Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -  SB370
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions -  AB654
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - AB40
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]  - SB27
Stewardship Program revisions re acquisitions of land and easements, reasons for prohibiting public access, and threshold for JCF review; certain DNR appropriation and local government nonbinding resolution provisions [Sec. 587-589, 601, 819-840, 848-855, 861-865, 913, 1749, 9335 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR to provide moneys to DATCP for certain agricultural easements, aids in lieu of property taxes estimated value revised, sunset deleted, JCF review revised, acquisition limitations removed, 837m-t, 840m, 862m, 1748de, e, deletes 819-824, 835, 836, 848-855, 861, 862, 913, 1749] -  AB40
Telephone solicitations: state's nonsolicitation directory eliminated in favor of the national do-not-call registry maintained by the FTC; DATCP duties -  AB634
Unpasteurized milk and milk products: conditions allowing dairy farmers to sell created; certain DATCP rule exemption - SB108
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  AB200
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  SB155
Zinc air button cell battery: sales of prohibited unless certified by DATCP; forfeiture and definition provisions  - AB511
Zinc air button cell battery: sales of prohibited unless certified by DATCP; forfeiture and definition provisions  - SB407
aids in lieu of taxesAids in lieu of taxes, see Property tax
air conditioningAir conditioning
Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -  AB498
Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -  SB370
air pollutionAir pollution
Air pollution control permits for indirect sources: DNR prohibited from requiring -  AB159
Air pollution control permits for indirect sources: DNR prohibited from requiring -  SB111
Ambient air quality standards: prohibiting DNR from altering a state secondary standard to be more restrictive than the corresponding federal standard -  AB160
Ambient air quality standards: prohibiting DNR from altering a state secondary standard to be more restrictive than the corresponding federal standard -  SB110
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  AB195
Emissions of hazardous air contaminants re agricultural waste: DNR prohibited from regulating sources except to the extent required by federal law -  SB138
Gasoline vapor recovery system not required for gas stations under construction and cease to apply to existing stations - AB626
Gasoline vapor recovery system not required for gas stations under construction and cease to apply to existing stations - SB518
Greenhouse gas emissions: consideration of in determining requirements applicable to stationary source of air pollution re burning or decomposition of certain organic materials  - AB467
Greenhouse gas emissions: consideration of in determining requirements applicable to stationary source of air pollution re burning or decomposition of certain organic materials  - SB404
Indoor environmental air quality plans for public and MPCP participating schools: requirements eliminated and DPI duty re model management plan and practices eliminated [Sec. 2474-2476, 2548; original bill only]  - AB40
Indoor environmental air quality plans for public and MPCP participating schools: requirements eliminated and DPI duty re model management plan and practices eliminated [Sec. 2474-2476, 2548] -  SB27
Aerial approach ordinance: political subdivision in adjoining state that owns an airport in this state does not have the authority to enact -  SB265
Airport improvement project involving federal aid: state aid limits modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB152
alcohol and other drug abuseAlcohol and other drug abuse
Alternatives to prosecuting and incarcerating offenders who abuse alcohol or other drugs: counties required to match portion of OJA grants [Sec. 330] -  AB40
Alternatives to prosecuting and incarcerating offenders who abuse alcohol or other drugs: counties required to match portion of OJA grants [Sec. 330] -  SB27
Brighter Futures Initiative: DHS to transfer certain GPR amounts to DCF [Sec. 653, 661, 1309, 1310, 1323]  - SB27
Brighter Futures Initiative: funding transfers [Sec. 653, 661, 1309, 1310, 1323; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 653e, deletes 653, 1309, 1310] -  AB40
Categorical school aid programs and grants eliminated re AODA prevention and treatment, preschool to grade 5, children-at-risk, nursing services, supplemental aid, advanced placement courses, English instruction for Southeast Asian children, STEM, improving MPS pupil academic achievement, and alternative education programs [Sec. 27, 525-528, 531-534, 538, 539, 1105, 1321, 1322, 1413, 1414, 2438-2443, 2445, 2451, 2452, 2456, 2457, 2463, 2478-2485, 2504, 2532, 2533, 2552, 2566, 2570, 3512-3526; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, children-at-risk, alternative education, and supplemental aid restored, 2482m, deletes 27, 525, 526, 528, 1105, 1321, 1322, 1413, 1414, 2445, 2452, 2456, 2463, 2478-2485, 2504, 2532, 2566, 2570, 3513, 3514, 3518, 3526]  - AB40
Categorical school aid programs eliminated in certain cases [Sec. 27, 525-528, 531-534, 538, 539, 1105, 1321, 1322, 1413, 1414, 2438-2443, 2445, 2451, 2452, 2456, 2457, 2463, 2478-2485, 2504, 2532, 2533, 2552, 2566, 2570, 3512-3526] - SB27
Emergency detention: law enforcement investigation, initiation, and completion revision re jurisdiction  - AB367
Emergency detention: law enforcement investigation, initiation, and completion revision re jurisdiction  - SB332
Juvenile placement at a detention facility, jail, or non-secure custody designated by the court revisions; AODA treatment provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3517g, r, 3526g-gk]  - AB40
OWI fourth offense made a felony, reduced sentence for AODA treatment eliminated; JRCCP report  - AB405
UI benefits: waiting period and failure of or refusal to take a test for illegal drugs required by employer or potential employer [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2403e-w, 9354 (1q), (2q); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: drug test provisions revised and DWD duty added, 2403t-x, deletes 2403m, w] -  AB40
W-2 benefits reduced based on positive drug test: reduction percentage increased; dependent children provision  - AB172
Youth diversion program grants to certain counties reduced [Sec. 9101 (1)] -  AB40
Youth diversion program grants to certain counties reduced [Sec. 9101 (1)] -  SB27
