Persons subject to code; jurisdiction, 322.002
Territorial applicability, 322.005
Uniformity of interpretation, 322.143
Lesser included offenses, 322.079
Nonjudicial punishment, 322.015
Absence without leave, 322.086
Arson, 322.126
Assault, 322.128
Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer, 322.090
Burglary, 322.129
Captured or abandoned property, 322.103
Conduct unbecoming officer and gentleman, 322.133
Contempt toward officials, 322.088
Controlled substance violations, 322.1125
Countersign, improper use, 322.101
Cruelty and maltreatment, 322.093
Desertion, 322.085
Disorders and neglects, generally, 322.134
Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer, 322.089
Drunk on duty, 322.112
Drunken or reckless operation of an all-terrain or utility terrain vehicle, vehicle, snowmobile, aircraft, or vessel, 322.111
Dueling, 322.114
Enemy, aiding, 322.104
Enlistment, appointment, or separation
Fraudulent, 322.083
Unlawful, 322.084
Extortion, 322.127
Failure to obey order or regulation, 322.092
Forgery, 322.123
Fraud against government, 322.132
Housebreaking, 322.130
Insubordinate conduct toward warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer, 322.091
Insufficient funds, making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order with, 322.1235
Larceny and wrongful appropriation, 322.121
Maiming, 322.124
Malingering, 322.115
Misbehavior before the enemy, 322.099
Missing movement, 322.087
Mutiny or sedition, 322.094
Official statements, false, 322.107
Perjury, 322.131
Prisoner, misconduct as, 322.105
Procedural rules, noncompliance, 322.098
Military; loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition, 322.108
Nonmilitary; waste, spoilage, destruction, 322.109
Rape and carnal knowledge, 322.120
Releasing prisoner without proper authority, 322.096
Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape, 322.095
Riot or breach of peace, 322.116
Robbery, 322.122
Safeguard, forcing, 322.102
Sentinel, misbehavior of, 322.113
Speeches or gestures, provoking, 322.117
Surrender, compelling by subordinate, 322.100
Unlawful detention, 322.097
Vessels, improper hazarding, 322.110
Fees, costs and expenses, 322.141
Fines and disposition, 322.142
Post-trial procedure and review of courts-martial:
Action by the convening authority, 322.060
Appeal by the state, 322.062
Appellate counsel, 322.070
Competency; commitment for examination, treatment, 322.0767
Error of law; lesser included offense, 322.059
Leave required pending review, 322.0763
Finality of proceedings, findings, sentences, 322.076
New trial, petition for, 322.073
Records, disposition after review by convening authority, 322.065
Rehearings, 322.063
Review by senior force judge advocate, 322.064
Review by state appellate authority, 322.0675
Execution, suspension, 322.071
Remission and suspension, 322.074
Restoration of rights, 322.075
Vacation of suspension, 322.072
Withdrawal of appeal, 322.061
Pretrial procedure:
Charges and specifications, 322.030
Forwarding charges, 322.033
Reference to judge advocate, reference for trial, 322.034
Service of charges, 322.035
Investigation, 322.032
Self-incrimination, compulsion prohibited, 322.031
Principals, 322.077
Property injuries, redress, 322.139