UW prohibition on being a member, partner, or shareholder in organizations providing telecommunications services: exception for organization that advances research or higher education, other criteria specified; DOA secretary duty [Sec. 605g-608b] - Act 20
Voter registration records review and mailing Notice of Suspension of Registration forms: responsibility transferred to GAB; municipal clerk and notification date provisions; GAB required to post certain information about the mailed notices to its Internet site - Act 149
Wisconsin Shares program revisions re distribution, maximum rates, copayments, and noncustodial parents; JCF duties [Sec. 374, 375, 936, 951-953, 960, 962, 973, 979-981, 983-986, 990-992, 994-1020, 1217, 9406 (4), (5L)] - Act 20
WISElearn online resource for parents, teachers, and pupils: DPI to develop and maintain [Sec. 229, 1735] - Act 20
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing -- Criminal acts and law enforcement
GPS and electronic monitoring re correctional purposes and persons subject to an injunction or TRO: JLC to study use of [Sec. 9127 (1z)] - Act 20
GPS pilot program and grants to counties re persons subject to TRO or injunction; domestic violence prevention or treatment center may not make the assessments [Sec. 391, 1942m, 2282-2283r, 9426 (2L)] [1942m -- partial veto] - Act 20
data processing _ privacy issuesData processing -- Privacy issues
Personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment, students and prospective students, and tenants and prospective tenants: regulating employer, educational institution, and landlord access to and observation of, definition provisions - Act 208
day careDay care
Child abuse and neglect reports and records re caregiver background check: conforming state law to the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act re unsubstantiated or false cases - Act 261
Child care providers: fingerprinting reimbursed under Wisconsin Shares, fee provision; background check requirements and report revisions [Sec. 881, 926, 937-938f, 939] - Act 20
Child-related law revisions re minors signing statement acknowledging paternity, representative of deceased respondent in a paternity action, form for a summons in a paternity action correction, delinquent child support and levy by DCF, Wisconsin Shares eligibility determination when the individual is taking basic education or technical college courses, guardian ad litem in unborn child in need of protection or services proceeding, diligent investigation after report of child abuse or neglect, voluntary foster care education program eliminated, crime barring person from showing he or she has been rehabilitated for child care purposes (remedial legislation) - Act 170
Concerns of 5-star child care providers: report and recommendations after meeting with DCF required [Sec. 9106 (1q)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Foster care and kinship care rates increased [Sec. 922c, 924c, 929, 9406 (3e)] - Act 20
Kinship care: additional funding sources [Sec. 373, 922, 924, 1036] - Act 20
TANF block grants and Child Care Development Funds: allocations modified [Sec. 988, 1025-1029, 1031-1035, 1037-1040] - Act 20
Wisconsin Shares out-of-state provider provisions [Sec. 935, 993] - Act 20
Wisconsin Shares program revisions re distribution, maximum rates, copayments, and noncustodial parents; JCF duties [Sec. 374, 375, 936, 951-953, 960, 962, 973, 979-981, 983-986, 990-992, 994-1020, 1217, 9406 (4), (5L)] - Act 20
Inadmissibility of a statement or gesture of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action, administrative hearing, disciplinary proceeding, mediation, or arbitration - Act 242
Maintenance and family support: notice of payee's remarriage revised and termination upon death of payee or payer - Act 209
Officer-involved death: each law enforcement agency required to have a written policy; requirements, definitions, and crime victim rights provisions - Act 348
debit cardDebit card, see Credit
debt, publicDebt, Public, see also Bonds
Building Commission revenue bond limit increased on major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities [Sec. 1559] - Act 20
Contaminated sediment removal from Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, or certain tributaries: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 482] - Act 20
Dam safety programs: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 483] - Act 20
General obligation bonds authorized to fund the Zoo interchange, I 94 north-south corridor, and high-cost state highway bridge projects [Sec. 334, 484, 1537] - Act 20
Harbor improvement grants: bonding limit increased [Sec. 486] - Act 20
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 480] - Act 20
Premium proceeds from issuance of public debt: treatment of modified [Sec. 193e-h, 9304 (1c)] - Act 20
Railroad property acquisition and improvement: bonding limit increased [Sec. 487] - Act 20
Refunding tax-supported and self-amortizing general obligation debt [Sec. 489] [partial veto] - Act 20
Soil and Water Resource Management Program bonding authority increased [Sec. 488] - Act 20
Southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects: additional general obligation bond proceeds authorized [Sec. 333, 485, 1536, 1558] - Act 20
Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement, storm water management, and municipal flood control and riparian restoration projects: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 481] - Act 20
debt and debtorsDebt and debtors, see also Scholarships and loans
DOR may collect from motor vehicle fuel tax, alternate fuel tax, or general aviation fuel tax refunds for debt owed to state or municipality [Sec. 1509] - Act 20
Municipal utility arrearages for a rental dwelling unit: collection, lien, termination of electric service, and notification provisions - Act 274
Offset cost collected from debtor by DOR re offsetting state tax refunds against federal tax obligations and state tax obligations against federal tax refunds [Sec. 1455, 9437 (5)] - Act 20
Prisoner reimbursement of expenses when released from jail: county or jailer shall choose to seek reimbursement of expenses by civil action or by certifying expenses as debt to DOR, medical expenses provision - Act 315
Refund setoff hierarchy established for state debt collection program and tax refund intercept program [Sec. 1451-1453, 9437 (4)] - Act 20
Rule-making procedure revised; various DFI rules modified and repealed re remote terminals, collection agencies, adjustment service companies, sales finance companies, review procedure, and mortgage bankers, brokers, and loan originators [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 10.03, 14.07, 14.08, 14.09, 40.04, 41.05, 46.01, 73.02, 73.03, 73.05, 74.07, 74.08, 74.11, 74.13, 76.03, 76.06, 76.07, 76.09, 76.11, 76.12, 76.13; DFI-CU 63.07, 63.08, 63.09; DFI-SB 12.07, 12.08, 12.09; DFI-SL 12.07, 12.08, 12.09] - Act 136
Rule-making procedure revised; various DFI rules modified and repealed re authorized activities of credit unions, control procedures for credit unions, and record retention by financial institutions [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 9.01, 41.01, 47; DFI-CU 54.05, 57.01, 57.03, 59.03, 60.01, 60.03, 60.05, 60.06, 61 (title), 61.01, 61.02, 61.03, 61.04, 65, 66.02, 67.01, 67.02, 67.03, 67.04, 67.05, 68.02, 68.03, 68.06, 70, 72.12, 72.13, 74; DFI-SL 6.01, 6.03; DFI-SB 6.01, 6.03, 6.05] - Act 277
Sales tax bad debt adjustments revisions re private label credit card, dual purpose credit card, and lenders; definition provisions - Act 229
State agencies to share specified data with DOR for debt collection and state tax purposes; confidentiality provision [Sec. 733, 940, 1218, 1278, 1718, 1721, 2164, 2165] - Act 20
deerDeer, see Animal; Hunting
deferred prosecutionDeferred prosecution, see Court -- Procedure
dementiaDementia, see Disease
dentistryDentistry, see also Medical malpractice
Dental hygienist: Dentistry Examining Board may grant a certificate to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia under certain conditions - Act 354
Dental service fee restrictions - Act 26
Dentistry definition and practice of for professional licensing purposes revisions - Act 341
Doctor of dental surgery degrees: number of residents funded by HEAB grant increased [Sec. 223] - Act 20
Mobile dentistry program registration provisions created; DSPS, Dentistry Examining Board, fees, and rule-making provisions - Act 244
Physician duty to inform patients of treatment options expanded to include chiropractors, dentists, podiatrists, and optometrists; respective examining boards duties - Act 345
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: additional providers allowed to participate; exempts certain advanced practice nurses from proof of financial responsibility and medical malpractice requirements; DOA and DHS duties modified; nonprofit agency responsibilities re volunteers specified - Act 344
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: out-of-state volunteer permitted under certain conditions; requirements for nonprofit agencies specified and report to DOA required - Act 241
deposits relating to government fundsDeposits relating to government funds, see Bank -- Deposit -- Public
dhsDHS, see Health Services, Department of -- specific subheading
diesel fuelDiesel fuel, see Fuel
diesel truckDiesel truck, see Bus and truck
digital mediaDigital media, see Data processing
disabled veteranDisabled veteran, see Veteran
discovery proceedingsDiscovery proceedings, see Court -- Procedure
discrimination in educationDiscrimination in education
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint process changed; DHA and not State Superintendent to hold hearings, rules provision; school district does not have to comply with existing court order to terminate use of; school district prohibited from membership in an interscholastic athletic association that bars race-based team name, mascot, etc. - Act 115
discrimination in employmentDiscrimination in employment
Personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment, students and prospective students, and tenants and prospective tenants: regulating employer, educational institution, and landlord access to and observation of, definition provisions - Act 208