fish and fishingFish and fishing
Catch-and-release only season for bass fishing: DNR to establish [Sec. 552m] [vetoed] - Act 20
DNR duty revisions re reports of violations, citation procedure re wetland discharge violations, minimum age for sturgeon spearing license, Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Council membership, and publishing class 1 notices for certain permit applications - Act 69
Net pens placed in Great Lakes water body or tributary: DNR to issue statewide general permit under certain conditions; fish farm provisions - Act 75
Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities; voluntary withdrawal from MFL and taxation provisions - Act 81
Sea lamprey control program created, appropriation provision - Act 72
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Wisconsin Trout Unlimited, Inc.; fees, trademark, and service mark provisions; contributions based on DOT estimate of initial costs of production required before issuance of plates - Act 266
Stewardship program: moneys obligated for the land acquisition subprogram and property development and local assistance subprogram modified; Kettle Moraine Springs fish hatchery provision, report required; JCF duties [Sec. 478u, 500m-506, 507-509y, 510-514, 9132 (4c)] - Act 20
Sturgeon spearing: cumulative preference system for permit revised; date license holder may transfer license to a minor changed - Act 64
fish and fishing _ commercialFish and fishing -- Commercial
Fish farms: DNR and DATCP to review applicable statutes and administrative rules, report required, and emergency rules provision [Sec. 9132 (4q)] - Act 20
Net pens placed in Great Lakes water body or tributary: DNR to issue statewide general permit under certain conditions; fish farm provisions - Act 75
Private fish farm: capacity study and report by DNR required [Sec. 9132 (4j)] - Act 20
Private fish farms: DNR grant to UW--Extension re providing services to support industry growth [Sec. 9132 (5c)] - Act 20
Walleye production: grants and contracts for stocking the waters of the state; emergency rules provision [Sec. 284g, h, 286d, 550m, 562t-563m, 572h, m, 9132 (3e)] - Act 20
fish and fishing _ licenseFish and fishing -- License
DNR duty revisions re reports of violations, citation procedure re wetland discharge violations, minimum age for sturgeon spearing license, Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Council membership, and publishing class 1 notices for certain permit applications - Act 69
Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal - Act 55
Military personnel who served during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars: free resident small game, deer, or archer hunting license or resident annual fishing license; DVA voucher requirement [Sec. 411, 562] - Act 20
Ponds located entirely on private property: fishing without a license permitted [Sec. 562g-r] - Act 20
Sturgeon spearing: cumulative preference system for permit revised; date license holder may transfer license to a minor changed - Act 64
flood plain zoningFlood plain zoning
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions - Act 1
florence countyFlorence County
Vehicle operating under a Michigan border permit allowed to operate in Florence County; compliance with current Michigan law and DOT report provisions - Act 34
fond du lac countyFond du Lac County
``Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route": DOT to designate and mark highway route in specified counties; contributions from interested parties required - Act 30
USH 151 interchange and bridge in Fond du Lac County [Sec. 1534f] - Act 20
Buy local grant program: matching funds requirement added [Sec. 1592g] - Act 20
Direct sale of eggs regulations created; definitions and exemption from food processing plant license provisions - Act 245
Food protection practices (FPP) certification examination and restaurant provisions revised; local ordinance prohibition, exception for 1st class city - Act 292
Food regulation: adulterated and misbranded provisions revised re federal regulations - Act 374
Kringle designated as the state pastry; Blue Book provisions [Sec. 1b, c] - Act 20
New dairy plant, food warehouse, food processing plant, retail food establishment, or meat establishment license: uniform expiration date modified - Act 302
Political subdivisions may not limit the sale of certain food and beverages [Sec. 1269m] - Act 20
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS; extension of license under certain conditions permitted - Act 298
Single-owner entities disregarded as separate entities for income tax purposes: sales and use tax provisions apply to room tax, local food and beverage tax, local rental car tax, and state rental vehicle fee [Sec. 1277, 1502, 1503, 1504, 9437 (3)] - Act 20
Specific information signs on highways: definition of food establishment to include bakery items [Sec. 1581m] - Act 20
food preservationFood preservation
New dairy plant, food warehouse, food processing plant, retail food establishment, or meat establishment license: uniform expiration date modified - Act 302
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - Act 20
food stamp planFood stamp plan
FoodShare benefits: recipients may elect to receive less than they are eligible for [Sec. 1211v] [vetoed] - Act 20
FoodShare work requirements for able-bodied adults; employment and training program appropriations; report required [Sec. 350b, c, 357c, g, 1211, 1211m, n, 1212-1216, 9318 (9)] [1215m -- vetoed] - Act 20
