Vocational high school diploma: school board authorized to grant -  SE1 SB18
Wisconsin Next Generation Reserve Board created re grants, loans, and investments in Wisconsin bioscience companies; DOR and SWIB duties; Wisconsin next generation reserve fund created -  SE1 AB21
Wisconsin Next Generation Reserve Board created re grants, loans, and investments in Wisconsin bioscience companies; DOR and SWIB duties; Wisconsin next generation reserve fund created -  SE1 SB21
Workplace wellness programs offered by employers: income and franchise tax credits created; definition and DOR provisions -  SE1 AB5
Workplace wellness programs offered by employers: income and franchise tax credits created; definition and DOR provisions -  SE1 SB5
sports officialSports official, see Athletics
spouseSpouse, see Family; Marriage
ssi _supplemental security income_SSI (Supplemental security income), see Public assistance
ssn _social security number_SSN (Social security number), see Social security
stateState, see specific department or subject
state agenciesState agencies, see also specific agency or department
Administrative agency actions: awarding costs revised; eliminates requirement that hearing examiners and courts rely on certain federal case law -  AB223
Administrative agency actions: awarding costs revised; eliminates requirement that hearing examiners and courts rely on certain federal case law -  SB191
Administrative rule-making process: changes made by 2011 WisActs 21 and 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - AB389
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, legislative review of proposed rules and JCRAR duties modified; A.Amdt.10: local governmental units provision]  - JR1 AB8
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state -  JR1 SB8
Administrative rules: agency may promulgate only if a bill authorizing promulgation is enacted into law  - SB218
Administrative rules: periodic review required, report to JCRAR provision -  SB568
Audits on cost-benefit analyses and continued appropriateness reviews re state agency contracts for services  - SB569
Authorized state building program and building program bonding authorizations for 2011-13 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 44p, 47, 50g, h, 56g-q, 265g-j, 276m, 277, 289b, 554, 560, 561, 779-780, 785m, p, 795m-s, 797m, 798g-zb, 815g-i, 1003, 3567o, 9106 (1)-(9), 9401 (2i); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, National Soldiers Home Historic District deleted, deletes 56q, 798zb, 9106 (8)] -  AB40
Authorized state building program for 2009-11: all-agency project funding re energy conservation added  - AB117
Base budget review report requirements for state agencies [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 218d, e] -  AB40
Bids for state procurement: threshold increased [Sec. 246-249, 259, 9301 (1); original bill only]  - AB40
Bids for state procurement: threshold increased [Sec. 246-249, 259, 9301 (1)] -  SB27
Biennial budget report: state agencies required to include certain contractual services and cost-benefit analysis information; DOT and U.W. provisions -  SB573
Business Ombudsman, Office of the, created in WEDC -  AB647
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -  AB40
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -  SB27
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA to contract with child care providers and may lease or provide space in state-owned or state-leased building; report required on providing for child care facility space in any construction or major remodeling project  - AB315
Contracting for services in state procurement revisions; private contractors or consultants cannot be used to perform services of public employees required to serve an unpaid leave of absence, JCF provision -  SB574
Contractual services purchased by state agencies: DOA and OSER review and cost-benefit analysis provisions repealed; annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 188, 233, 237-239, 258, 2200, 9301 (2); original bill only]  - AB40
Contractual services purchased by state agencies: DOA and OSER review and cost-benefit analysis provisions repealed; annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 188, 233, 237-239, 258, 2200, 9301 (2)] -  SB27
Cooperatives, corporations, and their officers and substantial owners that enter or offer to enter into contracts with the state prohibited from making political contributions to state office candidates and their committees, penalty provisions  - AB676
Cost-benefit analyses and continued appropriateness reviews re state agency contracts for services: exemptions specified, conducted by contract prohibited, and cannot be shown to a bidder until letter of intent is issued - SB570
Dual employment or retention: ``agency" definition modified [Sec. 217, 9455 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB40
Economic impact analysis for proposed administrative rules required to include assessment of impact on public health and the environment -  AB332
Economic impact analysis for proposed administrative rules required to include assessment of impact on public health and the environment -  SB229
Energy consuming equipment purchases by state agencies: units that cost less than set amount exempt from energy efficiency standards requirement [Sec. 260] - AB40
Energy consuming equipment purchases by state agencies: units that cost less than set amount exempt from energy efficiency standards requirement [Sec. 260] - SB27
Executive and judicial branch state agencies required to report on their fiscal condition and operations at one of JLAC's quarterly meetings -  AB400
Executive and judicial branch state agencies required to report on their fiscal condition and operations at one of JLAC's quarterly meetings -  SB385
Fraud, waste, and mismanagement in state government discovered in an LAB or state agency investigation: reward paid to individual submitting the report - AB663
LAB required to conduct management and performance evaluation audits of every state agency large program once every five years -  SB506
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs -  AB58
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs -  JR1 AB11
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs -  JR1 SB11
