 1 - Senator Cowles.
Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Moulton, Cowles, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 4 - Senators Moulton, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 1 - Senator Cowles.
Senate Bill 241
Relating to: nonjudicial foreclosure of time-share estates and licenses.
Introduction of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Moulton, Cowles, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Moulton, Cowles, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Moulton, Cowles, Olsen, Holperin and T. Cullen.
Noes, 0 - None.
Terry Moulton
Petitions and Communications
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Tranel added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 251 .
Medical College of Wisconsin
October 19, 2011
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Attached please find the biennial Medical School Enrollment report of the Medical College of Wisconsin, prepared according to the statutory requirement under section 13.106. This report covers the period ending June 30, 2011, and contains information in the following areas:
Minority student recruitment policies and programs
Number of minority students enrolled
Number and percentages of Wisconsin residents enrolled
Average faculty salaries compared to national averages
Development of cooperative educational programs with other institutions throughout the state
Placement of graduates of doctor of medicine and residency training programs
Please feel free to contact me at (414) 955-8217 if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Hard copy will be mailed via US Postal service.
Kathryn A. Kuhn
Vice President of Government and Community Relations
State of Wisconsin
Government Accountability Board
October 19, 2011
The Honorable, The Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2011-2012 session of the legislature, visit the Government Accountability Board's web site at
Alig, Joanne Wisconsin Hospital Association Inc (WHA)
McClenahan, William National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA) Wisconsin
Schooff, Susan Advance America Cash Advance Centers, Inc.
Shepherd, Jeremey National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA) Wisconsin
Stephenson, Sean Children's Hospital & Health System
S528 Stephenson, Sean Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
Welch, Robert Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
Also available from the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by organizations that employ lobbyists.