Emergency government services, appropriation, 20.465 (3)
Law enforcement assistance, counter-drug activities, 321.02 (2)
State service flags, furnish, 321.04 (2) (d)
U.S. flag to next of kin, 321.04 (1) (e)
Governor, commander in chief, V, 4
Military staff of governor, 321.10
Pay, 321.35
Military justice, uniform code, 321.36
Military property:
Accountability, 321.21
Camp Williams, 321.22
Campgrounds, not to obstruct highway, 321.24
Defense facilities, 321.23 (2)
Disposition, separation and death, 321.21 (4)
Encroachment on military grounds, 321.24
Federal government, property received from, 321.20
Sale of property, 321.03 (2) (b)
Security officers, deputed by sheriff, 59.26 (4m), 102.29 (11), 895.46 (1) (dm)
U.S. property and fiscal officer, 321.11
Volk Field at Camp Williams, 321.22 (3)
National defense facilities, 321.23 (2)
National guard:
Armories, city or county may provide, inspection, 321.23
Arrest and civil process, exemption while on duty, 321.43
Call to state active duty, 321.39
To serve on honors detail at military funeral, 321.04 (2) (e)
Chief surgeons:
Examination of enlistees, 321.12 (2)
Powers and duties, 321.12 (1)
Commissions and rank, 321.33
Composition, 321.30
Death benefits, 102.475
Decorations and awards, 321.38
Defense facilities, 321.23 (2)
Defense of members, counsel for; payment of judgment, 321.42
Discharge of officers, 321.13
Discrimination prohibited, 321.37
Educational benefits, 321.40
Examination and inoculation of enlistees, 321.12 (2)
Examination for appointment or promotion, 321.34
Exemption from certain county duties, 321.44
Fair employment, 111.31
Interference with, abuse of, forfeiture, 321.24
Law enforcement assistance, counter-drug activities, 321.02 (2)
License extensions while service member or spouse on active duty, 321.60
Military funeral, national guard members to serve, 321.04 (2) (e)
Oath of enlistment, 321.14
Commissions and rank, 321.33
Pay while on duty, 321.35
Resignation, 321.15
Pay of officers and enlisted persons, 321.35
Payroll disbursement, 321.04 (1) (c)
Reemployment, 321.64, 321.65
Rules of discipline, 321.36
Salaries, offices and positions, 20.923 (6)
Service members civil relief act, state service, 321.62
Special auto plates and decals, 341.14 (6m)
State employees, leave of absence, 230.35 (3) (a)
Term of service, 321.32
Training, 321.41
Transportation, troops and supplies, 321.04 (1)
Tuition grants, 321.40
Uniform, 321.31
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (9)
State defense force, 321.51
Arrest and civil process, exemption while on duty, 321.43
Exemption from certain county duties, 321.32
Training, 321.40
United states property and fiscal officer, 321.11
Youth challenge programs:
Administration, 321.03 (1) (c)
State aid adjustment, 121.095
military_3. military personnel 3. Military Personnel
Absent voting, 6.22
Acknowledgment before commissioned officers, 706.07 (5)
Attorney for person in military service, 879.25
Cellular phone contracts, cancellation on active duty, 321.61 (2)
Civil air patrol member, leave of absence, emergency service, 321.66
Civil relief:
Federal service, 321.61
State service, 321.62
Congressional medal of honor winners, special plates, 341.14 (5)
Employment discrimination against members; prohibition, exceptions, 111.321, 111.355
Family relief, 321.45
Tax checkoff, 71.10 (5i)
Trust fund, 25.17 (1) (jx), 25.38