35.17 Correcting typographical obvious errors in enrolling and publishing. (1) In enrolling under s. 13.92 (1) (b) 3. and for publishing under ss. 35.095, 35.15, and 35.35 (1) (a), the legislative reference bureau shall correct obvious typographical minor clerical errors. No such correction shall be deemed an alteration of the enrolled copy. Like corrections shall be made by the
(2) The legislative reference bureau in printing shall correct obvious nonsubstantive errors when publishing the Wisconsin statutes under s. 35.18 (1) (a) and (b) and the administrative code under s. 35.93 (3).
(3) On questions of orthography the current edition of Webster's new international dictionary shall be taken as the standard.
20,575fp Section 575fp. The unnumbered title preceding 35.18 of the statutes [precedes 35.18] is amended to read:
20,575h Section 575h. 35.18 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (1) (a).
20,575hp Section 575hp. 35.18 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
35.18 (1) (b) 1. The legislative reference bureau shall electronically publish interim updated versions of the statutes included in the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under par. (a) on the Internet in one or more electronic file formats. The legislative reference bureau may electronically publish the updated versions on other electronic media in one or more electronic file formats, as the legislative reference bureau determines.
2. The legislative reference bureau shall include in the updated versions of the statutes electronically published under subd. 1. all general statutes in force, except that the legislative reference bureau may omit tables and graphic images from publication in a particular electronic file format if the legislative reference bureau determines that the tables and graphic images are incompatible with that electronic file format. If the legislative reference bureau omits tables or graphic images from publication in a particular electronic file format, it shall insert a note following the affected statutory unit identifying the omission and providing a hypertext link providing electronic access to the table or graphic image. The legislative reference bureau shall at all times publish the statutes on the Internet in at least one electronic file format that allows for publication of all tables and graphic images contained in the statutes.
3. The legislative reference bureau shall include all of the following with each updated version of the statutes published under subd. 1.:
a. The date of publication for the updated version.
b. The edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes that is being updated.
c. The act number of the most recent legislative act included in the updated version.
d. The date through which the updated version has been updated. The updated version shall include all legislative acts that were enacted, and all supreme court orders affecting statutes that were entered, on or before the date referenced in this subd. 3. d.
e. A notice stating that the updated version of the statutes electronically published under this paragraph is certified under sub. (2) (b).
20,575j Section 575j. 35.18 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.18 (2) (title) Legislative reference bureau certificate certification.
20,575jp Section 575jp. 35.18 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (2) (a) and amended to read:
35.18 (2) (a) After making the necessary comparison, the chief of the legislative reference bureau shall annex, at the end of one copy of each newly printed statute, which shall be filed sign and file in the office of the secretary of state as a public record, a certificate certifying that the bureau has compared each printed section therein contained in the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under sub. (1) (a) with the original section of the statutes, or, as the case may be, with the original section contained in the enrolled act from which the section was derived, together with all amendments of such original section, if any, and that all the sections appear to be correctly printed. All other copies of the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under sub. (1) (a) shall contain a printed copy of such certificate.
20,575L Section 575L. 35.18 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
35.18 (2) (b) After making the necessary comparison, the legislative reference bureau shall publish on the Internet, and with each electronic publication of the Wisconsin statutes under sub. (1) (b), a certification that the bureau has compared each section of the Wisconsin statutes published under sub. (1) (b) with the original section of the statutes, or with the original section contained in the enrolled act from which the section was derived, together with all amendments of such original section, if any, and that all the sections appear to be correctly published. The certification shall indicate any electronic file formats in which the statutes are published that do not contain all graphic images and tables due to incompatibility with the electronic file format.
20,575Lp Section 575Lp. 35.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
35.20 Wisconsin Town Law Forms. With each issue edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under s. 35.18 (1) (a), under the supervision of the legislative reference bureau, an edition will be printed as directed by the department for distribution by the department to all town clerks, of a volume to be designated "Wisconsin Town Law Forms" containing suitable forms for use in the administration of laws relating to: common schools; the county board; the powers, duties and liabilities of towns, town officers and the assessment of taxes; highways, bridges and drainage districts; and such other forms as the legislative reference bureau determines desirable and practicable.
20,575n Section 575n. 35.23 of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (4) and amended to read:
35.18 (4) Wisconsin Annotations. The legislative reference bureau shall prepare such annotations as will keep the volume known as "Wisconsin Annotations," up to date, and print such continuations in each biennial issue of the include those annotations in the Wisconsin statutes published under sub. (1) (a) and (b).