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions repealed  - AB148
Minority-owned business: preferences in state procurement percentage increased -  SB166
OEI and certain duties eliminated; state agency requirements re alternative fuels and hybrid-electric vehicles revised; goals to reduce usage of gasoline and diesel fuel modified; DOA duties set and certain annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 94, 191, 193-202, 323-325, 2298, 2309]  - AB40
OEI and certain duties eliminated; state agency requirements re alternative fuels and hybrid-electric vehicles revised; goals to reduce usage of gasoline and diesel fuel modified; DOA duties set and certain annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 94, 191, 193-202, 323-325, 2298, 2309]  - SB27
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before implementing changes requiring rule promulgation, state agencies are required to request the LRB prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; prohibition on requesting grants or other moneys from the federal government to implement; medical loss ratio reports from insurers reviewed by OCI provision; state agency report requirements  - SB563
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before taking action to implement, state agencies are required to request LRB to prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; grants and expending state moneys provision - AB531
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): state agency report requirements -  AB530
Professional and occupational licenses: fee waiver program for qualified veterans -  AB429
Professional and occupational licenses: fee waiver program for qualified veterans [A.Amdt.1: National Guard and reserve members also eligible] -  SB338
Purchasing preference for Wisconsin-based businesses revision re out-of-state vendors that have or will have 50% of their operations in Wisconsin -  AB374
Purchasing preference for Wisconsin-based businesses revision re out-of-state vendors that have or will have 50% of their operations in Wisconsin -  SB303
Purchasing preference from Wisconsin-based businesses: setting percentage goals for state agencies and local governmental units; DOA duties and plan required  - AB21
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and rule making considerations for small businesses revised; state agency administrative law considerations for small businesses; small business regulatory coordinators and Office of Regulatory Assistance duties -  AB70
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and rule making considerations for small businesses revised; state agency administrative law considerations for small businesses; small business regulatory coordinators and Office of Regulatory Assistance duties [A.Amdt.2: Comm.Dept provisions removed, attached to DOA, further revisions]  - SB47
State agency attorney pay progression plan, JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9155 (3c)] - AB40
State agency budget requests: additional information required re federal payments -  AB194
State agency budget requests: additional information required re federal payments -  SB254
State agency operations, contracts, and grants: deadline for DOA to implement disclosure of expenditures requirements from 2011 WisAct 32; time frame for state agencies to report to DOA -  SB565
State agency operations, contracts, and grants: disclosure of expenditures, Internet provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 215m; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: computer operations upgrade exemption with JCF approval] -  AB40
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement -  AB326
Surplus positions in state agencies: DOA report modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 218h] -  AB40
Vacant FTE positions in the executive branch: DOA Secretary may abolish [Sec. 9101 (4); A.Sub.Amdt.1: DOA authority deleted, Governor given authority with JCF approval, 218g, i, p, deletes 9101 (4)] -  AB40
Vacant FTE positions in the executive branch: DOA Secretary may abolish [Sec. 9101 (4)] -  SB27
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) created; Comm.Dept duties and public employee and WRS provisions -  JR1 AB6
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) created; Comm.Dept duties and public employee and WRS provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB duties added, WEDC duties revised, definitions and membership modified, report requirements] -  JR1 SB6
state bankState bank, see Bank
Assembly recognizes and encourages each individual's participation in the legislative process, right to observe the process, and peaceful expression of his or her views in the Assembly gallery -  AR17
Capitol Council created re management, operation, maintenance, and repair of the state capitol and capitol park; security and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - SB347
Custodial workers at the Capitol and executive office buildings: efforts to privatize the services opposed  - AR26
Decorated tree displayed in Capitol rotunda during Christmas season renamed the ``State of Wisconsin Christmas Tree"  - AJR82
Law enforcement officers and public safety officials commended for the professional handling of large-scale taxpayer demonstrations at the Capitol -  AJR13
Parking on streets adjacent to State Capitol Park: reserved hours revised -  SB43
State capitol building: DOA may not promulgate or enforce rules or policies re public access that infringes the freedoms of speech or assembly or petition the government  - AB699
State capitol building: DOA Secretary directed to ensure public access as it was on January 28, 2011  - SR19
State capitol building security costs in 2011: JCF appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 778m, n, 9455 (2u); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB40
state capitol and executive residence boardState Capitol and Executive Residence Board
Capitol Council created re management, operation, maintenance, and repair of the state capitol and capitol park; security and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - SB347
Public sale of the executive residence authorized; State Capitol and Executive Residence Board renamed State Capitol Board; DOA duties and SHSW provision -  SB38