Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  AB40
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -  SB27
Publication and effective dates of acts revised, LRB duties - SB255
Secretary of State and State Treasurer offices deleted from the Constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR26
Stenographer position in offices of Secretary of State and State Treasurer eliminated [Sec. 812, 2758, 2764]  - AB40
Stenographer position in offices of Secretary of State and State Treasurer eliminated [Sec. 812, 2758, 2764]  - SB27
securities _ regulationSecurities — Regulation
Investment advisor registration exemptions [Sec. 3283, 3284, 9417 (1)] -  AB40
Investment advisor registration exemptions [Sec. 3283, 3284, 9417 (1)] -  SB27
Securities registration exemption for cooperatives modified -  AB228
seized propertySeized property, see Forfeiture
selra _state employment labor relations act_SELRA (State Employment Labor Relations Act), see Public employee — Labor union
senate districtSenate district, see Redistricting
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]  - AB7
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign  - SB6
Individual income tax personal exemption for certain older taxpayers: amount increased; JSCTE appendix report  - SB302
Pension income from a qualified retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code or an IRA in certain cases: amount of exempt income revised; federal adjusted gross income provision; JSCTE appendix report -  AB52
Pension income from a qualified retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code or an IRA in certain cases: amount of exempt income revised; federal adjusted gross income provision; JSCTE appendix report -  SB29
Protective placement and protective services law revisions -  SB577
Resident senior citizens to pay reduced fees for deer hunting, archer hunting, sports, and conservation patron licenses - AB614
Voter ID requirement: exemption for individuals 65 years old and older who register before the close of registration; voter registration list and poll list provisions  - SB247
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: failure to provide penalty revised; JRCCP report -  SB170
Crimes against children: mandatory minimum sentences and extended supervision re sex crimes, homicide, and child pornography; JRCCP report -  AB136
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child: sentencing court must consider as aggravating factor  - SB127
Going armed with concealed and dangerous weapon prohibition eliminated; prohibition on going armed or possessing a firearm in certain public places revised; requirement that a firearm or bow or crossbow be unloaded or unstrung and encased in a vehicle eliminated; possessing electric weapons permitted; disorderly conduct provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Firearms and dangerous weapons"]  - SB93
No-contact orders by the court: penalties increased for violations re domestic abuse incidents; convicted individual prohibited from contacting witness to the crime and penalty for violations revised; JRCCP report -  AB269
OAR, OWS, and OWL provisions of 2005 WisAct 412 repealed, new penalties created; court required to revoke and DOT may revoke operating privilege if violation caused great bodily harm or death, out of state conviction provision; penalties for driving around or through a railroad crossing gate or barrier or failure to stop for a traffic officer or railroad employee at a crossing revised; JRCCP report -  AB80
Penalty surcharge deficit plan report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 221e, r, 9401 (1f)] -  AB40
Retail theft felony penalties modified and racketeering provision created; proof of ownership required for certain merchandise at a flea market, penalty provisions; JRCCP report [A.Amdt.1: value of the merchandise reduced] - AB56
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  AB444
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration applicant not required to provide information regarding felony conviction and requirement that Corr.Dept provide a list of convicted felons to election officials deleted; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts training duties -  SB329
Searches by law enforcement officer of the property or residence of a person on parole, probation, or extended supervision permitted if there is reason to suspect criminal activity  - AB665
Searches by law enforcement officer of the property or residence of a person on parole, probation, or extended supervision permitted if there is reason to suspect criminal activity  - SB545
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions [Sec. 82, 85, 100, 341, 629, 630, 806, 2759, 2995-2998, 3015-3082, 3485, 3486, 3511, 3535-3538, 3542-3546, 3553-3558, 3560, 9311 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, risk reduction program provisions removed, deletes 3015, 3016, 3546; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: all remaining provisions deleted]  - AB40
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions - AB86
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions [Sec. 82, 85, 100, 341, 629, 630, 806, 2759, 2995-2998, 3015-3082, 3485, 3486, 3511, 3535-3538, 3542-3546, 3553-3558, 3560, 9311 (1)]  - SB27
