Thursday, April 5, 2012
One-Hundredth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Wednesday, April
, 2012.
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Presented to the Governor on 4-4-2012.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
April 4, 2012
The Honorable, The Senate:
This letter is to remove the following appointment from consideration for confirmation by the Wisconsin Senate:
MICHAEL, of Mequon, as a member of the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan Authority, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2014.
The committee on Health reports and recommends:
Relating to licensure renewal and continuing education for dentists and dental hygienists.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Relating to the active practice of dentistry, specialty certification, and faculty licenses.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Relating to CPR training for licensure renewal for dentists and dental hygienists and related to certification of dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia, and unprofessional advertising for dentists.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Leah Vukmir
The committee on Labor, Public Safety, and Urban Affairs reports and recommends:
Relating to technical and minor substantive changes in existing ETF administrative rules.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Relating to the division of Wisconsin retirement system accounts under a qualified domestic relations order.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Relating to rehired annuitants and separation from employment.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Relating to the ETF appeals process.
No action taken.
Referred to joint committee for review of
Administrative Rules pursuant to s.
227.19 (5)(a), Wisconsin Statutes
Van Wanggaard
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Senate Bill
Senate Bill