20,575np Section 575np. 35.50 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
35.50 (2) Unless otherwise required by law, each edition of the Blue Book and the reports specified in ss. 35.26 and 35.27, and reprints thereof, shall be substantially the same in printing and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the chief of the legislative reference bureau, each edition of the Laws of Wisconsin shall be substantially the same in format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the legislative reference bureau, each edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes and the Wisconsin administrative code and register printed under s. 35.18 (1) (a) shall be substantially the same in format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the legislative reference bureau, each electronic publication of the Wisconsin statutes under s. 35.18 (1) (b), the Wisconsin administrative code under s. 35.93 (2), and the Wisconsin administrative register under s. 35.93 (3) shall be in substantially the same format as the previous edition or version of the same publication.
(3) Specifications for class 1 state printing shall be determined by the department with the advice and approval of the joint committee on legislative organization, except as otherwise provided for the Laws of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under sub. (2).
20,575p Section 575p. 35.56 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.56 (1) (a) As a basis for printing of the biennial Wisconsin statutes and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under s. 35.18 (1) (a), the department shall, before advertising for bids and after consultation with the legislative reference bureau, establish base prices for 2-year periods and establish specifications subject to approval by the legislative reference bureau for 2-year periods.
20,575pp Section 575pp. 35.81 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.81 (3) "State document" includes every publication produced by a state agency in multiple copies or prepared for a state agency in multiple copies by a private individual or organization that is supported wholly or partly by any funds appropriated by this state, regardless of the format or process by which produced and regardless of the source of funds provided to the publisher, which is intended by the publisher to be disseminated or made accessible to the public or is required by law to be published, but does not include any publication of a state agency intended by the state agency to be used solely for internal purposes within the state agency or between that state agency and other state agencies and does not include the Wisconsin administrative code or the Wisconsin administrative register.
20,575r Section 575r. 35.84 (figure) columns C and F of the statutes are repealed.
20,575rp Section 575rp. The unnumbered title preceding 35.93 of the statutes [precedes 35.93] is amended to read:
20,575t Section 575t. 35.93 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
35.93 Wisconsin administrative code and register. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 227.01 (1).
(b) "Chapter" means the highest organizational unit into which an agency's rules are divided within the Wisconsin administrative code.
(c) "Date of publication" means the date on which a register is published under sub. (2) (a).
(d) "End-of-month register" means the last register published in a calendar month.
(e) "Issue" means all registers published in a calendar month.
(f) "Notice-only register" means a register other than an end-of-month register.
(g) "Rule" has the meaning given in s. 227.01 (13).
(2) Wisconsin administrative register. (a) The legislative reference bureau shall electronically publish the Wisconsin administrative register on the Internet in one or more electronic file formats on the Monday of each week, or on the next working day, as defined in s. 227.01 (14), if Monday is a holiday under s. 230.35 (4) (a).
(b) The legislative reference bureau shall include all of the following in each notice-only register and each end-of-month register:
1. A title page with the name "Wisconsin Administrative Register," the issue number, and the date of publication of the register.
2. A table of contents.
3. A notice section containing all of the following that are received by the legislative reference bureau after the compilation of the preceding register:
a. Notices of emergency rules in effect under s. 227.24 (3).
b. Statements of the scope of proposed rules under ss. 227.135 and 227.24 (1) (e) 1d.
c. Notices of submittal of proposed rules to the legislative council staff under s. 227.14 (4m).
d. Notices of hearings on rule making under s. 227.17 (1).
e. Notices of intent to promulgate rules without a public hearing under s. 227.16 (2) (e).
f. Fiscal estimates and economic impact analyses for proposed rules under ss. 227.137 and 227.14 (4) and emergency rules under s. 227.24 (1) (e) 2.
g. Notices of referrals of proposed rules to presiding officers under s. 227.19 (2).
h. Notices of declaratory judgments under s. 227.40 (6).
i. Web addresses provided by agencies under s. 101.055 (3) (a) or 227.21 (2) (c) for proposed rules.
j. Other notices that are otherwise required by law to be included or that the legislative reference bureau determines are appropriate for inclusion in the Wisconsin administrative register.
4. Copies of all rules filed with the legislative reference bureau under s. 227.20 (1) since the compilation of the preceding register, including emergency rules filed under s. 227.24 (3).
5. Copies of all executive orders received by the legislative reference bureau since the compilation of the preceding register.
6. Web addresses provided by agencies under s. 101.055 (3) (a) or 227.21 (2) (c) for rules included in a register under subd. 4.
(c) The legislative reference bureau shall include all of the following in each end-of-month register:
1. Each chapter of the Wisconsin administrative code that has been affected by rules filed with legislative reference bureau under s. 227.20 (1), in accordance with sub. (3) (e) 1.
2. Any other chapters of the administrative code determined by the legislative reference bureau to be appropriate for publication due to corrections made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) or 35.17 or due to the addition of editorial notes.
