Air pollution control permits for indirect sources: DNR prohibited from requiring -  SB111
Ambient air quality standards: prohibiting DNR from altering a state secondary standard to be more restrictive than the corresponding federal standard -  AB160
Ambient air quality standards: prohibiting DNR from altering a state secondary standard to be more restrictive than the corresponding federal standard -  SB110
Concealed weapon license training requirements modified -  AB413
Concealed weapon license training requirements modified -  SB325
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  AB195
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  SB138
Wind energy system rules: current rules repealed and PSC to submit rules required under current law  - AB72
Wind energy system rules: current rules repealed and PSC to submit rules required under current law  - SB50
adolescentAdolescent, see Youth
Advertising and promotional direct mail: sales and use tax exemptions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2181p, 9441 (1d)] - AB40
Hospitality business advertising outside the state: income and franchise tax credit created -  AB205
Retailers permitted to advertise that state and local sales taxes will be assumed by the retailer - AB31
Retailers permitted to advertise that state and local sales taxes will be assumed by the retailer - SB12
advertisement _ fraudulentAdvertisement — Fraudulent
Limited services pregnancy centers: false advertising prohibitions created; definition and penalty provisions  - AB434
aed _automated external defibrillator_AED (Automated external defibrillator), see Medical service
african_americanAfrican-American, see Minority groups
agricultural commodityAgricultural commodity, see Farm produce
agricultural creditAgricultural credit
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan  - SE1 AB20
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan  - SE1 SB20
WHEDA small business loan guarantee and agricultural production loan guarantee programs revised; Wisconsin development reserve fund limit increased -  AB375
agricultural laborAgricultural labor
Family farm and youth farm labor: importance to Wisconsin's agriculture and economy acknowledged and U.S. Department of Labor's proposed regulations opposed  - AJR98
Family farm and youth farm labor: importance to Wisconsin's agriculture and economy acknowledged and U.S. Department of Labor's proposed regulations opposed  - SJR57
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - AB445
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - SB355
Agricultural and forestry research and development grants increased [Sec. 2303-2305; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants modified, 2305c, deletes 2304]  - AB40
Agricultural and forestry research and development grants increased [Sec. 2303-2305] -  SB27
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: DNR to waive requirements of laws re discharge of pollutants into waters of the state under certain conditions  - AB585
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: DNR to waive requirements of laws re discharge of pollutants into waters of the state under certain conditions  - SB402
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: wastewater permit waiver under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2951k] -  AB40
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  AB195
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  SB138
NRB membership: one member required to have an agricultural background and three required to have held a hunting, fishing, or trapping license; active duty in the military provision - AB104
Zoning ordinances re agricultural or residential use: frac sand mining provisions and definition - SB405
agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department ofAgriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
Agricultural and forestry research and development grants increased [Sec. 2303-2305; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants modified, 2305c, deletes 2304]  - AB40
Agricultural and forestry research and development grants increased [Sec. 2303-2305] -  SB27
Agricultural chemical cleanup fund and agrichemical management fund: segregated funds condition report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9103 (2u)] - AB40
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated  - AB34
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated [Sec. 377-381, 383, 797, 889, 2279-2287, 2307, 2679; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, easement program modified and report required, 2307c, 9103 (1i), (2i), deletes 378, 380, 381, 383, 2307, 2679] -  AB40
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated  - SB24
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated [Sec. 377-381, 383, 797, 889, 2279-2287, 2307, 2679]  - SB27
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - AB602
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - SB497
Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -  AB655
Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -  SB537
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -  AB606
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -  SB496
Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program and Buy Local Grant Program re locally produced food eliminated [Sec. 375, 2302, 2306; original bill only] -  AB40
Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program and Buy Local Grant Program re locally produced food eliminated [Sec. 375, 2302, 2306] -  SB27
Commodities made with milk or milk product and intended to be heated before being consumed: food processing plant licensing rather than a dairy plant -  AB579
Commodities made with milk or milk product and intended to be heated before being consumed: food processing plant licensing rather than a dairy plant [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, dairy plant licensing exemption created for food processing plants processing dairy products under certain conditions]  - SB517
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit: transferred to DATCP and dairy cooperatives allowed to claim [Sec. 1826, 1963, 2075, 3369, 9341 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 772d, 1822d, 1826d, 1959d, 1963d, 2071d, 2075d, deletes 1826, 1963, 2075] -  AB40
DATCP revisions re confidentiality of exemptions from requirement to register livestock premises, county land conservation committee membership, vehicle scale operators, and reporting requirement for pesticide sales (remedial legislation)  - SB349
DATCP's pest abatement authority not limited to agricultural lands -  AB605
DATCP's pest abatement authority not limited to agricultural lands -  SB498
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services; Comm.Dept functions transferred re building and safety, certain economic development business certifications and grant programs, and PECFA; approval of education and training for veterans and other eligible persons transferred from DVA; unfair trade practice rules re residential and noncommercial properties transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA appendix report [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] - SB27
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) and some Comm.Dept functions transferred; certain unfair trade practice rules transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  - AB40
Electronic medical records credits and investment credits re dairy manufacturing, food processing plant and warehouse, meat processing facility, and woody biomass harvesting transferred from Comm.Dept to WEDC [Sec. 1835, 1837-1841, 1844, 1845, 1878, 1972, 1974-1978, 1981, 1982, 2008, 2084, 2086-2090, 2093, 2094, 2119, 3355, 3367, 3370, 3372, 9110 (7); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, medical records credit transferred to DOR and the investment credits to DATCP, 375g, 2299r, 3355g, m, 9110 (8q), deletes 3355]  - AB40
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited; exceptions and DATCP duties -  SB16
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited, exceptions provided; DATCP duties and rules revised including eliminating biennial notification -  AB111
Fertilizer research funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9203 (1f)] - AB40
Food containers that contain bisphenol A (BPA): manufacture, wholesale, or retail sale of without conspicuous labels prohibited; penalty provisions and DATCP duties  - AB727
Grain inspection program report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9103 (3q)] -  AB40
Interest rate on judgments revised re civil actions in tort, rights enforced under WCA, and consumer protection actions commenced by DATCP -  SE1 AB14
Interest rate on judgments revised re civil actions in tort, rights enforced under WCA, and consumer protection actions commenced by DATCP [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exceptions removed; S.Amdt.1: prime rate in effect clarification] - SE1 SB14
Livestock premises registration program DATCP grant; income and franchise tax credits created for livestock identification tags and tag-reading equipment -  AB489
Livestock premises registration program DATCP grant; income and franchise tax credits created for livestock identification tags and tag-reading equipment [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, appropriation and budget proposal requirement added, tax credits and grant provisions deleted]  - SB396
Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -  AB498
Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -  SB370
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions -  AB654
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - AB40
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - SB27
Stewardship Program revisions re acquisitions of land and easements, reasons for prohibiting public access, and threshold for JCF review; certain DNR appropriation and local government nonbinding resolution provisions [Sec. 587-589, 601, 819-840, 848-855, 861-865, 913, 1749, 9335 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR to provide moneys to DATCP for certain agricultural easements, aids in lieu of property taxes estimated value revised, sunset deleted, JCF review revised, acquisition limitations removed, 837m-t, 840m, 862m, 1748de, e, deletes 819-824, 835, 836, 848-855, 861, 862, 913, 1749] -  AB40
Telephone solicitations: state's nonsolicitation directory eliminated in favor of the national do-not-call registry maintained by the FTC; DATCP duties -  AB634