Discharge permits, generally, 283.31
Duration, 283.53 (1)
General area permit for multiple point sources, 283.35
Mining, hearing, 283.51
Modification, revocation and reissuance, 283.53
Public access to information, 283.43
Public hearing on permit application, 283.49
Requests for information by permittee, 283.47
Review of permits, exception, 283.63
Terms and conditions, 283.31
Waiver, 283.55
Water quality standard, variances to, 283.15
Plan approval, 281.41
Policy and purpose, 283.001
Private on-site wastewater treatment systems:
Municipal ordinances, 59.70 (5)
Permits, 145.19
Regulation, 145.195, 145.20
Replacement and rehabilitation, state grants and enforcement, 145.245
Rules, 145.23
Septage discharge into municipal systems, 281.49
Septage disposal, septic system servicing, 281.48 (5m)
Variances, 145.24
Publicly owned treatment facilities, design of, 283.85
Reporting requirements, 283.55 (1)
New discharges, report to department, 283.59
Savings clause, 283.95
Septage disposal, septic system, see Private on-site wastewater treatment systems, under this subhead
Service charges required, 283.57
Sewage sludge, land application, 283.82
Sewer utility districts, cooperation with other units of government, 66.0301
Sewers, combined storm and sanitary, overflow abatement, financial assistance program, 281.63
Standards of performance, 283.11 to 283.19
Thermal effluent limitations, 283.17
Unlawful discharge, liability, 283.87
Waiver of compliance by department, 283.81
Yard waste:
Prohibitions, 287.07, 287.08
Publicity, 287.215
Generally, Ch. 289
Alcohol fuel production systems licensing exemption, 289.44
Confidentiality of records, 289.09
Counties, 289.10
Board, 59.70 (2)
Definitions, 289.01
Disposal facilities:
Burning facilities, 289.51
Certification, 289.42
Closure notice, 289.47
Condemnation of site, 289.36
Fees of DNR, see Fees, under this subhead
Financial responsibility requirements for owners, 289.41
Transference of responsibility, 289.46
Incinerator operator certification, 285.51
Inspections by DNR, 289.91
Landfills, governmental liability, 289.12
Civil immunity, former local government owned property, 292.26
Municipal acquisition of closed landfill, 292.16
Responsibility of investigators, 292.19
Long-term care of, 289.41 to 289.47
Waste management fund, 25.45, 289.68
Nuisance actions against facilities, 823.085
Operating license, 289.31
Fees, 289.61
Fee refunds, 299.05
Operator certification, 289.42
PCB waste storage and treatment facility, 289.53, 289.54
Denial or suspension, delinquent support or tax obligors, 299.07, 299.08
Indemnification of municipalities who accept contaminated material for disposal, 292.70
Military training credit, 299.09
Recording by register of deeds, 59.43 (1) (q)
Records, 289.57
Site approval, 289.21 to 289.36
Fees, see Fees, under this subhead
Standards, 289.05
Local government exemption, 292.23
Tire dumps, 289.55
Within areas of shoreland and flood plain zoning, 289.35
Enforcement procedures, 289.95, 289.97
Imminent danger, action authorized, 289.94
Federal aid, 289.11
Environmental repair, 292.31 to 292.35
Fee, 289.67
Fees in enforcement actions, 292.94