3. Instructions or information to help the user to correctly identify insertions and deletions in the Wisconsin administrative code and that keep the Wisconsin administrative code current.
(d) The legislative reference bureau shall number each issue consecutively.
(e) Any document required to be included in the Wisconsin administrative register shall be considered published under par. (a) if the document can be accessed from the register's table of contents by the use of one or more hypertext links.
(3) Wisconsin administrative code. (a) The legislative reference bureau shall electronically publish the Wisconsin administrative code on the Internet in one or more electronic file formats, as the legislative reference bureau determines. The legislative reference bureau may electronically publish the Wisconsin administrative code on other electronic media in one or more electronic file formats, as the legislative reference bureau determines.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in s. 227.21 (2), the legislative reference bureau shall include in the Wisconsin administrative code published under par. (a) all permanent rules in force, except that the legislative reference bureau may omit tables and graphic images from publication in a particular electronic file format if the legislative reference bureau determines that the tables and graphic images are incompatible with that electronic file format. If the legislative reference bureau omits tables or graphics under this paragraph, the legislative reference bureau shall insert a note following the affected provision identifying the omission and providing a hypertext link providing electronic access to the table or graphic image. The legislative reference bureau shall at all times publish the administrative code on the Internet in at least one electronic file format that allows for publication of all tables and graphic images contained in the administrative code.
(c) The legislative reference bureau shall include all of the following with each chapter of the Wisconsin administrative code published under par. (a):
1. The date and issue number of the Wisconsin administrative register in which the chapter is published.
2. The name of the promulgating agency.
3. A chapter title and number.
4. A table of contents for the chapter.
5. A notice stating that the chapter is published under the authority granted by this subsection.
(d) The legislative reference bureau shall include with the Wisconsin administrative code a table of contents and an index of all permanent rules currently in effect.
(e) The legislative reference bureau shall incorporate into the appropriate chapters of the Wisconsin administrative code each permanent rule filed with the legislative reference bureau under s. 227.20 (1) and, for each chapter of the administrative code affected by a rule, do all of the following:
1. Publish the chapter in the appropriate end-of-month register in accordance with the filing deadline for publication established in the rules procedures manual published under s. 227.15 (7) or in an end-of-month register agreed to by the submitting agency and the legislative reference bureau.
2. Publish the chapter in the Wisconsin administrative code published on the Internet on the first day of the month following the date of publication of the end-of-month register in which the chapter is published under subd. 1. and sub. (2) (c) 1. and publish the chapter in the Wisconsin administrative code published on any other electronic media under par. (a) on or after the day after the date of publication of that end-of-month register.
3. If the chapter is affected by a rule that adopts standards under s. 101.055 (3) (a) or 227.21 (2) (a), publish, in conjunction with the publication of the chapter under subd. 2., any Web addresses provided under s. 101.055 (3) (a) or 227.21 (2) (c).
(f) If a chapter of the Wisconsin administrative code is published in an end-of-month register under sub. (2) (c) 2., the legislative reference bureau shall publish the chapter in the Wisconsin administrative code published on the Internet on the first day of the month following the date of publication of that end-of-month register and shall publish the chapter in the Wisconsin administrative code published on any other electronic media under par. (a) on or after the day after the date of publication of that end-of-month register.
20,578 Section 578. 36.09 (1) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
36.09 (1) (L) The board shall possess all powers necessary or convenient for the operation of the system except as limited in this chapter and ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.848 (1).
20,579 Section 579. 36.11 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
36.11 (1) (b) Except as provided in this paragraph and ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.848 (1), the board may purchase, have custody of, hold, control, possess, lease, grant easements and enjoy any lands, buildings, books, records and all other property of any nature which may be necessary and required for the purposes, objects and uses of the system authorized by law. Any lease by the board is subject to the powers of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority under s. 233.03 (13) and the rights of the authority under any lease agreement, as defined in s. 233.01 (6). The board shall not permit a facility that would be privately owned or operated to be constructed on state-owned land without obtaining prior approval of the building commission under s. 13.48 (12). The Subject to prior action under s. 13.48 (14) (am) or 16.848 (1), the board may sell or dispose of such property as provided by law, or any part thereof when in its judgment it is for the best interests of the system and the state. All purchases and sales of real property shall be subject to the approval of the building commission. The provision of all leases of real property to be occupied by the board shall be the responsibility of the department of administration under s. 16.84 (5).
20,580 Section 580. 36.11 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
36.11 (1) (e) The Subject to prior action under s. 13.48 (14) (am) or 16.848 (1), the board, with the approval of the building commission, may sell or lease state-owned residence halls to another state agency or nonstate nonprofit agency for purposes of alternate use.
20,581 Section 581. 36.11 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: