bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Hunting
bed and breakfastBed and breakfast, see Hotel and motel
beverageBeverage, see also Alcohol beverage
Interest rate on tax overpayments or underpayments modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1440e, 1444d, 1500f, j, 1508r, 1896w, 1897h, j, 1961n, 9337 (4i)] - Act 20
Political subdivisions may not limit the sale of certain food and beverages [Sec. 1269m] - Act 20
Single-owner entities disregarded as separate entities for income tax purposes: sales and use tax provisions apply to room tax, local food and beverage tax, local rental car tax, and state rental vehicle fee [Sec. 1277, 1502, 1503, 1504, 9437 (3)] - Act 20
bicycleBicycle, see also Moped
Bearskin State Trail expansion to the Hiawatha Trail funding [Sec. 509zm] [vetoed] - Act 20
Commercial quadricycle: definition, ordinance allowing consumption of alcohol beverages on, and prohibiting driver from consuming alcohol, penalty provisions - Act 106
Railroad crossings: use of by pedestrians limited and pedestrians prohibited from going around a crossing gate or barrier, penalty provisions; other penalties increased; contact information at private crossings required - Act 219
Transportation alternatives program and grants created; bicycle and pedestrian facilities program, transportation enhancement activities program, safe routes to school program, and traffic marking enhancement program eliminated [Sec. 302, 303-314, 1560-1564, 9145 (5v), 9245 (3x)] - Act 20
Alerts for missing adults at risk: require DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports to outdoor advertisers and broadcasters; definition, input from certain organizations, and FTE position provisions - Act 264
Relocated nonconforming outdoor advertising signs due to state highway projects: provisions created, local ordinance consideration [Sec. 1556m-t, 9345 (7c), 9445 (7c)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Transportation alternatives program and grants created; bicycle and pedestrian facilities program, transportation enhancement activities program, safe routes to school program, and traffic marking enhancement program eliminated [Sec. 302, 303-314, 1560-1564, 9145 (5v), 9245 (3x)] - Act 20
Vegetation obstructing an outdoor advertising sign: permittee to compensate DOT for removal of trees over certain diameter; definitions, ``cross-vista" sign, and arborist provisions - Act 231
biodiesel fuelBiodiesel fuel, see Fuel
biron, village ofBiron, Village of, see Wood County
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
blue bookBlue Book
Kringle designated as the state pastry; Blue Book provisions [Sec. 1b, c] - Act 20
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Amphibious motor vehicles: registration exemption - Act 13
Great Lakes research vessels owned by DNR: moneys received from rental of appropriated to DNR [Sec. 285, 288] - Act 20
bondsBonds, see also Debt, Public; Sureties
Authorized state building programs in 2007-09 and 2013-15: reductions in general obligation bonding authority [Sec. 9104 (11i)] [vetoed] - Act 20
bonds _ municipalBonds -- Municipal
Conduit revenue bonds commission: WHEDA approval repealed and technical and definitional changes [Sec. 1266-1269] - Act 20
Interest charged on special assessments revised; levy limit exception re debt service on certain special assessment B bond - Act 222
boulder junction, town ofBoulder Junction, Town of, see Vilas County
bow and arrow huntingBow and arrow hunting, see Hunting
bridgeBridge, see also Street
ATV and UTV operation on highway bridges permitted on closed roadways under certain conditions, ordinance provision - Act 316
County aid for construction or repair of a bridge or culvert on a highway maintained by a town: clarifies statutory language - Act 152
General obligation bonds authorized to fund the Zoo interchange, I 94 north-south corridor, and high-cost state highway bridge projects [Sec. 334, 484, 1537] - Act 20
Hoan Bridge reconstruction including approaches: funding provisions [Sec. 1537g, h] - Act 20
USH 151 interchange and bridge in Fond du Lac County [Sec. 1534f] - Act 20
brookfield, town ofBrookfield, Town of, see Waukesha County
brown countyBrown County
Duffy, William J.: life and public service of former legislator and Brown County circuit court judge commended upon his death [AJR29] - JR17
Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help: DOT to erect directional signs [Sec. 9145 (9w)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Budget bill [partial veto] - Act 20
Floorperiods for the 2013-14 session and budget deadline extended [SJR1] - JR4
Governor's budget message deadline extended and additional floorperiod created [SJR6] - JR6
Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to budget act [Sec. 9127 (3e)] - Act 20
Development regulation authority of a political subdivision: revisions re approvals and use of existing requirements; definition provisions - Act 74
Elevators and other lifts: various changes to laws governing construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of - Act 124
Erosion control laws for construction sites with a land disturbance area of one or more acres transferred to DNR from DSPS; storm water discharge permit provision and statewide uniform standard required; ordinance stricter than uniform standard permitted under certain conditions [Sec. 574, 575, 575ag-ar, 1245-1247, 1252-1257, 1259-1261, 1568m, 1628, 1711, 1712, 2088-2092e, 2097-2102, 9138 (2)] - Act 20
Historic rehabilitation tax credit revised [Sec. 1348eb-ef, 1398fh-fs, 1434fg-fs] - Act 20
