Energy awards, 14.165
Energy efficiency program, 16.847
Energy policy, 1.12
Renewable fuels goal, 100.60
Environment impact:
Governmental consideration, 1.11, 23.40, 293.25 (6)
Mining reclamation act, 293.35 (5), 293.39 (3), 293.43
Executive branch structure, see State—13. Executive Branch
Fairgrounds, violating law or rule governing, 946.73
Fairs, see Fairs
Federal-state relations office:
Director and assistant, quarterly report as to, 16.548
Unclassified service, 230.08 (2) (y)
Salaries, 20.923 (6) (ah)
Fiscal year, 20.902
Fish hatcheries, see Fish and Game
Fire marshal:
Appointment, 165.51
Arson investigation, 165.55
Description, 1.08
Improper use, 946.06
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Contracts for purchase, 16.91
Duties of administration department, 16.90
Electricity, heat and chilled water, purchase of, 16.92
Sale, 16.93
Gifts, grants, devises, bequests:
Acceptance and expenditure by governor, 14.06
Reporting, 20.907
Government, seat, 1.09
Heating, cooling or power plants owned or operated, powers of administration department, 16.895
Highways, see Highways
Historic preservation program, see Historic Preservation Program
Indigent defendants, recovery of paid legal fees, 757.66
Exempt from building code when, 101.05
Inspection and investigation by governor, 14.05
Legislative visiting committee, 13.47
Violating law or rule governing, 946.73
Interstate agreements, filing reports, 16.05
Interstate compacts, 14.76
Job applicants, traveling expenses, 20.916 (2)
Jurisdiction, see Sovereignty and jurisdiction, under this subhead
Land information program, 16.967
Legal services to child, parents' contribution to cost, 48.275, 938.275
Liens or obligations, satisfaction, 14.12
Long-range state policy planning, administration department to guide, 16.95
Lottery, IV, 24
Low-income energy assistance, 16.95 (9)
Mandates, exemption for municipalities, 66.0143
Mining damage claimant's rights, state subrogated to, 107.31 (6)
Motor vehicles and aircraft, purchase and insurance, 20.915
Natural areas, acquisition, inventory, dedication, 23.27 to 23.29
Fees allowed by state for publications, 35.36
Official, 985.04
Nonprofit corporations:
Administration department to provide services, 16.60
Building commission, 13.482
Office building:
Completion, 13.482, 13.486
Land use planning activities, 1.13
Parking, 16.843 (2)
Open meetings law, 19.81 to 19.98
Payments to local governments for public services, 70.119
Payments to state, manner, protested, over and under, 20.905
Planning, long-range, 16.95
Police service to state facilities, payment for special charges, 16.008
Preferred claimant as to fuel taxes, 78.71
Legislative visiting committee, 13.47
Maintenance and use, rules, 16.846
Recreational activities, liability, 895.52 (3)
Special assessments, property subject to, 66.0705
Surplus, administration department may obtain and transfer, 16.310
Public works projects, apprentice employment, 106.04
Purchases, 16.70 to 16.845
For detailed analysis, see Administration Department
Preference for American-made materials, exemptions, 16.754
Vendor taxes set off of payments to vendors, 73.12
Records management service, 16.62
Recycling, 16.15, 16.72, 16.75 (8)
Referee fees, liability for, 814.13
Registrar, see Vital Statistics
Satisfaction of lien or obligation, 14.12