Suits not affected, 757.08
citations CITATIONS
Debtor, service, probate proceedings, 863.46
Forfeiture recovery actions, procedure:
Harassment violations, 778.25
Land trespass law violations, 778.26
Sporting events, safety violations, 778.25
Underage alcohol and tobacco violations, 778.25
University regents rule violations, 778.25
Worker's compensation, uninsured employers, 102.87
Juvenile and children, civil and ordinance violations, 938.237
Misdemeanors, nature, issuance, contents, 968.085
Uniform, 758.171
Municipal ordinance violations, 66.0113
Municipal court cases, form, amendment, 800.02, 800.025
Natural resources forfeiture actions:
Commencement of action, 23.52
Form of citation, 23.54
Issuance of citation, 23.62
Officer's action after issuance, 23.63
Use of citation, 23.53
Traffic, uniform, 15.467 (4), 194.178, 345.11
cities CITIES
Generally, Ch. 62
cities_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Abandoned property, disposal, 66.0139
Administrative procedure, see Administrative Procedure—4. Municipal
Airports and aeronautics:
Aeronautics, ordinances, 114.105
Agreement to establish airport, 66.1009
Airport commission, 114.14
Airports and landing strips, 27.05, 114.11 to 114.151
Initiating projects, acquiring lands for, 114.33
Land acquisition, loan program, 114.37
Zoning, 59.69 (4g)
Alcohol beverages:
Licenses, see Alcohol Beverages
Ordinances, regulation other than licensing, 125.10
Aldermanic district alteration, 62.08
Ambulance and emergency medical services, 62.133, 256.12
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Annexation, 66.0217, 66.0219, 66.0221
Adjustment of assets and liabilities between municipalities, 66.0235
City owned lands outside city, 66.0223
Litigation, filing notice, 66.0231
Sanitary districts, incorporation or annexation, 60.79
Athletic and entertainment ticket selling regulation, restrictions, 66.0410
Attachment, exempt from, 811.01
Bingo, extended hours, ordinances, 563.55
Blight elimination and slum clearance law, 66.1333
Blighted areas, redevelopment, 66.1331
Boating regulation, 30.77
Bond or cash deposit for ordinance violation, 66.0111
See also Annexation or Detachment of territory, under this subhead
Agreement with adjacent municipality, 66.0301 (6)
Certification, 62.02
Changed by cooperative agreement, 66.0307
Fixed by stipulation and judgment, 66.0225
Newly incorporated, certificate, filing, 66.0211 (5)
Building and construction, see Cities—9. Land Use, Building and Construction
Buses, see Public transportation, under this subhead
Business improvement districts, 66.1109
Cable and other video service:
Construction, ownership, operation, 66.0422
Regulation, 66.0420