Specialty schools, 440.635
Investigations, 440.64 (3)
Licensure, 440.62
Regulation of schools and specialty schools, 440.64
Requirements for courses of instruction, 440.62 (5)
Suspensions and revocations, 440.64 (3)
barbiturates BARBITURATES
barratry BARRATRY
Generally, 757.295
baseball park districts BASEBALL PARK DISTRICTS
Board, 229.66
Budget, 229.79
Ethics code, 19.59 (1) (g)
Definitions, 19.41
Powers, 229.68, 229.682
Revenue bond authorization, 66.0621
Revenues; held in trust, 229.77
Tax revenues, special fund, 229.685
Alteration of rights and obligations by state prohibited, 229.76
Issuance and negotiability, 229.72
Reserve funds for debt service, 229.74
Revenues, held in trust, 229.77
State nonliability, 229.75
City powers, 229.69
Construction and facilities development:
Minority contracting goals, 229.70
State provided services, 16.854
County powers, 229.69
Creation and organization, 229.66
Definitions, 229.65
Dissolution, 229.71
Jurisdiction, 229.67
Legislative declaration, 229.64
State agency assistance, authorized, 229.81
State loans for stadium, 234.65
State trust fund loans:
Application, 24.66 (3w)
Authorization, 24.61 (3) (a) 13.
Collection, 24.717
Procedures, generally, see State—17. Loans, Trust Fund
Taxing authority, 77.705, 77.707, 77.71
Administration by revenue department, 77.76
Imposition of tax, 77.71
Jurisdiction, 77.73
Reports required, 77.75
Transitional provisions, 77.77
Vehicle and boat registrations, tax imposed, 77.78
basic will BASIC WILL
Generally, 853.50 to 853.62
battery BATTERY
bed and breakfast establishments BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENTS
beer BEER
bees BEES
Beekeepers, deemed farmers, 94.761
Disease eradication, 93.07 (13)
Honey bee is state insect, 1.10
Honey sales; standards, certification, 100.187
Inspection, regulation, importation, 94.76
Occupational tax exemption, 70.111 (2)
Wildlife damage abatement program, apiaries, 29.889
behavior analysts BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS
Advisory committee, 440.317
Clients, informed consent, 440.315
Definitions, 440.310
Discipline, 440.316
Licensure, 440.312
Renewal, 440.313
Rules, 440.314
Title, use of, 440.311
benefit societies BENEFIT SOCIETIES
Registration of insignia, 132.16
benevolent societies BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES
Tax exemption, 70.11 (4)
bestiality BESTIALITY
Crime, 944.17 (2)
betting BETTING
beverages BEVERAGES
bible BIBLE
County jail inmates, 302.39
State institution inmates, 46.066
bicycles BICYCLES