Fox Cities RTA: authority to create restored as provided in 2009 WisAct 28; resolution and referendum provisions  - AB574
Fox Cities RTA: authority to create restored as provided in 2009 WisAct 28; resolution and referendum provisions  - SB456
Major highway projects: four projects approved by TPC added to current enumerated list [Sec. 2211-2214]  - AB40
Major highway projects: four projects approved by TPC added to current enumerated list [Sec. 2211-2214]  - SB27
outdoor advertisingOutdoor advertising, see Billboard
p - P -
pace _program for all_inclusive care for the elderly_PACE (Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), see Nursing homes and adult care
pao, vangPao, Vang
Life and service to the Hmong community commended upon his death -  AJR6
paradeParade, see Recreation
parcelParcel, see Plats
parkPark, see also State park
Wisconsin children's outdoor bill of rights -  AJR84
parochial and private educational institutionsParochial and private educational institutions
Catholic Schools Week: January 29 through February 5 proclaimed as -  AR20
Coverdell Education Savings Account contributions: individual income tax deduction created; JSCTE appendix report  - AB466
Coverdell Education Savings Account contributions: individual income tax deduction created; JSCTE appendix report  - SB364
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - AB340
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restrictions created and providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision - SB258
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - AB122
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - SB86
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - AB399
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - SB293
Epinephrine auto-injector in possession of pupils: school governing bodies required to adopt written policy on procedures to follow; civil liability exemption for certain injury  - AB564
Epinephrine auto-injector in possession of pupils: school governing bodies required to adopt written policy on procedures to follow; civil liability exemption for certain injury  - SB419
Epinephrine auto-injector: pupil permitted to possess with written approval; civil liability immunity provision  - AB276
Epinephrine auto-injector: pupil permitted to possess with written approval; civil liability immunity provision  - SB204
Graduate of a regionally accredited college or university and year-round resident of this state: individual income tax deduction created; JSCTE appendix report  - AB33
Green Bay Parental Choice Program provisions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 522m, 537e, v, 2476m, 2488c, f-L, pm, q, u, v, 2532p, 2536h, 2571d-p, t, 2664b, d, 2977p, 3526m; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: Green Bay specific provisions deleted, remaining provisions modified, deletes 537e, 2488c, f, pm, q, v, 2532p, 2571p] -  AB40
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]  - AB7
Indoor environmental air quality plans for public and MPCP participating schools: requirements eliminated and DPI duty re model management plan and practices eliminated [Sec. 2474-2476, 2548; original bill only]  - AB40
Indoor environmental air quality plans for public and MPCP participating schools: requirements eliminated and DPI duty re model management plan and practices eliminated [Sec. 2474-2476, 2548] -  SB27
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems or school within the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities: publisher requirements for providing in alternate formats upon request; exceptions, use restrictions, and conditions specified - SB485
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, exception for members of certain nationwide exchange network; conditions specified and public accommodations law provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, certain private and nonprofit institutions of higher education included, publisher requirements in response to a request specified, public accommodation law provision removed, commercial availability exception]  - AB322
Insurance requirements for and operation of school buses and alternative methods of pupil transportation requirements revised for public, private, and charter schools  - AB711
Mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect by professors, administrators, coaches, or other employees of any public, private, or tribal postsecondary educational institution  - AB714
MPCP and parental choice program for eligible school districts: revisions re verification of income eligibility, approved accrediting and preaccrediting organizations, a school's retention of a disqualified person, fees and tuition, and certificates of occupancy -  AB324
MPCP and parental choice program for eligible school districts: revisions re verification of income eligibility, approved accrediting and preaccrediting organizations, a school's retention of a disqualified person, fees and tuition, and certificates of occupancy -  SB234
MPCP changes re payment directly to the private school, one application for families with more than one pupil, factors determining state's payments to private schools, auditing standards, and payments for summer school pupils  - AB94
MPCP enrollment cap lifted and any private school in Milwaukee County may participate; private school notification to DPI to participate extended for the 2011-12 school year under set condition -  AB92
MPCP participating private school: establishing circumstances that would indicate it does not possess sound fiscal practices or the financial ability to continue operations [Sec. 2543, 2544, 2549; original bill only] -  AB40
MPCP participating private school: establishing circumstances that would indicate it does not possess sound fiscal practices or the financial ability to continue operations [Sec. 2543, 2544, 2549] -  SB27
MPCP participating private school: family income requirement eliminated, charging additional tuition and fees permitted, any private school in Milwaukee County may participate, enrollment cap lifted [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Milwaukee — School"]  - AB40
MPCP participating private school: family income requirement eliminated, charging additional tuition and fees permitted, any private school in Milwaukee County may participate, enrollment cap lifted [Sec. 2536-2541, 2545, 2546, 9337 (3), (4)] - SB27
MPCP program changes: DPI required to notify participating private schools and parents or guardians prior to start of the school year [Sec. 2550, 2551; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, notification to parents and guardians removed]  - AB40
MPCP program changes: DPI required to notify participating private schools and parents or guardians prior to start of the school year [Sec. 2550, 2551] -  SB27
Parental choice program for eligible school districts created by 2011 WisAct 32: closed to additional school districts  - AB314
Parental choice program for eligible school districts created by 2011 WisAct 32: closed to additional school districts  - SB174
Photo ID card issued by a university, college, or state technical college: requirements for use as voter ID revised  - AB460
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor may deliver drugs to faculty member of private or public institution of higher education if used for lawful research, teaching, or testing - AB245
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor may deliver drugs to faculty member of private or public institution of higher education if used for lawful research, teaching, or testing - SB180
Private school offering care and supervision for children under the age of three required to obtain a child care center license - AB215
Private school tuition, grades K-12: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  AB112
Private school tuition, grades K-12: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB69
Private schools participating in MPCP and other choice programs: background checks of teachers and administrators required; employment restrictions and State Superintendent duties -  AB227
Private schools participating in MPCP and other choice programs: background checks of teachers and administrators required; employment restrictions and State Superintendent duties -  SB163
Private schools participating in MPCP: annual, nationally normed standardized test requirements [Sec. 2547; original bill only] -  AB40
Private schools participating in MPCP: annual, nationally normed standardized test requirements [Sec. 2547]  - SB27
Private schools providing care for children under three required to have a child care center license  - SB179
Professional teaching permit issued by DPI: additional ways of obtaining established; parental choice participating private school provision -  AB551
Public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program: law revisions re teacher and principal evaluations, school assessment guide, teacher licensure, MPS cost report, and schools' disclosure requirements and exclusion for fraudulent representation; DPI duties  - AB748
Racine Parental Choice Program provisions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 522m, 537m, v, 2476m, 2488b, e, h-p, r, u, y, 2532m, 2536h, 2571d, h, q, t, 2664b, d, 2977p, 3526m; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``Racine parental choice program" changed to ``Parental choice programs for eligible school districts", DPI duties expanded, 9137 (3u)] - AB40
Restriction on use of the term ``college": EAB may make an exception for certain residential facility in the Village of Union Grove [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1105n] - AB40
Saint Norbert College Green Knights men's hockey team commended on their excellent season - AJR29
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow, conditions specified -  AB736
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, school nurse definition amended, requirement that prescription and nonprescription drug products be supplied by a parent or guardian eliminated, training required for administering drug products in certain cases, civil liability immunity provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: charter school provision deleted; S.Amdt.2: certain private school personnel training does not need DPI approval; S.Amdt.3: list of types of drug products requiring training expanded] -  SB45
School state aid revisions re guaranteed percentage, parental choice programs, school aid formula, counting low-income pupils, delayed payments, per pupil adjustment under the levy limit, independent charter schools, grants for study to improve efficiency, and transporting pupils to private schools; eliminates first dollar and school levy property tax credits and categorical state aid for high-poverty school districts; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties specified -  AB677
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; LAB duty and report required -  AB110
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; LAB duty and report required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - SB486
Sports officials excluded from WC law coverage -  AB443
Transportation of private school pupils by public school districts: annual payment option for parent or guardian of two or more pupils in same household in 1st class city extended to all school districts [Sec. 2573, 9337 (2); original bill only] - AB40
Transportation of private school pupils by public school districts: annual payment option for parent or guardian of two or more pupils in same household in 1st class city extended to all school districts [Sec. 2573, 9337 (2)]  - SB27
Underage person prohibited on school premises with detectable alcohol concentration in blood or breath, forfeiture provision; school administrator's written permission to have alcohol on school premises does not apply to underage persons  - SB159
U.W. System and private institutions of higher education that receive state funding: employees required to disclose research re drug, device, product, or governmental program or policy if state resources were used; GAB duties  - AB713
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - AB481
Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: requirement and procedures deleted  - SB386
parole or probationParole or probation
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old [A.Amdt.1: mandatory requirement removed, court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 24 months older than the victim; S.Amdt.1: 24 months changed to 48]  - AB209
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - AB385
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - SB541