97.50(1) (1)Insanitary milk. Milk which is drawn from cows kept in a filthy or unclean condition; or milk drawn from any sick cow or cow having running sores; or milk drawn from cows fed unwholesome food or on refuse or slops from distilleries or vinegar factories, unless such refuse or slop is mixed with other dry sanitary grain or feed to a consistency of thick mash; or milk drawn from cows within 15 days before or 5 days after calving; or milk which is drawn from cows that are kept in barns or stables which are not reasonably well lighted and ventilated, or that are kept in barns or stables that are filthy from an accumulation of animal feces and excreta or from any other cause; or milk to which has been added or into which has been introduced any coloring matter or chemical or preservative or deleterious or filthy substance; or milk kept or transported in dirty, rusty or open-seamed cans or other utensils; or milk that is stale, putrescent or putrid; or milk to which has been added any unclean or unwholesome substance; or milk contaminated by being kept in stables or barns occupied by animals, or kept exposed in dirty, foul or unclean places or conditions, is declared to be insanitary milk.
97.50(2) (2)Insanitary cream. Cream produced from insanitary milk; or cream produced by the use of a cream separator, which had not been thoroughly cleansed and scalded after last previous use; or cream produced by the use of a cream separator placed or stationed in any unclean or filthy place or in any building containing a stable wherein animals are kept, unless such separator is so shielded by partition from the stable portion of such building as to be free from all foul or noxious air or gases which issue or may issue from such place or stable; or cream that is stale, putrescent or putrid; or cream that is kept or transported in dirty, rusty or open-seamed cans or other utensils; or cream that has been kept exposed to foul or noxious air or gases in barns occupied by animals, or in foul or unclean places or conditions, is hereby declared to be insanitary cream.
97.50(3) (3)Adulterated milk. Any insanitary milk or any milk containing less than 3% of milk fat; or milk containing less than 8.25% of milk solids not fat; or milk which contains or to which has been added or into which has been introduced any foreign substance is adulterated milk.
97.50(4) (4)Adulterated cream. Any insanitary cream or any cream containing less than 18% of milk fat; or any cream produced from adulterated milk; or any cream which contains or to which has been added or into which has been introduced any foreign substance is adulterated cream.
97.50(5) (5)Sale of certain pasteurized milk or cream not prohibited. This section does not prohibit the sale of pasteurized milk or cream to which viscogen or sucrate of lime has been added solely for the purpose of restoring the viscosity, if the same be distinctly labeled in such manner as to advise the purchaser of its true character.
97.50(6) (6)Sale of certain skim milk not prohibited. This section does not prohibit the sale of skim milk when the same is sold as and for "skim milk".
97.50 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. ATCP 60, Wis. adm. code.
97.52 97.52 Insanitary or adulterated milk and cream; sale; delivery prohibited. It is unlawful to sell or offer for sale, furnish or deliver, or have in possession or under control with intent to sell or offer for sale, or furnish, or deliver as food for persons, or to any dairy plant any adulterated or insanitary milk or cream. The department shall establish sanitary standards for the production, handling and transportation of milk, and prescribe rules whereby the intake of each producer of milk shall be inspected, sampled and tested by the sediment, methylene blue, or other tests, and insanitary milk or cream shall be rejected as food for persons or to be processed or manufactured for food for persons, and shall be identified, in a manner that will not prevent its use as food for animals, and rules for the keeping of the test records, the prevention of further delivery of insanitary milk or cream by such producer, and the correction of the insanitary condition.
97.52 History History: 1975 c. 94 s. 91 (10).
97.52 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. ATCP 60, Wis. adm. code.
97.53 97.53 Adulteration of meats. No person shall offer or expose for sale, take offers for, or sell, or have in his or her possession with intent to sell for consumption within the state any sausage or chopped meat compound containing any artificial coloring, or chemical preservative or antiseptic, except common salt, sodium or potassium nitrate, sodium or potassium nitrite, sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid, spices or wood smoke. Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate shall be limited to use in cooked cured comminuted meat food products in the amount of three-fourths of an ounce of ascorbic acid or seven-eighths of an ounce of sodium ascorbate for each 100 pounds of fresh uncured comminuted meat or meat by-products and, when used, they shall be included in the statement of ingredients either as "ascorbic acid" or "sodium ascorbate" as the case may be.