Three-tier alcohol beverage distribution system revisions, wholesaler license replaced with permit and may not hold ownership interest in a brewer, fermented malt beverage warehousing and sales, out-of-state shippers and brewers, multiple licenses and permits for brewers, distribution restrictions, restaurant and brewpub provisions, DOR duties and special agent funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 751m, 2603m-2604bk, bm-ge, gg-ji, 2637m] -  AB40
alcohol beverage _ regulationAlcohol beverage — Regulation
Alcohol beverage retailers: closing hours for Class ``A" and ``Class A" license holders changed, municipal ordinance provision -  AB63
Alcohol beverage retailers: closing hours for Class ``A" and ``Class A" license holders changed, municipal ordinance provision -  SB44
``Class A" licensed retailer authorized to provide taste samples of intoxicating liquor that is not wine  - AB480
Class ``B" and ``Class B" permits for tribal applicants: repealing 2009 WisAct 28 provisions requiring DOR to issue; previously issued permits are void -  AB95
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurants modified -  SB276
``Class B" license: village in Dane County with certain population may exceed village's retail liquor license quota  - AB432
``Class B" license: village in Dane County with certain population may exceed village's retail liquor license quota  - SB324
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided; municipal authority to regulate operation of  - AB120
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided; municipal authority to regulate operation of  - SB142
Compensation for termination of beer wholesaler distribution rights: ``fair market value" modified  - AB695
High-concentration alcohol beverages: sale, consumption, or possession prohibited, penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB712
Homemade wine and fermented malt beverages: standards for which a license or permit is not required and occupational taxes not owed revised; JSCTE appendix report  - AB521
Homemade wine and fermented malt beverages: standards for which a license or permit is not required and occupational taxes not owed revised; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.2: competitions, exhibitions, or tastings must be held in a private residence or licensed premises and no fees may be charged, municipality may regulate by ordinance] -  SB395
Movie theaters: Class ``B" license exemption created and exception allowing underage person on licensed premises [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2604bL, gfe, gfg, k]  - AB40
Small winery cooperative wholesalers: meeting with DOR and U.W. Center for Cooperatives and publicly available reports requirement eliminated -  AB59
Three-tier alcohol beverage distribution system revisions, wholesaler license replaced with permit and may not hold ownership interest in a brewer, fermented malt beverage warehousing and sales, out-of-state shippers and brewers, multiple licenses and permits for brewers, distribution restrictions, restaurant and brewpub provisions, DOR duties and special agent funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 751m, 2603m-2604bk, bm-ge, gg-ji, 2637m] -  AB40
Underage alcohol violations: alcohol beverage licensee private right of action -  AB464
Underage alcohol violations: alcohol beverage licensee private right of action -  SB358
Wine or fermented malt beverages made at supply stores and not sold or offered for sale: exceptions to manufacturing license or permit and occupational tax requirements; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: operator's license provision]  - AB290
Wine or fermented malt beverages made at supply stores and not sold or offered for sale: exceptions to manufacturing license or permit and occupational tax requirements; JSCTE appendix report -  SB205
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  AB200
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  SB155
Winery permit holder may also hold up to 6 retail licenses -  AB425
Winery permit holder may also hold up to 6 retail licenses -  SB328
alcohol beverage _ sale to minorsAlcohol beverage — Sale to minors
Alcohol beverages knowingly provided to a person under 18 years old and suffers great bodily harm or death from their consumption: penalties apply to any underage person, including 18, 19, and 20 year olds; JRCCP report  - AB520
Alcohol beverages knowingly provided to 18, 19, or 20 year old on a licensed premise: penalties created if the underage person suffers great bodily harm or death; JRCCP report  - AB420
Illegal consumption of alcohol beverages by underage persons: adults prohibited from knowingly permitting or failing to take action to prevent on property owned and occupied by the adult or under the adult's control -  AB650
Movie theaters: Class ``B" license exemption created and exception allowing underage person on licensed premises [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2604bL, gfe, gfg, k]  - AB40
Underage alcohol violations: alcohol beverage licensee private right of action -  AB464
Underage alcohol violations: alcohol beverage licensee private right of action -  SB358
Underage person prohibited on school premises with detectable alcohol concentration in blood or breath, forfeiture provision; school administrator's written permission to have alcohol on school premises does not apply to underage persons  - SB159
alcohol beverage _ taxationAlcohol beverage — Taxation
Homemade wine and fermented malt beverages: standards for which a license or permit is not required and occupational taxes not owed revised; JSCTE appendix report  - AB521
Homemade wine and fermented malt beverages: standards for which a license or permit is not required and occupational taxes not owed revised; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.2: competitions, exhibitions, or tastings must be held in a private residence or licensed premises and no fees may be charged, municipality may regulate by ordinance] -  SB395
OWI-related offense revisions re first offense penalty, LESB to establish rules for a sobriety checkpoint program, counties to seek reimbursement from persons sentenced to jail, portion of wine and liquor tax deposited into the intoxicated and drugged drivers fund, prohibited BAC after 1st or 2nd OWI, court cannot release a person after a conviction and before sentencing, release to responsible party, and seizure of vehicle; JRCCP report -  AB670
Wine or fermented malt beverages made at supply stores and not sold or offered for sale: exceptions to manufacturing license or permit and occupational tax requirements; JSCTE appendix report [A.Amdt.1: operator's license provision]  - AB290
Wine or fermented malt beverages made at supply stores and not sold or offered for sale: exceptions to manufacturing license or permit and occupational tax requirements; JSCTE appendix report -  SB205