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions [S.Amdt.1: court to modify period of probation and notifying victims added]  - SB57
Serious felony offenders prohibited from possessing, controlling, or residing with a vicious dog or possessing a dog that does not have an implanted microchip; penalty, extended supervision, and exemption provisions; JRCCP report  - SB88
Sexual assault of a child by the child's day care provider: penalty enhancement permitted; JRCCP report  - AB102
serta _southeastern regional transit authority_SERTA (Southeastern Regional Transit Authority), see Metropolitan transportation
settlementSettlement, see Judgment
sex crimesSex crimes
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony or certain sexual assault offenses; juveniles, DNA data bank, crime laboratories, and expunging information provisions; JRCCP report -  AB584
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony or certain sexual assault offenses; juveniles, DNA data bank, crime laboratories, and expunging information provisions; JRCCP report -  SB214
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old [A.Amdt.1: mandatory requirement removed, court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 24 months older than the victim; S.Amdt.1: 24 months changed to 48]  - AB209
Crimes against children: mandatory minimum sentences and extended supervision re sex crimes, homicide, and child pornography; JRCCP report -  AB136
DNA sample: court to put person found delinquent or not guilty by reason of mental defect, sentenced, declared a sexual predator, or in custody for a crime requiring a DNA sample into sheriff's custody long enough to provide a sample; DOJ duty  - SB169
Gender-based harm: civil cause of action created, definition provision; penalty enhancer for certain crimes, JRCCP report - AB199
Gender-based harm: civil cause of action created, definition provision; penalty enhancer for certain crimes, JRCCP report - SB145
Nude depictions of children: offenders 21 years and older required to register as a sex offender if victim is under the age of 16 -  AB624
Obstructing a law enforcement officer by providing false information or evidence: convicted person may be assessed costs of the investigation [A.Amdt.1: exceptions added for recanting reports of or being a victim of abusive conduct or the report did not lead to criminal charges or a conviction]  - AB263
Prosecution may be commenced at any time for first-degree sexual assault of an adult and attempts to commit first- and second-degree intentional homicide and first-degree sexual assault -  AB552
Prosecution may be commenced at any time for first-degree sexual assault of an adult and attempts to commit first- and second-degree intentional homicide and first-degree sexual assault -  SB473
Repeated domestic abuse offenses: penalties increased; JRCCP report -  AB449
Repeated domestic abuse offenses: penalties increased; JRCCP report -  SB350
Sex offender registrant prohibited on school premises unless the registrant notifies the school; JRCCP report  - AB239
Sexual assault of a child by the child's day care provider: penalty enhancement permitted; JRCCP report  - AB102
Sexual assault of a student by person who is or was a member of school staff: crime created and penalty provided; JRCCP report - AB243
Sexual assault: procedures for evidence with DNA on it when no suspect has been identified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2682m, 2704m] -  AB40
Sexual assault victim services: crime victim and witness surcharge moneys to administer the grant program [Sec. 695] - AB40
Sexual assault victim services: crime victim and witness surcharge moneys to administer the grant program [Sec. 695] - SB27
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - AB461
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - SB345
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; victim in certain sex crimes against children can be an individual the perpetrator believed to be under 18; JRCCP report  - AB100
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; victim in certain sex crimes against children can be an individual the perpetrator believed to be under 18; JRCCP report  - SB56
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report  - AB646
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report  - SB536
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion revisions; restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs; repeal of certain abortion prohibitions -  AB371
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion revisions; restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs; repeal of certain abortion prohibitions -  SB306
sex discriminationSex discrimination, see Discrimination
sextingSexting, see Sex crimes
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
shared revenueShared revenue
County and municipal aid payments reduced [Sec. 2188, 2190, 2191, 2193, 2194; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 770d, f, g, h-m, 896d, 947h, 1323d, g, 2188e-L, 2190d, 2191b-k, 2192c-w, 2193d, 2195g, k, 9341 (1i), 9441 (2i), deletes 2191, 2193, 2194] -  AB40
County and municipal aid payments reduced [Sec. 2188, 2190, 2191, 2193, 2194] -  SB27
Emergency services maintenance of effort requirements for counties and municipalities eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2195L] -  AB40