Senate Bill 353
Senate Bill 377
Senate Bill 380
Presented to the Governor on 3-16-2012.
Petitions and Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of Senator Pam Galloway
March 12, 2012
The Honorable, The Senate:
Please accept this as my letter of resignation from the Wisconsin State Senate. My resignation will be effective at midnight on March 16, 2012.
pam galloway
Senator, 29th Senate District
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate Majority Leader
March 16, 2012
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20 (2) (a), I have made the following appointments:
To the Committee on Public Health, Human Services, and Revenue: Senator Lazich (Chair), Senator Vukmir (Vice-Chair), Senator Fitzgerald, and removing Senator Galloway.
To the Committee on Economic Development, Veterans and Military Affairs: Senator Fitzgerald and removing Senator Galloway.
To the Committee on Health: Senator Moulton (Vice-Chair), Senator Fitzgerald and removing Senator Galloway.
To the Committee on Judiciary, Utilities, Commerce, and Government Operations: Senator Fitzgerald and removing Senator Galloway.
To the Committee on Natural Resources and Environment: Senator Fitzgerald and removing Senator Galloway.
To the Joint Legislative Council: Senator Kedzie and removing Senator Galloway.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
Messages from the Assembly
By Patrick E. Fuller, chief clerk.
Mr. President:
I am directed to inform you that the Assembly has concurred in:
Senate Bill 114
Senate Bill 153
Senate Bill 173
Senate Bill 262
Senate Bill 271
Senate Bill 306
Senate Bill 396
Senate Bill 402
Senate Bill 407
Senate Bill 409
Senate Bill 422
Senate Bill 426
Senate Bill 429
Senate Bill 440
Senate Bill 453
Senate Bill 459
S814 Senate Bill 461
Senate Bill 463
Senate Bill 464
Senate Bill 474
Senate Bill 489
Senate Bill 498
Senate Bill 524
Senate Joint Resolution 71