Public building and buildings that are places of employment: ordinances re standards for constructing, altering, or adding to must conform to rules promulgated by DSPS; variance from a standard in a DSPS rule is acceptable under certain conditions; DSPS to accept variance reviews and determinations by second class cities; Building Code Council created in DSPS; certification of inspectors and inspection of fire safety devices provisions - Act 270
Qualified rehabilitation expenses for certified historic structures and qualified rehabilitated buildings: income and franchise tax credits; claimants required to get WEDC certification; DOR, WEDC, and WHS report to JCF required - Act 62
Razing a building: method by which a municipality may collect costs from property owner revised - Act 87
Tax revisions re lowest individual income tax bracket, technical college district property tax relief aid and tax levy, depletion, carry-back and carry-forward of net operating loss, jobs tax credit, relocated business deduction or tax credit, manufacturing and agriculture credit, research credit, state historic rehabilitation credit, electronic medical records tax credit, and sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property used in commercial printing - Act 145
building codeBuilding code, see Building; Housing
building commission, stateBuilding Commission, State, see also specific subject
Authorized state building program for 2013-15 and continuation of certain programs previously authorized [Sec. 24c-m, 225m, 478d, t, 482d-p, 487d, h, 488m, 489b-s, 2363m, 9104 (1)-(11)] - Act 20
Authorized state building program for 2013-15: construction of the John R. Moses Skilled Nursing Facility at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King - Act 187
Authorized state building programs in 2007-09 and 2013-15: reductions in general obligation bonding authority [Sec. 9104 (11i)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Building Commission revenue bond limit increased on major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities [Sec. 1559] - Act 20
Refunding tax-supported and self-amortizing general obligation debt [Sec. 489] [partial veto] - Act 20
Sale or lease of state-owned real property and management of state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants; JCF approval required; DOA and Building Commission duties; budget stabilization fund provision; state agencies to inventory real property under their jurisdiction and report to DOA, exception provided [Sec. 7-20, 22-24, 25-27, 65, 123-137, 290, 531, 578-580, 585, 602-604, 759, 760, 762, 766, 814, 815, 817, 1233, 1516, 1547-1554, 1557, 1565-1568, 1719, 1720, 1728, 1729, 2132-2134, 2154] [14, 132 -- partial veto] - Act 20
UW--Whitewater residence hall building project renamed [Sec. 2363p] - Act 20
``Common motor carrier" definition exclusion modified re passenger-carrying capacity; transporting property provision - Act 364
Diesel truck idling reduction grants: DSPS authority to award sunsetted and transferred to DOA [Sec. 215, 216, 1710, 9138 (6)] - Act 20
Out-of-service commercial motor vehicle (CMV): first offense out-of-service violation penalty modified - Act 100
Rented personal property re heavy equipment for construction, mining, or forestry: property tax exemption under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report - Act 144
Repair, replacement, and refund under new motor vehicle warranties: laws governing revised - Act 101
Rule-making procedure revised; motor vehicle registration and motor carrier appeals provisions; various DOT rules modified and repealed [Admin.Code Trans 131.03, 131.11, 131.13, 133.02, 133.04, 133.05, 133.06, 133.07, 133.08, 133.09, 138.05, 140.022, 140.07, 140.09, 142.07, 144.01, 144.02, 144.04, 144.05, 152.15, 156.04, 156.06, 175.03, 175.04, 177.04, 177.09, 177.10, 196.02, 196.04, 215.07, 215.08, 215.10, 230.01, 257, 303.03, 303.04, 303.08, 305.065, 309.02, 312.03, 312.04] - Act 363
Vehicle or vehicle combination used by a utility or under contract to a utility transporting poles, pipes, girders, and similar materials on highways without a permit: maximum width and projection beyond the front bumper provisions - Act 369
bus and truck _ taxation or registrationBus and truck -- Taxation or registration
Agricultural emergency permits issued by DOT for vehicles transporting oversized loads expanded - Act 216
Agricultural vehicles: operation on highways provisions revised re implement of husbandry, agricultural commercial motor vehicle, size and weight limitations, lighting and marking requirements, rules of the road, and sales of farm equipment; no-fee permit for exceeding weight and length limitations sunset provision; DOT duties - Act 377
Energy emergencies: DOT may authorize certain vehicles transporting propane or heating oil to exceed special weight limits; exception to DOT report requirements - Act 217
Length limit increased for certain vehicle combinations operated on the highway without a permit re ``drive-away method in saddlemount combination" - Act 220
Overall length limit for vehicle combinations: recreates an exception repealed by 2011 WisAct 243 - Act 99
Overweight permits for transporting raw forest products or lumber near the Michigan border: additional highway routes specified; report required [Sec. 2175g-i, 9345 (5r)] [2175i -- vetoed] - Act 20
Overweight vehicle violation penalties revised [Sec. 2166-2173, 9345 (2)] - Act 20
Vehicle operating under a Michigan border permit allowed to operate in Florence County; compliance with current Michigan law and DOT report provisions - Act 34