DOC failed to provide a timely response to this claim in a manner that allowed the Claims Board itself to review the materials or provide the claimant an equitable opportunity to respond.
The Board defers decision of this claim at this time in order to allow the claimant an opportunity to respond to DOC's recommendation. [Members Murray and Taylor dissenting.]
S902 9. Antonio D. Johnson of Waupun, Wisconsin claims $168.00 for value of missing or damaged property allegedly caused by DOC staff in two incidents at Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI) where the claimant is an inmate. The claimant states that on 3/9/11 Sergeant Kimball, who the claimant alleges is known for damaging inmate property, ordered the claimant to wait downstairs while she searched his cell. The claimant states that he heard "what sounded like heavy items being thrown around the cell" and that he went back upstairs because he was concerned that Kimball was damaging his property. The claimant alleges that the cell was "in shambles" in violation of the rules regarding inmate cell searches. After the search, the claimant learned that his fan was broken, his headphones were damaged, and a pair of eyeglasses and his digital antenna were missing. He filed complaints with ICE and appealed to CCE but both complaints were denied. Regarding the second incident, on 7/7/11 the claimant was placed in segregation for a rule violation. He alleges that WCI staff left his personal property in his cell unsupervised for two weeks before inventorying and packing it up. The claimant states this is a violation of WCI policy, which requires property to be inventoried and packed immediately upon an inmate's placement in segregation. The claimant believes some of his property was stolen during this two-week period, specifically, a baseball cap, a checkerboard, a pair of Nike shoes, and a calculator. The claimant states that these items were missing from his property when it was returned after his release from segregation and that the items were also not listed on the inventory form, which he believes indicates they were taken during the two-week period his property was left in his cell. The claimant also noticed that his eyeglasses were damaged when he received his property. The claimant filed a complaint with ICE but it was rejected because the missing items were not listed on the inventory report and because the eyeglasses may have broken easily, regardless of the actions of WCI staff. The claimant believes it is obvious that his glasses were broken while under staff control because if they had been broken earlier, they would have been confiscated as contraband.
DOC failed to provide a timely response to this claim in a manner that allowed the Claims Board itself to review the materials or provide the claimant an equitable opportunity to respond.
The Board defers decision of this claim at this time in order to allow the claimant an opportunity to respond to DOC's recommendation. [Members Murray and Taylor dissenting.]
10. Daymon Tate of Black River Falls, Wisconsin claims $152.86 for cost of two pairs of eyeglasses allegedly lost by DOC staff. The claimant is an inmate at Jackson Correctional Institution (JCI). He transferred to JCI from Columbia Correctional Institution (CCI) on 8/23/11. He points to the fact that the property inventory list from CCI shows he had two pairs of glasses when they packed up his property prior to his transfer and the JCI inventory list completed upon his arrival at JCI shows no eyeglasses in his property. The claimant states that a JCI guard was present when he unpacked his property and realized the glasses were missing and that the guard compared the two property inventories and recommended the claimant file a complaint. He filed a complaint with the Inmate Complaint Examiner (ICE). His complaint was referred to the Corrections Complaint Examiner (CCE). His complaint was rejected because he "did not allege sufficient facts upon which redress may be made" because he was not able to provide correct receipts for the two pairs of glasses. The inmate states he realized he submitted the wrong receipt in error and corrected the situation by submitting the correct receipts as soon as he was able to obtain them from the vendors. The claimant notes that the items recorded on an inventory report are the property in the possession of property staff when inventoried. He points to the fact that the CCI list indicated two pairs of glasses present in the property under CCI control and states he did not arrive at JCI wearing any glasses. He states that the glasses he currently wears he received from a visitor. He requests the full value of both pairs of glasses.
DOC recommends payment of this claim in the reduced amount of $41.00. DOC states that the claimant is manipulative and has a history of filing complaints for missing property. DOC does not dispute that the CCI and JCI inventories differ regarding the claimant's possession of two pairs of glasses. DOC points to the fact that the claimant has one pair of glasses in his possession and that property is not allowed to be given to an inmate by a visitor. DOC notes the claimant has presented no evidence as to how he was able to receive glasses from a visitor in violation of DOC rules. DOC believes this proves that the claimant is lying about where he got the eyeglasses he is currently wearing. Because the CCI inventory did note the claimant had two pairs of glasses, one purchased in 2007 and one purchased in 2011, DOC recommends reimbursing the claimant for one pair of eyeglasses. Using DOC's standard depreciation schedule, the 2007 pair of glasses would now be worth $41.00. DOC recommends payment of the claim in that amount.
