(e) Back pay that an employee would have been paid during his or her base period as a result of employment for an employer, if the payment of the back pay is made no later than the end of the 104-week period beginning with the earliest week to which the back pay applies; .
(f) All wages that an employer was legally obligated to pay in an employee's base period but failed to pay, or was prohibited from paying as a result of an insolvency proceeding under ch. 128 or as a result of a bankruptcy proceeding under 11 USC 101 et seq.; and
151,11 Section 11. 111.84 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.84 (2) (intro.) It is an unfair labor practice for an employee individually or in concert with others:
151,12 Section 12. 157.115 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
157.115 (2) (e) If within 60 days after notice is published under par. (c) (d) no owner or assignee contacts the cemetery authority to express an intent to use the abandoned lot for a future burial of human remains, the cemetery authority shall bring an action in the circuit court of the county in which the abandoned lot is located for a judgment that the cemetery lot is an abandoned lot and an order transferring ownership of the abandoned lot to the cemetery authority.
151,13 Section 13. 196.85 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
196.85 (3) If any public utility, sewerage system, joint local water authority, or power district is billed under sub. (1), (2), or (2e) and fails to pay the bill within 30 days or fails to file objections to the bill with the commission, as provided in this subsection sub. (4), the commission shall transmit to the secretary of administration a certified copy of the bill, together with notice of failure to pay the bill, and on the same day the commission shall mail by registered mail to the public utility, sewerage system, joint local water authority, or power district a copy of the notice that it has transmitted to the state treasurer. Within 10 days after receipt of the notice and certified copy of the bill, the secretary of administration shall levy the amount stated on the bill to be due, with interest, by distress and sale of any property, including stocks, securities, bank accounts, evidences of debt, and accounts receivable belonging to the delinquent public utility, sewerage system, joint local water authority, or power district. The levy by distress and sale shall be governed by s. 74.10, 1985 stats., except that it shall be made by the secretary of administration and that goods and chattels anywhere within the state may be levied upon.
151,14 Section 14. 341.10 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin Act 103, is amended to read:
341.10 (6) The vehicle is was manufactured after 1969 and does not meet manufacturer or importer certification label requirements as specified in 49 CFR 567 or the vehicle is a Kei class vehicle. This subsection does not apply to former military vehicles, historic military vehicles, as defined in s. 341.269 (1) (a), for which the department receives an application, and which are eligible, for registration under s. 341.269, or special interest vehicles, as defined in s. 341.266 (1) (c), for which the department receives an application, and which are eligible, for registration under s. 341.266.
151,15 Section 15. 343.32 (1) (intro.) and (c) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 343.32 (1) and amended to read:
343.32 (1) The secretary shall revoke a person's operating privilege whenever one or more of the following conditions exist:(c) Notice notice has been received of the conviction of such person in another jurisdiction for an offense therein which, if committed in this state, would have required revocation of such person's operating privilege under this subsection.
151,16 Section 16. 628.02 (1) (b) 1. to 7m. of the statutes are amended to read:
628.02 (1) (b) 1. A regular salaried officer, employee , or other representative of an insurer or licensed intermediary, other than a risk retention group or risk purchasing group, who devotes substantially all working time to activities other than those in par. (a), and who receives no compensation that is directly dependent upon the amount of insurance business obtained;.
2. A regular salaried officer or employee of a person seeking to procure insurance, other than for members of a risk purchasing group, who receives no compensation that is directly dependent upon the amount of insurance coverage procured, with respect to such insurance;.
3. A person who gives incidental advice in the normal course of a business or professional activity other than insurance consulting if neither the person nor the person's employer receives compensation directly or indirectly on account of any insurance transaction that results from that advice;.
4. A person who without special compensation performs incidental services for another at the other's request without providing advice or technical or professional services of a kind normally provided by an intermediary;.
5. A holder of a group insurance policy, or any other person involved in mass marketing, with respect to administrative activities in connection with such a policy, if he or she receives no compensation therefor beyond actual expenses, estimated on a reasonable basis;.
6. A person who provides information, advice, or service for the principal purpose of reducing loss or the risk of loss;.
7. A person who gives advice or assistance without compensation, direct or indirect;.
7m. A person who acts solely as an agent, as defined in s. 616.71 (1); or.
151,17 Section 17. 701.0303 (8) (intro.) of the statutes, a created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 92 is amended to read:
701.0303 (8) (intro.) If there is no representation by a person having a substantially identical interest under s. 710.0304 701.0304, the trustee may appoint a representative to act if any of the following applies:
151,18 Section 18. 701.0808 (7) (title) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 92, is repealed.
151,19 Section 19. 701.1101 of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 92, is amended to read:
701.1101 Short title and scope. This subchapter may be cited as the Wisconsin Uniform Principal and Income Act. Subject to s. 701.1206 701.1205 (2), this subchapter applies to a trust described in s. 701.0102 and an estate that is administered in this state.
151,20 Section 20. 701.1205 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin Act 92, section 298, is amended to read:
701.1205 (2) Subchapter XI of this chapter applies to a trust or decedent's estate existing on July 1, 2014, and to a trust or decedent's estate created or coming into existence after that date, except as otherwise expressly provided in subch. XI or by the decedent's will or the terms of the trust. With respect to a trust or decedent's estate existing on July 1, 2014, ss. 701.1110 to 701.1135 shall apply at the beginning of the trust's or estate's first accounting period, as defined in s. 701.1125 (2) (a) 701.1102 (1), that begins on or after July 1, 2014.
151,21 Section 21. 708.15 (10) (g) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 66, is amended to read:
708.15 (10) (g) Be signed by the satisfaction agent, as provided in par. sub. (9) (am), and contain a form of authentication authorized by s. 706.06 or 706.07.
151,22 Section 22. 961.01 (20e) of the statutes is renumbered 961.01 (20b).
151,23 Section 23. 2013 Wisconsin Act 48, section 1 is amended by replacing "vehicle," with "vehicle,".
151,24 Section 24. 2013 Wisconsin Act 48, section 6 is amended by replacing "Caswell in Oneida" with "Caswell, in Oneida".
151,25 Section 25. 2013 Wisconsin Act 75, section 5 is amended by replacing "95.60 (2) (a) (intro.)" with "95.60 (2) (a)" in 2 places.
151,26 Section 26. 2013 Wisconsin Act 92, section 267 is amended by replacing "In this paragraph "plan" with "In this paragraph, "plan".
151,27 Section 27. Renumbering and cross-reference changes under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2., stats. Each statute listed in column A was renumbered to the statute number in column B, and cross-references to the renumbered statute were changed in the statutes listed in column C to agree with the renumbered statute, under section 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. of the statutes: - See PDF for table PDF
151,28 Section 28. Corrections of obvious nonsubstantive errors under s. 35.17 (2), stats. In the sections of the statutes listed in Column A, the text shown in Column B was changed to the text shown in column C to correct obvious nonsubstantive errors under s. 35.17 (2) of the statutes: - See PDF for table PDF
151,29 Section 29 . Initial applicability.
(1) Estate recovery changes. The treatment of section 49.496 (3) (aj) 2. and (dm) 2. of the statutes first applies to the recovery of public assistance, as defined in section 49.849 (1) (e) of the statutes, provided to individuals who die on October 1, 2013.
151,30 Section 30. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) The treatment of sections 701.0303 (8) (intro.), 701.0808 (7) (title), 701.1101, and 701.1205 (2) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2014.
(2) The treatment of section 341.10 (6) of the statutes takes effect on March 1, 2014, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.