Nurse aide, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Paternity information, hospital personnel providing, immunity, 895.4803
Patient visitation, 146.95
Patients' records, 146.81 to 146.83
Confidentiality and patient access violations, penalties, 146.84
Records of deceased practitioners, 857.035
Private corporations, commitment of persons to, 58.01, 58.05
Psychiatric or chemical dependency bed limitations, 150.94 to 150.95
Exceptions, 150.951
Public patients, emergency hospitalization or medical treatment, 49.02 (5), (6g)
Purpose of regulation and approval act, 50.34
Rate increases, public hearing requirements, 153.08
Examination, 804.10 (2)
Hearsay exception, 908.03 (6m)
Self-authentication, 909.02 (11)
Subpoena limitations, 908.03 (6m) (c)
Regulation and approval, 50.32 to 50.39
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 50.065
Reports to health services department, 50.355, 50.535
Rural hospital loan program, 146.62
Rural medical centers, see Rural Health Care
Service corporations, purpose, authorization, 613.80
Smoking prohibited, 101.123
Staff privileges, 50.36 (3), 448.02 (7)
Violations, civil liability, 50.39 (6)
Standards and rules, 50.36
Suspension of admissions to certain hospitals, 50.39 (5)
Taxation exemption for nonprofit, 70.11 (4m)
Transplants, activities involving, limited liability, 146.31 (3)
Tuberculosis, see Diseases
University of Wis. hospitals and clinics, see University Hospital and Clinics
Village, lease agreements with nonprofit corporations to finance facilities, 66.0129
Waste management, 299.51
Incinerators, department of workforce development to develop rules protecting workers, 101.578
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 255.40
hotels, motels and lodging HOTELS, MOTELS AND LODGING
Generally, Ch. 254
Alcohol beverages:
For general provisions relating to Alcohol beverages and licenses, see Alcohol Beverages
``Class B" licenses, 125.26 (2)
Closing hours, 125.32 (3) (c), 125.68 (4)
Serving in rooms, 125.26 (2m), 125.51 (3)
Bed and breakfast establishment:
Alcohol license exceptions, 125.06 (12)
Building code exemption, 101.05
Defined, 254.61 (1)
Regulation, 254.74 (1) (d)
Denial of accommodations, 106.52
Due to underage drinking, 134.96
Disabled guests, emergency assistance, 254.73 (2)
Fraud on keeper:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Game or game fish, regulations for serving, 29.541
Guests' property, keeper's liability, 254.80 to 254.82
Health services department, powers, 254.74
Defined, 254.61 (3)
Reclassification as motel, 254.63
Liens, 779.43
Local health department, powers, 66.0417, 254.74
Motel, defined, 254.61 (3)
Permits, 254.64
Application for, 254.70
Fees, 254.68
Municipal authority, 254.69
Preinspection, new establishment or operator, 254.65
Revocation, 254.86
Rates, posting:
Hotels, 254.83
Motels, 254.84
Review of health services department orders, 254.87
Room tax, municipality may impose, forfeiture, 66.0615
Safety and professional services department authority, 254.73 to 254.79
Safety measures, fire warnings, 254.73
Sales tax, 77.52 (2) (a) 1.
Smoking, warning notices, 254.76
Tourist rooming house, defined, 254.61 (6)
Unclaimed property, notices, disposal, 171.01 to 171.06
Violations of law, penalty, 254.85 (5), 254.88
Zoning for motels or tourist camps, 59.69 (4)
houses of correction HOUSES OF CORRECTION
Administration and management, 303.17
Establishment, 303.16
Abuse or neglect, 940.29