The Board concludes the claim should be paid in the reduced amount of $41.00 based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of § 16.007(6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Corrections appropriation § 20.410(1)(GT), Stats.
11-12. Fannie Rhodes and Nicholas D. Roesler of Milwaukee, Wisconsin claim the amounts shown below for value of personal property. On August 24, 2010, the DOC office on Capitol Drive in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was destroyed by fire. Along with departmental property, personal property of DOC employees was destroyed. The claimants were DOC employees at the Capitol Drive office and request reimbursement for the value of their personal property.
DOC recommends payment of these claims in reduced amounts. In order to provide for a fair system of reimbursement, DOC has evaluated the property claimed by Capitol Drive employees using the IRS's general depreciation schedule. DOC recommends reimbursement in the depreciated amounts shown below.
Claimant Claimed Amt DOC Recommended Amt
Fannie Rhodes $452.00 $162.29
Nicholas Roesler $179.00 $131.57
On August 12, 2011, the Claims Board initially reviewed 17 similar claims. For each claim, employees listed various items of personal property that he or she kept at the office. DOC reviewed the claims and, following review, DOC recommended that each and every item of personal property listed be reimbursed, subject only to the standard IRS depreciation schedule.
State Risk Management generally does not provide coverage for employee personal property "except as needed for legitimate state business purposes as determined and agreed to in writing in advance by the agency risk manager." Given the wide variety of personal property that was listed for reimbursement, the Claims Board questioned whether all of it was actually work related. Because of the Risk Management policy and the Claims Board's questions, the Claims Board asked DOC to confirm the work related nature of the personal property. The Board specifically asked DOC to decide which personal property items could be characterized as having a legitimate state business purpose. DOC responded by affirming that every item listed by each claimant was legitimately work related.
S903 Based solely on DOC's affirmation that all claimed property is legitimately work related, the Board concludes the claims should be paid in the reduced amounts recommended by DOC, based on equitable principles. The Board further concludes, under authority of § 16.007 (6m), Stats., payment should be made from the Department of Corrections appropriation § 20.410 (1)(b), Stats. The Board further reaffirms the precedent set forth in its December 13, 1977, decision of the claim of Karen Gruba, that state employees not be reimbursed for the loss of "personal property brought to their work station for their convenience and enjoyment," and states that the payment of these claims is not intended to serve as future precedent for similar claims.
The Board concludes:
That the following identified claimants are denied:
Richard Wood
Michael T. Davis
James A. Newson
Joey Davis
R.D. Black
That decision of the following claims is deferred to a later date:
Kelle & Brian Dorn
Tramell Starks
Antonio D. Johnson
John & Bonnie Weiglein. The claimants and DOT appeared before the Board and indicated they are in the process of finalizing a resolution to both claims. The Board directed DOT to contact Claims Board staff regarding the status of this matter prior to the next Claims Board meeting.
That payment of the below amounts to the identified claimants from the following statutory appropriations is justified under S 16.007, Stats:
Daymon Tate $41.00 § 20.410(1)(GT), Stats.
Fannie Rhodes $162.29 § 20.410(1)(b), Stats.
Nicholas D. Roesler $131.57 § 20.410(1)(b), Stats.
Dated at Madison, Wisconsin this 12th day of October, 2012.
Steve Means
Chair, Representative of the Attorney General
Gregory D. Murray
Secretary, Representative of the Secretary of Administration
Brian Hagedorn
Representative of the Governor
lena c. taylor
Senate Finance Committee
patricia strachota
Assembly Finance Committee
State of Wisconsin
Government Accountability Board
October 16, 2012
The Honorable, The Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2011-2012 session of the legislature, visit the Government Accountability Board's web site at
Graul, Mark American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)
Julius, Buddy New Resources Consulting, LLC
Petersen, Eric J Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation
Sheridan, Michael Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
Stephenson, Sean American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)
Also available from the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by organizations that employ lobbyists.
kevin kennedy
Director and General Counsel