97.53 History History: 1993 a. 492.
97.56 97.56 Kosher meat.
97.56(1)(1) Under this section "kosher" means prepared in accordance with the Jewish ritual and sanctioned by Hebrew orthodox religious requirements.
97.56(2) (2) No person may, with intent to defraud, do any of the following:
97.56(2)(a) (a) Sell or expose for sale any meat or meat preparation, whether raw or prepared for human consumption, and falsely represent the meat or meat preparation to be kosher, and as having been prepared under and of a product or products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrew religious requirements.
97.56(2)(b) (b) Falsely represent any food product or the contents of any package or container to be kosher and as having been prepared under and of a product or products sanctioned by the orthodox Hebrew religious requirements, by having or permitting to be inscribed on the package or container the word "kosher" in any language.
97.56(2)(c) (c) Sell or expose for sale in the same place of business both kosher and nonkosher meat or meat preparations, either raw or prepared for human consumption, unless all of that person's window signs and display advertising indicate, in block letters at least 4 inches in height, "Kosher and Nonkosher Meat Sold Here".
97.56(2)(d) (d) Expose for sale in any show window or place of business both kosher and nonkosher meat or meat preparations, either raw or prepared for human consumption, unless the person displays over each kind of meat or meat preparation so exposed a sign in block letters at least 4 inches in height reading "Kosher Meat", or "Nonkosher Meat", as the case may be.
97.56(3) (3) No person, with intent to defraud, may do any of the following:
97.56(3)(a) (a) Sell or expose for sale in any such restaurant or other place where food products are sold for consumption on the premises, any article of food or food preparations that is falsely represented to be kosher and as having been prepared in accordance with the orthodox Hebrew religious requirements.
97.56(3)(b) (b) Sell or expose for sale in any restaurant or other place both kosher and nonkosher food or food preparations for consumption on the premises when not prepared in accordance with the Jewish ritual and not sanctioned by the Hebrew orthodox religious requirements, unless the person's window signs and display advertising state, in block letters at least 4 inches in height, "Kosher and Nonkosher Food Served Here".
97.56 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1997 a. 253.
97.57 97.57 Planted or cultivated rice.
97.57(1) (1) In this section:
97.57(1)(a) (a) "Paddy-grown rice" means rice which is mechanically planted, mechanically harvested or cultivated with the use of chemical fertilizers or herbicides.
97.57(1)(b) (b) "Wild rice" means rice which is not mechanically harvested and which is cultivated without the use of any chemical fertilizer or herbicide.
97.57(2) (2) Any wholesaler or supplier who sells or offers for sale any paddy-grown rice which is not blended with any other rice may not label that paddy-grown rice "wild rice" unless he or she includes on the label, immediately before, after or above the largest words "wild rice", the word "paddy-grown" in legible, boldface print or type which is in distinct contrast to all other printed or graphic material on the label and in a type or print size which is not less than one-half the size of the largest type or print used in the words "wild rice" with which the word "paddy-grown" appears.
97.57(3) (3) No wholesaler or supplier may sell or offer for sale any rice labeled "100% natural wild rice" unless that rice is wild rice which is not blended with any other rice.
97.57 History History: 1987 a. 375.
97.72 97.72 Penalties.
97.72(1)(1) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter for which a specific penalty is not prescribed shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months, for the first offense; and for each subsequent offense, fined not less than $500 nor more than $5,000, or imprisoned for not less than 30 days nor more than one year in the county jail or both.
97.72(2) (2) In lieu of any criminal penalty provided under this chapter, a person who violates this chapter may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000 for each violation. If the prosecutor seeks to impose a forfeiture, he or she shall proceed under ch. 778.
97.73 97.73 Injunction. In addition to penalties applicable to this chapter, the department may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating provisions of this chapter and rules or orders issued under this chapter.
97.73 History History: 1971 c. 156 s. 10; Stats. 1971 s. 97.73; 1983 a. 261.
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