Political contributions: acceptance by incumbent partisan elective state official or support committee prohibited between specified dates, additional provisions for governor and lieutenant governor; penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB264
Political contributions to a judge or justice by an interested contributor in a pending civil or criminal action or proceeding: notification requirements and penalty provisions  - AB684
Political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperatives, and labor organizations provisions revised; registration and reporting requirements re mass communication within 60 days of an election, special report provision; penalties specified - AB591
Political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperatives, and labor organizations provisions revised; registration and reporting requirements re mass communication within 60 days of an election, special report provision; penalties specified - SB446
Political disbursements by corporations and cooperatives: GAB duties if prohibition is found unenforceable under set conditions; disbursement prohibited if owned or controlled by a foreign national; registration and reporting requirements and penalty provisions -  SB67
Political disbursements by corporations and cooperatives: GAB duties if prohibition is found unenforceable under set conditions; registration and reporting requirements; penalty provisions -  AB726
Recall petition drives: treatment of contributions to pay expenses -  AB296
State or local elected official who becomes a candidate for national, state, or local office: state of emergency exemption to prohibition on using public funds to produce and distribute identical communications to constituents  - SB118
Wisconsin election campaign fund created and administered by GAB; income tax form designation - AB317
Wisconsin election campaign fund created and administered by GAB; income tax form designation - SB213
elections _ contested electionsElections — Contested elections
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions -  AB476
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions [S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] - SB381
Voting machine use discontinued, recounts of machine-readable ballots, petitions for recounts, destruction of ballots after an election, and inspection of areas where voted ballots are stored - AB746
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Absentee ballots: municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall not return ballot to elector; elector may not vote in person in same election on election day [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, proof of identification required with absentee ballot application] -  SB271
Absentee ballots: municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall not return ballot to elector, including ballots with improperly completed or no certificate; elector may not vote in person in same election on election day; proof of identification required with ballot application - AB525
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions -  AB476
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions [S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] - SB381
Election official at a polling place on election day: residency requirement revised -  AB169
Election official at a polling place on election day: residency requirement revised -  SB269
Election-related expenses to local governments: reimbursement of costs revised, voter ID training provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3t, u, 747j, k] -  AB40
Elector challenging right of another elector to vote at a polling place: challenger must reside in same Senate district as the challenged elector, proof of residence required  - SB167
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  AB365
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  SB528
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]  - AB7
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  AB444
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  SB329
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - AB481
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - SB386
Voting machine use discontinued, recounts of machine-readable ballots, petitions for recounts, destruction of ballots after an election, and inspection of areas where voted ballots are stored - AB746
elections _ registrationElections — Registration
Election revisions re late voter registration, absentee voting in person, and implementation of voter ID requirements; GAB duties -  AB67
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  AB365
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  SB528
Felons and persons convicted of certain misdemeanors granted the right to vote, hold offices of trust or honor, and run for public office: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR56
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]  - AB7
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign  - SB6
Official registration list: moneys from sales of copies deposited in the election administration fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 747m, 885e] -  AB40
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  AB444
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  SB329
Voter ID requirement: exemption for individuals 65 years old and older who register before the close of registration; voter registration list and poll list provisions  - SB247
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - AB481
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - SB386
electric personal assistive mobility device _epamd_Electric personal assistive mobility device (EPAMD), see Recreation vehicle
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Certificate of public convenience and necessity application process revisions re large electric generating facility or high-voltage transmission line; DNR permits provision  - AB730
Electric provider may count electricity derived from a large hydroelectric facility toward compliance with the renewable portfolio standard -  AB114
Electric provider may count electricity derived from a large hydroelectric facility toward compliance with the renewable portfolio standard -  SB81
Electric provider may not count electricity derived from a large hydroelectric facility that is not located in the U.S. toward compliance with the renewable portfolio standard  - AB734
Electric public utility to offer temporary discounted rates to qualifying industrial customers: PSC to approve if it will promote economic development -  AB145
Electric public utility to offer temporary discounted rates to qualifying industrial customers: PSC to approve if it will promote economic development -  SB102
Energy efficiency and renewable resource program: spending and PSC duties revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2710c-g, 9439 (1q)] -  AB40
Ferrous metallic mining regulations created, nonferrous metallic mining regulations revised; utility facility approval procedure modified -  SB488
PSC revisions re notices, orders, determinations, firm sale of electricity to affiliates, contracts or arrangements between public utilities and affiliated interests, certificate of approval, removal of certain electric and steam lines, renewable portfolio standards, prohibiting commissioners from certain political activities, and penalties for tampering or interfering with utility equipment; JRCCP report -  AB527
PSC revisions re notices, orders, determinations, firm sale of electricity to affiliates, contracts or arrangements between public utilities and affiliated interests, certificate of approval, removal of certain electric and steam lines, renewable portfolio standards, prohibiting commissioners from certain political activities, and penalties for tampering or interfering with utility equipment; JRCCP report -  SB428
Renewable resource credit: restriction that it may not be used after the fourth year after it was created eliminated  - AB146
electric vehicleElectric vehicle, see Motor vehicle
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use exempt from sales and use tax regardless of when it is sold; JSCTE appendix report -  AB238
Renewable energy consumption: new goals for certain state agencies set, DOA report required; new goal re electric energy consumed in the state set, PSC reports required  - SB519
electronic data processingElectronic data processing, see Data processing
electronic mailElectronic mail, see Data processing
electronic voting systemElectronic voting system, see Voting machine
elkElk, see Game
emergency medical service or technician _ems or emt_Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
emergency number system _911_Emergency number system (911), see Telephone
eminent domainEminent domain
Condemnation law revisions re public purpose, blighted property, residential property, public utilities, and procedures; PSC provision -  SB83
Condemnation proceedings revisions re appraisal, appeals from compensation amounts, and attorney fees  - AB731
Condemnation revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 922n-t, 945b-y, 9355 (1u); deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1]  - AB40
Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs realigned re state highway projects: condemnation provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2233m, 2271m] -  AB40
Relocation assistance and payments re eminent domain: authority transferred from Comm.Dept to DSPS [Sec. 448, 923-945; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transferred to DOA instead, 448d, 716m, 9110 (9u), deletes 448]  - AB40
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary  - AB58
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary [deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  JR1 AB11
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary  - JR1 SB11
Duty disability benefit for protective occupation participants under WRS: DETF may require annual medical examination; JSCRS appendix report -  AB588
Health insurance options for public employees study and WRS structure modifications report required [A.Amdt.1: revisions and JCF approval required; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - JR1 AB11
Health insurance options for public employees study and WRS structure modifications report required  - JR1 SB11
Public employee trust fund transfer to reduce employer health insurance costs for 2011 -  AB58
Public employee trust fund transfer to reduce employer health insurance costs for 2011 [deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - JR1 AB11