Resale store owned by a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report  - AB115
Resale store owned by a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report  - SB66
School board and public library board permitted to transfer certain donations to charitable organizations exempt from federal income tax under set conditions [A.Amdt.1: community foundation specified, definition and condition provisions; S.Amdt.2: use consistent with intent of donor condition added and other revisions] -  AB224
Theft from a charitable organization by virtue of his or her office, business, or employment and uses the property for partisan political purposes: penalty enhancement provisions; JRCCP report -  AB691
charter schoolCharter school, see School
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions  - AB494
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions [S.Amdt.1: Mortgage Loan Originator Council eliminated]  - SB390
chemotherapyChemotherapy, see Medical service
child abuse and neglect prevention boardChild Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
CANPB required to emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect  - SB507
child careChild care, see Day care
child custody, placement, support, or welfareChild custody, placement, support, or welfare, see Divorce; Family — Support
child laborChild labor
Family farm and youth farm labor: importance to Wisconsin's agriculture and economy acknowledged and U.S. Department of Labor's proposed regulations opposed  - AJR98
Family farm and youth farm labor: importance to Wisconsin's agriculture and economy acknowledged and U.S. Department of Labor's proposed regulations opposed  - SJR57
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2390b, zk-zp] -  AB40
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - AB445
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - SB355
Amino acid-based elemental formula for use by certain children with a milk allergy: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB210
ATV operation by persons under age 12 restrictions revised, safety certificate provision -  AB327
ATV operation by persons under age 12 restrictions revised, safety certificate provision -  SB235
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements -  AB599
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, change to ``case planning" deleted, trial reunification includes home of a relative of the child and revocation revisions; S.Amdt.1: trial reunification revisions and court order required]  - SB502
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: protective category clarification -  AB293
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: protective category clarification -  SB208
Children's bedding containing specified chemicals: label requirements for in-state manufacturers, wholesale sellers, and retailers; definition and penalty provisions  - AB716
Children's Mental Health Week: May 1-7, 2011 proclaimed as -  AR7
Community youth and family aids: daily cost assessment to counties for juvenile corrections, group home, and foster care services for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 3000, 3001, 3003-3005] -  AB40
Community youth and family aids: daily cost assessment to counties for juvenile corrections, group home, and foster care services for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 3000, 3001, 3003-3005] -  SB27
Failure to report a missing child or the death of a child and hiding or moving the corpse of a child: prohibition and penalties created; JRCCP report [A.Amdt.1: ``missing" defined]  - AB397
Failure to report a missing child or the death of a child and hiding or moving the corpse of a child: prohibition and penalties created; JRCCP report -  SB299
Family and medical leave changed to conform to federal law; DWD duties -  SB8
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -  AB83
Novelty lighters: retail sale to minors and display in area accessible to the general public prohibited; definition and penalty provisions -  SB509
Nude depictions of children: offenders 21 years and older required to register as a sex offender if victim is under the age of 16 -  AB624
Open Enrollment Program: time line for filing and processing applications changed [S.Amdt.1: individualized education program provision added; S.Amdt.2: applications outside regular application period permitted for children in specified situations; S.Amdt.3: annual report requirements revised; A.Amdt.2: teacher contract renewal deadline changed; A.Amdt.3: resident school board must agree to pupils in specified situations attending nonresident school district (Senate nonconcurred, Assembly adheres to its position); S.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.3: appeal provision added (Senate recedes from its position on A.Amdt.3 and concurred as amended, Assembly concurred)] -  SB2
Parent, guardian, or legal custodian of a child: power of attorney to temporarily delegate certain powers to another person permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, limited to parent with legal custody, provisions for organizations that facilitate designations including criminal history search, child abuse reporting, foster home license exemption, and DCF rule requirements; S.Amdt.1: juvenile court jurisdiction and Indian child provisions added] -  AB30
Parent, guardian, or legal custodian of a child: power of attorney to temporarily delegate certain powers to another person permitted -  SB82
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in recreational boats - SB387
Smoking prohibited in motor vehicles in which a child under age 16 in present -  AB739
Subsidized guardianship revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 660s, 667e, 1321j-n, 1330s-1332y, 1333n, p, 1334c, 1335c, e-k, 1336c, 1337c-1339f, 1341r-w, 1376n-1377f, 3526gm, h, q, 9108 (1u)] -  AB40
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -  SB460
Weapons used under the authority of certain game hunting licenses expanded and open hunting seasons revised [A.Amdt.1: persons under 12 years of age may not hunt with a crossbow; A.Amdt.2: authorization to use crossbow to hunt revised] -  AB384
