WEDC board members and employees with contract authority: private interest in a public contract provision created - Act 43
WEDC grant or loan over certain amount: recipients required to submit a schedule of expenditures; independent CPA provision [Sec. 2055k] - Act 20
WEDC operation requirements re procurement, code of ethics applies to employees, annual reports, and independent audit [Sec. 193o, q, 2055m-x, 9150 (1q)] - Act 20
educational service agency, cooperativeEducational Service Agency, Cooperative
Substitute teaching and paraprofessional staffing services for a special education program: school district, county, and CESA may use state special education aid to contract with a public or private agency to provide - Act 255
edvest _college savings program_EdVest (college savings program), see Scholarships and loans
eggsEggs, see Poultry
eitc _earned income tax credit_EITC (Earned income tax credit), see Income tax -- Credit
election commissioners, board ofElection commissioners, Board of, see Elections -- Officials
Nomination paper signatures required for a city-wide office in a 2nd or 3rd class city revised - Act 174
Nomination papers and recall or referendum petitions: signers must print name next to signature - Act 160
Schedule of election occurrences repealed - Act 169
elections _ ballotsElections -- Ballots
Absentee ballots: hours a municipal clerk's office can be open each day to receive in-person applications limited; municipalities may hire individuals to help in statewide elections and appropriation provision, DOR duties [partial veto] - Act 146
Absentee voting at a CBRF, adult family home, or residential care apartment: municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall dispatch special voting deputies, conditions, notice, retirement home, and delivery of absentee ballot container or bag provisions; elector who is an occupant may vote in person at polling place or by absentee ballot at municipal clerk's office - Act 159
Ballot container: chief inspector and one other inspector requirement to secure modified - Act 180
Duplicate ballot label uniformity requirement; GAB duties - Act 179
Recounting votes with automatic tabulating equipment: board of canvassers may conduct recount by hand unless court orders another method - Act 176
Votes for write-in candidates: counting provisions modified - Act 178
elections _ campaign expenseElections -- Campaign expense
Campaign finance and lobbying law revisions re Internet political activity, individual and public communication, solicitation expenditure limit, committee transfers, electronic filing, registration threshold, campaign finance reporting, conduits and redirection of certain unclaimed contributions, and campaign contributions by lobbyists - Act 153
elections _ contested electionsElections -- Contested elections
Nomination papers and recall or referendum petitions: signers must print name next to signature - Act 160
Recounting votes with automatic tabulating equipment: board of canvassers may conduct recount by hand unless court orders another method - Act 176
elections _ observersElections -- Observers
Election observers required to enter name and date in a log and chief inspector and municipal clerk to designate an observation area, confidentiality provision - Act 177
elections _ officialsElections -- Officials
Absentee voting at a CBRF, adult family home, or residential care apartment: municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall dispatch special voting deputies, conditions, notice, retirement home, and delivery of absentee ballot container or bag provisions; elector who is an occupant may vote in person at polling place or by absentee ballot at municipal clerk's office - Act 159
Ballot container: chief inspector and one other inspector requirement to secure modified - Act 180
County clerk duties revised; counties requiring a board of election commissioners modified; county clerk designated the chief election officer in each county and as executive director of the board of election commissioners in populous counties - Act 373
Duplicate ballot label uniformity requirement; GAB duties - Act 179
Election inspectors serving at polling places: chief inspector to assign equal number of each party when practicable - Act 181
Election observers required to enter name and date in a log and chief inspector and municipal clerk to designate an observation area, confidentiality provision - Act 177
Election official at a polling place on election day: residency requirement revised, chief inspector provision; appointees to inspector positions revisions - Act 147
Recounting votes with automatic tabulating equipment: board of canvassers may conduct recount by hand unless court orders another method - Act 176
Voter registration records review and mailing Notice of Suspension of Registration forms: responsibility transferred to GAB; municipal clerk and notification date provisions; GAB required to post certain information about the mailed notices to its Internet site - Act 149
elections _ registrationElections -- Registration
Elector registration and voting statistics: municipal clerk reporting requirements modified, GAB and Internet provisions; statistics on elector address verification postcards added; annual report on suspected election frauds, irregularities, or violations required - Act 148
Identifying document submitted by elector as proof of residence: municipal clerk required to record type of document, name of entity or institute that issued the document, and, if included, a number that only applies to the individual; GAB duties - Act 182
Voter registration records review and mailing Notice of Suspension of Registration forms: responsibility transferred to GAB; municipal clerk and notification date provisions; GAB required to post certain information about the mailed notices to its Internet site - Act 149
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Certificate of public convenience and necessity application process revisions re large electric generating facility or high-voltage transmission line; electric transmission company powers and definition modified - Act 10
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions - Act 1
Municipal utility arrearages for a rental dwelling unit: collection, lien, termination of electric service, and notification provisions - Act 274
