Taxation of real estate held by, 70.115
Trustees of state investment fund, 25.156 (5)
Variable retirement investment trust:
Investment, 25.17 (5)
Management, 40.04 (3)
Venture capital firm investments, 25.17 (71)
Vice chairperson, designation by governor, 15.07 (2) (a)
Wis. investments, 25.17 (70)
Worker's compensation reserves, investment, 102.49, 102.59
investment securities INVESTMENT SECURITIES
investments INVESTMENTS
Generally, Ch. 219
Action to collect, in partition, 842.30
Baseball park district bonds, 219.09
Broker-dealers, see Securities—3. Securities Law
Business development credit corporation notes or obligations, 225.09
Credit unions, 186.11
Economic assistance to veterans, 25.17 (3)
Exposition district bonds, 219.09
Franchise investment, see Franchise Investment Law
Health and educational facilities authority, 231.17, 231.18
Housing and economic development authority, 234.26
Housing authority bonds, 219.06
Insured housing securities, 219.01 to 219.03
Insured savings and loan accounts, 219.05
Loan restrictions, conflicting statutes, 219.03
Local exposition district bonds, 219.09
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Metropolitan sewerage district bonds, 219.06
Municipal obligations, investments on or as collateral, 219.04 (2)
Municipal power districts, 198.18
Municipalities, 66.0603
National housing act securities, 219.01 to 219.03
National mortgage company securities, 219.01 to 219.03
Redevelopment authority bonds, 219.07
Retention of decedent's securities or real estate by fiduciary, 881.05
Revenue obligations (state) as legal investments, 18.62
Savings and loan associations, 215.13 (26), 215.205
Schools, delegation of investment authority, 66.0603
State bond security and redemption fund, 18.09 (4)
State bonds and notes, investments in, 219.04
State funds, 25.14, 25.17
In Wisconsin, 25.17 (70)
State insurance funds, 604.05
Technical college districts, 66.0603
Trust funds, see Trusts—2. Investments
University, gifts, 36.29 (1)
University hospitals and clinics authority bonds, 219.09
Ward's estate by order of court, 786.12
iron county IRON COUNTY
Records as evidence, 2.06
irrigation IRRIGATION
Cranberry culture:
Generally, 94.26 to 94.28
Drainage ditches, diversion, 88.93
Stream and lake withdrawal, 30.18, 281.35
Drilling regulations, non-human consumption exempted, 280.19
Quantity restrictions, registration and permits, 281.17, 281.35
jails JAILS
Children, criteria for holding in, 48.209
City jail, duties of police chief, 62.09 (13)
County jails:
American Indian tribal prisoners, confinement in, 302.446
Construction, required, 59.54 (14)
Cooperation between counties, establishment, use, 302.44
Houses of correction, see Houses of Correction
Huber facilities, 303.09
Standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Inspection by county board or committee, 59.54 (15)
Jail fund, 59.25 (3)
Maintenance requirements, 302.37
Milwaukee county, 302.336
No jail in county, use of jails in other counties, 302.34
Reimbursement of costs from prisoners, 302.372
Sheriff has charge, 59.27
Smoking regulated, 101.123
Use of, 302.31
Fingerprinting and criminal identification, 165.84
House of correction, see Houses of Correction
Constant presence at jail, 302.42
Same sex as prisoners, required, 302.41
Juveniles, criteria for holding in, 938.209
Policy and procedures manual required; standards, 302.365