Wisconsin children's outdoor bill of rights -  AJR84
Alternative responses pilot program re child abuse or neglect reports: cap on participating agencies or county departments removed [Sec. 1342] -  AB40
Alternative responses pilot program re child abuse or neglect reports: cap on participating agencies or county departments removed [Sec. 1342] -  SB27
Child abuse and neglect prevention grants: portion allocated to counties, private agencies, or Indian tribes that have not previously received grants [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1342e, f]  - AB40
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child: sentencing court must consider as aggravating factor  - SB127
Habitual truancy proceeding requirements revised for child under age 12; juvenile court jurisdiction if the truancy is the result of neglect, refusal, or inability of parent or guardian to cause the child to attend regularly  - AB747
Infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; evidence-based home visitation re poor birth outcomes or child abuse or neglect; informed consent before elective procedures to deliver a child before the gestational period of 39 weeks, MEB duties and disciplinary and penalty provisions  - AB693
Infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; evidence-based home visitation re poor birth outcomes or child abuse or neglect; informed consent before elective procedures to deliver a child before the gestational period of 39 weeks, MEB duties and disciplinary and penalty provisions  - SB532
Intentionally causing bodily harm to a child: felony penalty modified -  AB423
Jurisdiction clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, and harassment  - AB247
Jurisdiction clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, and harassment  - SB177
Mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect: all public school employees required to report and receive training, employment discrimination protection for reporting in good faith  - AB68
Mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect: all public school employees required to report and receive training, employment discrimination protection for reporting in good faith [S.Amdt.2: training requirement modified and rule-making authority removed] -  SB42
Mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect by professors, administrators, coaches, or other employees of any public, private, or tribal postsecondary educational institution  - AB714
Obstructing a law enforcement officer by providing false information or evidence: convicted person may be assessed costs of the investigation [A.Amdt.1: exceptions added for recanting reports of or being a victim of abusive conduct or the report did not lead to criminal charges or a conviction]  - AB263
Open Enrollment Program: time line for filing and processing applications changed [S.Amdt.1: individualized education program provision added; S.Amdt.2: applications outside regular application period permitted for children in specified situations; S.Amdt.3: annual report requirements revised; A.Amdt.2: teacher contract renewal deadline changed; A.Amdt.3: resident school board must agree to pupils in specified situations attending nonresident school district (Senate nonconcurred, Assembly adheres to its position); S.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.3: appeal provision added (Senate recedes from its position on A.Amdt.3 and concurred as amended, Assembly concurred)] -  SB2
Parent, guardian, or legal custodian of a child: power of attorney to temporarily delegate certain powers to another person permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, limited to parent with legal custody, provisions for organizations that facilitate designations including criminal history search, child abuse reporting, foster home license exemption, and DCF rule requirements; S.Amdt.1: juvenile court jurisdiction and Indian child provisions added] -  AB30
School zone firearm prohibition exemption for law enforcement officers revised, former law enforcement officer provision; penalty revised re peace officer who is subject to a domestic or child abuse injunction and violates the firearm prohibition - AB299
Sexual assault of a child by the child's day care provider: penalty enhancement permitted; JRCCP report  - AB102
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - AB461
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - SB345
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -  SB460
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Adoption expenses incurred by an individual who claims the federal tax credit: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created; JSCTE appendix report - AB287
Adoption records may be disclosed to determine availability of placing a child with adoptive parent of the child's sibling - SB64
Birth certificate: adult who was adopted as a child may petition the court to have original information restored  - AB12
Family and medical leave changed to conform to federal law; DWD duties -  SB8
National Adoption Month: November 2011 recognized as -  AJR67
TPR petition required to be filed re children under eight years old and children eight years and over and placed outside the home for six months, adoption provisions  - SB63
children _ delinquentChildren — Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements -  AB599
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, change to ``case planning" deleted, trial reunification includes home of a relative of the child and revocation revisions; S.Amdt.1: trial reunification revisions and court order required]  - SB502
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old [A.Amdt.1: mandatory requirement removed, court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 24 months older than the victim; S.Amdt.1: 24 months changed to 48]  - AB209
Crimes against children: mandatory minimum sentences and extended supervision re sex crimes, homicide, and child pornography; JRCCP report -  AB136