PSC revisions re certificates for certain activities, public utility rate schedules, telecommunications regulations, legislative repeal or modification of agency rules, and tampering with telecommunications or electric wires; cable television telecommunications service provider considered certified as an alternative telecommunications utility and rules repealed [Admin.Code PSC 171] - Act 125
Renewable energy credits revision; allowing a natural gas public utility to provide service in a municipality served by another natural gas utility; removal of natural gas service lateral by public utility at customer's request - Act 300
Renewable energy portfolio: exception to electric provider's renewable energy percentage for years 2015 and thereafter created - Act 290
Utility public benefits fund revisions re allocation of grants and how the sum is calculated [Sec. 156-160] - Act 20
Vehicle or vehicle combination used by a utility or under contract to a utility transporting poles, pipes, girders, and similar materials on highways without a permit: maximum width and projection beyond the front bumper provisions - Act 369
Electrician, electrical contractor, and electrical inspector licensing, registration, and certification requirements: 2007 WisAct 63 effective date changed and municipal licensing authority by ordinance sunsetted - Act 4
Electricians: revisions re licensing structure re apprentices, master electrician statutory requirements, journeyman requirements, and exemptions to work that does not require a licensed electrician; DSPS duties and prohibition on promulgating a rule requiring electrical wiring inspection at certain industrial or manufacturing facilities - Act 143
electrologistElectrologist, see Cosmetology
electronic data processingElectronic data processing, see Data processing
elevatorElevator, see Public safety
elkElk, see Animal
elkhorn, city ofElkhorn, City of, see Walworth County
Emergency management volunteer: state shall reimburse local governments for WC claims [Sec. 397, 2163g, r] - Act 20
State and Province Emergency Management Assistance Compact ratified - Act 97
emergency medical service or technician _ems or emt_Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
Creditable military service under WRS: program which participating employees may purchase years established, conditions specified; JSCRS appendix report - Act 191
DETF progress on modernizing business processes and integrating information technology systems: annual report required; supplemental appropriation and FTE position flexibility; governor and JCF duties [Sec. 713, 9112 (1), 9212 (1)] - Act 20
GIB to offer a high-deductible health insurance plan and health savings account, actuarial parameters and OSER duties; health reimbursement accounts instead of savings account study by OSER and DETF required [Sec. 462, 491, 705, 706, 711, 716, 719, 730, 753, 9112 (4L), (4m)] - Act 20
Health care information organization under contract with DHS and DETF: additional funding and contract requirements [Sec. 346, 1901, 1902] - Act 20
State agencies to share specified data with DOR for debt collection and state tax purposes; confidentiality provision [Sec. 733, 940, 1218, 1278, 1718, 1721, 2164, 2165] - Act 20
State employee health insurance coverage: actuarial study of options re employees who elect not to receive coverage and spouse or domestic partner of employee with coverage from their employers; report required [Sec. 461pg, pr, 9112 (3q), 9412 (1q)] - Act 20
WRS annuitants returning to covered employment: waiting period between termination and rehire increased; annuity suspended if working two-thirds of full-time employment; reestablishing account provision; JSCRS appendix report; emergency rules [Sec. 716b-j, 733m, 737m, 738d, p, 746m-749, 754m, 9112 (3L), 9312 (1), (2L)] - Act 20
Apprenticeship completion awards program created in DWD - Act 57
Employees exempt from the overtime pay requirement: employer not required to keep records of the hours of employment - Act 286
Individual placement and support (IPS): DHS required to establish regional centers re employment of individuals experiencing mental illness; county and tribal programs are eligible for grants; Medicaid matching funds provision - Act 131
Jobs tax credit program eligibility clarification re net employment increase [Sec. 2062, 2064, 2067, 2068, 9350 (5)] - Act 20
Personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment, students and prospective students, and tenants and prospective tenants: regulating employer, educational institution, and landlord access to and observation of, definition provisions - Act 208
Public building and buildings that are places of employment: ordinances re standards for constructing, altering, or adding to must conform to rules promulgated by DSPS; variance from a standard in a DSPS rule is acceptable under certain conditions; DSPS to accept variance reviews and determinations by second class cities; Building Code Council created in DSPS; certification of inspectors and inspection of fire safety devices provisions - Act 270
Rule-making procedure revised; various DWD rules repealed re Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), Wisconsin Job Opportunity Business Subsidy (WISJOBS) Program, and mining damage claims [Admin.Code DWD 82, 805, 811, 816, 820, 830] - Act 332
Transform Milwaukee Jobs program created [Sec. 989, 1022, 1030] - Act 20
Transitional Jobs program established with same provisions as Transform Milwaukee Jobs program but outside Milwaukee County, funding provisions - Act 113
Trial Jobs under W-2 replaced with Trial Employment Match Program (TEMP); eliminates real work, real pay employment position; subsidized private sector employment program; and workforce attachment and advancement program [Sec. 954-959, 961, 963-972, 974-978, 982, 987, 1021, 1024, 1041-1043, 1332, 1334-1338, 1384, 1386-1390, 1420, 1422-1426, 1469-1473, 1713, 1992, 2074, 9306 (1), 9406 (1), (1L)] - Act 20
UI law revisions; delinquent payment of unemployment insurance contributions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report [partial veto] - Act 36
UI law revisions re license revocation based on contribution delinquency, failure of claimants to comply with requests for information, and tardy filing fees - Act 276