Temporary guardian, 54.50
Termination of guardianship, 54.64
Final account, settlement, 54.66
Veterans uniform guardianship act, 54.852
guardianships_2. appointments of guardians 2. Appointments of Guardians
Generally, 54.10
Bond, 54.46 (4)
Children in need of protection and services, appointment, 48.977
Costs and attorney fees, 54.46 (3)
Contested proceedings, expenses of ward, 54.42 (4)
County as guardian for county hospital patients, 54.852 (4), 59.53 (12)
Disposition, order, 54.46
Examination of proposed ward, 54.36
Right to independent examination, 54.42 (3)
Exceptions to requirement for appointment, 54.12
Fees, register in probate, 814.66
Guardian ad litem, 54.40
Compensation, 54.74
Hearing, 54.44
Notice, 54.38
Jurisdiction of circuit court:
Generally, 54.30
Juvenile court proceedings, 48.14 (2)
Letters of guardianship, 54.46 (5)
Limited guardianship, 54.25 (2) (d)
Adoption of minors, see Adoption—3. Minors
Child welfare agency as guardian, 48.61 (5)
Children with no living parents, 48.831
Juvenile court jurisdiction, 48.14 (2)
Special guardian, for sale of property, 786.02, 786.08
Termination of parental rights actions, 48.427, 48.43
Transfer on revocation of license or contract of county agency guardian, 48.832
Nomination of guardian, 54.15
Corporate guardians, restrictions, 223.10
Trust company as guardian, 223.03 (6) (a)
Notices, 54.38
Order, 54.46
Expansion of order, 54.63
Petition, 54.34
Disposition, order, 54.46
Rights of proposed ward, 54.42
Selection, 54.15
Corporate guardians, restrictions, 223.10
Trust company as guardian, 223.03 (6) (a)
Standby guardian, 54.52
Children, designation, 48.978
Successor guardian:
Appointment, 54.54
Standby guardian, 54.52
Temporary guardians, 54.50
Venue, 54.30
Veterans, 54.852
guardianships_3. management of estates 3. Management of Estates
Accounts, 54.62
Final accounts, 54.66
Compensation and expenses of guardian, 54.72
Inventory, 54.60
Marital property, management for disabled spouse, 54.20 (2) (h)
Powers and duties of guardian, 54.19, 54.20
Prudent investor rule, 881.01
Public employee trust fund benefits, 40.08 (9m)
Real estate:
Generally, Ch. 786
Acquisition, 786.12
Conveyance of lands in trust for another or subject to ward's mortgage, court order, 786.01
Other disposition, 786.12
Real estate contracts for sale:
Court approval:
Application for, 786.07
Bond required, 786.08
Contract approval, 786.11
Grounds for, 786.06
Hearing, court inquiry, 786.09
Order for conveyance, 786.10
Effect of sale, 786.16
Foreign guardian, procedure, 786.25
Future estates, disposal, 786.26 to 786.35
Irregularities not to avoid sale, 786.52, 786.56
Lease, not more than 5 years, 786.21
Liability of guardian:
Fraudulent sale, 786.58
Neglect or misconduct in sale, 786.54
Nonresident ward's Wisconsin estate, 786.25
Platting lands before sale, 786.13
Proceeds of sale, how applied, 786.16, 786.17
Property received by will, 786.14
Reversionary interest of ward, sale, 786.18, 786.19
Signing by authorized guardian, exception, 706.03 (4)