Generally, IV, Ch. 13
Administrative rules:
Committee review, 227.19 (4)
Joint committee for review of, 13.56
Review after promulgation, 227.26
Review before promulgation, 227.19
Rule-making authority, 227.19 (1)
Agency and department reports, 15.04
Appropriation, 20.765
Auditing state accounts, provide for, IV, 33
Blue Books for distribution, 35.84
Borrowing money, yea and nay vote, VIII, 6, 8
Budget stabilization fund:
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (ap)
Creation, purpose, 25.60
Reallocations, 16.465, 20.002 (11)
Transfers, 16.518, 20.875
Building commission, representation, 13.48 (2)
Chaplains, payment, 13.125
Chief clerks:
Duties, 13.16
Election, XIII, 6
Houses to elect, 13.15
Journals of houses, custodians, 13.17
Numbering acts, when, 35.095 (2)
Printing duties, 35.05 (5)
Salary and expenses, 13.15 (2)
Constitutional amendments, XII, 1
Constitutional convention, provision for, XII, 2
House may punish, IV, 8; 13.26, 13.27
What constitutes, 13.26, 13.27
Where prosecuted, 13.27
Corporations, examination, 182.220
Corrections compact, approval, 302.26
Councils, see State—10. Councils
County government, establish systems, IV, 23
Department and agency reports, 15.04
Distribution, 35.84, 35.85
Sale of, 35.87
Education compact commission delegation, 2 legislative members, 39.76
Electors, laws may be enacted on, III, 2
Generally, 13.20
Classified text processors, treatment of, 16.006
Misconduct, investigation by legislative organization committee, 13.905
Salaries, when payable, 16.53
Transfers from state departments, 13.21
Unclassified, 230.08 (2) (f)
Energy availability, review of proposals impacting, 13.0975, 227.117
Environmental impact, statements by agencies involving proposed legislation, 1.11
Ethics code, 19.41 to 19.59
Federal aid management service, duty to inform and advise legislature, 16.545
Federal oil overcharge funds, expenditure, 14.065
Freedom to vote and debate, 13.07
General laws, reasonable classifications, allowed for prohibited subjects of special laws, IV, 32
Historic sites, closing, 44.20 (2)
Historical society board of curators, membership, 15.70
Housing and economic development authority, representation on, 234.02 (1)
Impeachment, procedure, VII, 1
Information technology plan, biennial report, 13.90 (6)
Interpellation of state officers, 13.28, 13.29
Interstate compacts, disapproval, 14.76
Joint finance committee, see Legislature—5. Joint Finance Committee
Journals, IV, 10; 13.17
Distribution, 35.85 (1)
Evidence, 889.01
Legislative audit bureau, see Legislature—7. Service Agencies
Legislative council, see Legislature— 7. Service Agencies
Legislative districts:
Generally, Ch. 4
Apportionment after census, IV, 3
Enumeration, Ch. 4
How bounded, IV, 4
Legislative fiscal bureau, see Legislature—7. Service Agencies
Legislative reference bureau, see Legislature—7. Service Agencies
Lobbying regulation, 13.61 to 13.74
For detailed analysis, see Lobbying
Criminal influence on legislation, 946.17
Logrolling or exchange of votes, prohibited, 13.05, 13.06
Lottery, prohibition, exception, IV, 24
Majority parties, 13.46
Adjournment, more than three days, IV, 10