Public assistance programs including W-2, MA, and FoodShare: offenses considered crimes against government and its administration and DOJ or a DA is authorized to prosecute - Act 226
Trafficking SNAP benefits is subject to penalties; JRCCP report - Act 42
foreclosure of mortgageForeclosure of mortgage, see Mortgage
foreign corporationForeign corporation, see Corporation
DNR authorized to lease state forest land in the Town of Boulder Junction to the Boulder Junction Shooting Range for terms not to exceed 30 years - Act 82
Forestation state property tax: DNR to withhold from payment to the taxation district re land in the district purchased by DNR; conservation fund provision; aid in lieu of taxes for land in the forest cropland program or Managed Forest Land Program determined [Sec. 1279d-1283, 9332 (1)] - Act 20
Forestry and fire prevention study required; JCF provision [Sec. 286g, j, 532m, 9432 (1d)] - Act 20
Managed Forest Land Program: withdrawal for construction of a residence provisions created [Sec. 1501b, c] - Act 20
National forest income: DNR to make payments to certain towns; county treasurer duty repealed [Sec. 280g, h, 286m, 500d, 1238t, 9132 (2i), 9432 (1i)] - Act 20
Overweight permits for transporting raw forest products or lumber near the Michigan border: additional highway routes specified; report required [Sec. 2175g-i, 9345 (5r)] [2175i -- vetoed] - Act 20
Overweight vehicle violation penalties revised [Sec. 2166-2173, 9345 (2)] - Act 20
Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities; voluntary withdrawal from MFL and taxation provisions - Act 81
Rented personal property re heavy equipment for construction, mining, or forestry: property tax exemption under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report - Act 144
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - Act 20
Vegetation obstructing an outdoor advertising sign: permittee to compensate DOT for removal of trees over certain diameter; definitions, ``cross-vista" sign, and arborist provisions - Act 231
Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit: operating authority revisions; DOT report provision - Act 48
forestry _ fireForestry -- Fire, see Fire
forestry _ taxationForestry -- Taxation
DOR revisions re claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel tax and bulk plants, woodland tax law program, objections to manufacturing property tax assessments, interest on underpayment of income taxes, and manufacturing and agriculture income and franchise tax credit; JSCTE appendix report - Act 54
Forestation state property tax: DNR to withhold from payment to the taxation district re land in the district purchased by DNR; conservation fund provision; aid in lieu of taxes for land in the forest cropland program or Managed Forest Land Program determined [Sec. 1279d-1283, 9332 (1)] - Act 20
Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities; voluntary withdrawal from MFL and taxation provisions - Act 81
Child enticement: vehicle and property used in commission of the crime may be seized by law enforcement; return of property to innocent persons as soon as practically possible provision - Act 262
Commercial quadricycle: definition, ordinance allowing consumption of alcohol beverages on, and prohibiting driver from consuming alcohol, penalty provisions - Act 106
Disabled parking space violations: forfeiture increased - Act 326
Fraudulent motor vehicle emission inspection report prohibitions and penalties created; registering a vehicle with a fraudulent emission inspection prohibited, penalty provision; DOT duties; JRCCP report - Act 368
Moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer: penalties revised for license violations - Act 370
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license violations: penalties specified - Act 218
Patent or pending patent: regulations created re written communications to enforce or assert rights in connection with; DATCP and AG duties, penalty and exemptions provisions; JRCCP report - Act 339
Real Estate Examining Board revisions re eligibility for a real estate license or certificate following a felony conviction, preapplication procedure and other forms, and assess forfeiture for submitting false information; immunity for employing broker re negligent hiring claim under certain conditions - Act 288
Requirements to perform abortions revised; ultrasound required before informed consent for an abortion; penalty and exception provisions - Act 37
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; consumer required to inform contractor if property insurance claim is to pay for activities; and penalty provisions - Act 24
Solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for providing a public record: regulations created; DATCP duties; penalties, definitions, and exception provisions - Act 247
Speeding and reckless driving violations where sanitation workers are at risk: minimum and maximum forfeitures increased; JRCCP report - Act 39
Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report - Act 89
foster homeFoster home, see Children, and its subheadings
franchise _ taxationFranchise -- Taxation
DOR revisions re claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel tax and bulk plants, woodland tax law program, objections to manufacturing property tax assessments, interest on underpayment of income taxes, and manufacturing and agriculture income and franchise tax credit; JSCTE appendix report - Act 54