County and municipal prisoners: provisions allowing for agreements to house prisoners in a bordering county within or outside the state - Act 376
Prisoner reimbursement of expenses when released from jail: county or jailer shall choose to seek reimbursement of expenses by civil action or by certifying expenses as debt to DOR, medical expenses provision - Act 315
Short-term sanctions system for violations of conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or deferred prosecution agreement established; temporary housing of persons on probation in county jails or houses of correction; attempt to possess a schedule I or II controlled substance or analog that is a narcotic made a felony - Act 196
Strip search permitted if person arrested or lawfully detained will be incarcerated, imprisoned, or detained with one or more persons; definition provisions - Act 317
jefferson countyJefferson County
``Rock River Trail Scenic and Historic Route": DOT to designate and mark highway route in specified counties; contributions from interested parties required - Act 30
jeskewitz, jamesJeskewitz, James
Life and public service to the Menomonee Falls community commended upon his death [SJR63] - JR21
johnson, david andrewJohnson, David Andrew
Life and military service commended [SJR19] - JR9
joint legislative councilJoint Legislative Council
Administrative code, Administrative Register, and statutes: electronic publication provisions [Sec. 27d-pk, 197p, 415g, h, 575b-t, 1599p, 1991p, 1996bp-tp, 2317p, 9127 (1q), (1r), 9327 (1q), 9427 (1q), (1r)] - Act 20
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: individuals who must submit samples expanded; immunity from liability for certain law enforcement and DHS personnel; conditions for purging records; DNA surcharge; JLC study required; JRCCP report [Sec. 388, 390, 818, 1234, 1906-1935, 1937, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2291, 2292, 2324, 2325, 2327-2329, 2343-2344c, 2353-2358, 2360w-2362, 9126 (1), 9326 (1), 9426 (1)] - Act 20
Children: laws revised re advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placement, delegation of parental powers for the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, and penalty provisions; JLC requested to study adoption disruption and dissolution in this state - Act 314
Common core standards: implementation suspended; DPI, LFB, and JLC studies required; procedure for adopting college and career readiness standards; reports required [Sec. 9134 (2q)] - Act 20
GPS and electronic monitoring re correctional purposes and persons subject to an injunction or TRO: JLC to study use of [Sec. 9127 (1z)] - Act 20
Prestegard, Orlan: life and public service of former Revisor of Statutes and LC employee commended upon his death [SJR3] - JR5
Rural schools task force: JLC requested to establish, report required [Sec. 9127 (1i)] - Act 20
Altmann, (SSG) Joseph James: life and military service commended [SJR13] - JR8
Bytof, Joyce A.: life and service to the Fox Valley community commended upon her death [AJR 99] - JR29
Chaney, Felmers O.: life and dedicated service to the people and City of Milwaukee honored [AJR4] - JR2
Donnellan, Dave: life and public service to the City of Eau Claire commended upon his death [AJR 26] - JR25
Duffy, William J.: life and public service of former legislator and Brown County circuit court judge commended upon his death [AJR29] - JR17
Floorperiods for the 2013-14 session and budget deadline extended [SJR1] - JR4
Goldberg, Henry Morris ``Hank": life and contributions to the field of medicine commended upon his death [AJR 40] - JR26
Governor's budget message deadline extended and additional floorperiod created [SJR6] - JR6
Griffin, (MAJ) Thomas C., (retired): life and military service of U.S. Army Air Corps and World War II veteran commended [SJR 47] - JR30
Harried, Michael: life and public service to the state and Village of McFarland [AJR 5] - JR24
Hinkley, Gordon Lyle: life and dedication of the ``Granddaddy of Milwaukee Radio" commended upon his death [AJR 97] - JR28
Horton, Barbara P.: life, public service, and dedication to Milwaukee's children and families commended upon her death [SJR44] - JR19
Jeskewitz, James: life and commitment to the Menomonee Falls community commended upon his death [SJR63] - JR21
Johnson, (1LT) David Andrew: life and military service commended [SJR19] - JR9
LaPorte, Joseph Charles: life and public service to the people of the City of Waukesha commended [SJR25] - JR14
Mandela, Nelson R.: life and public service of the former President of South Africa commended upon his death [SJR62] - JR20
Nolen, (Cpl) Michael Conrad: life and military service commended [SJR21] - JR11
Poberezny, Paul: life and public service of the founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) commended upon his death [SJR53] - JR15
Prestegard, Orlan: life and public service of former Revisor of Statutes and LC employee commended upon his death [SJR3] - JR5
Rabin, Dr. Marvin J.: life, public service, and commitment to music education commended upon his death [SJR66] - JR22
Shabaz, John C.: life and public service of the former state legislator and U.S. district court judge commended [SJR7] - JR7
Steiner, (SGT) Andrew: life and military service of reservist commended [AJR33] - JR13
Stoda, (SGT) Chester G.: life and military service commended [SJR20] - JR10
Swanson, Robert S.: life and public service of former UW--Stout chancellor commended upon his death [AJR7] - JR3
Swoboda, Lary J.: life and public service [AJR69] - JR18
Thatcher, Prime Minister Margaret: public service and contributions to the United Kingdom and the world commended upon her death [SJR22] - JR12
Trumm, Gerald L. ``Jerry": life, military, public service, and dedication to the state parks system commended upon his death [SJR75] - JR23
Warch, Richard: life and service of the retired Lawrence University president commended upon his death [AJR 66] - JR27
journeymenJourneymen, see Apprenticeship
judgeJudge, see also Supreme Court
Extension of an injunction modified; petitioner may request a new TRO or injunction before expiration of previous one - Act 311
Municipal court practice and procedure revisions re role of circuit court clerk in filing the oath and bond of a municipal judge, signatures on citations or complaints alleging a municipal ordinance violation, municipal court judge authority to order default judgment against defendant who fails to appear at trial, and fee for transcript of electronic recording of proceedings - Act 107
Shabaz, John C.: life and public service of the former state legislator and U.S. district court judge commended [SJR7] - JR7
TROs and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals-at-risk, and harassment revisions re stalking, contacting petitioner, essential persons at hearings, confidentiality, guardian ad litem compensation, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution - Act 322
judge _ circuit courtJudge -- Circuit court
Duffy, William J.: life and public service of former legislator and Brown County circuit court judge commended upon his death [AJR29] - JR17
Motor vehicle salvage dealer license violations: penalties specified - Act 218
Jury in criminal cases shall consist of 12 persons unless a smaller number is agreed to; names of notaries public not required to be kept in the registers of officials - Act 164
justice, department ofJustice, Department of
Alerts for missing adults at risk: require DOJ to allow law enforcement to use the integrated crime alert network to disseminate reports to outdoor advertisers and broadcasters; definition, input from certain organizations, and FTE position provisions - Act 264
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: individuals who must submit samples expanded; immunity from liability for certain law enforcement and DHS personnel; conditions for purging records; DNA surcharge; JLC study required; JRCCP report [Sec. 388, 390, 818, 1234, 1906-1935, 1937, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2291, 2292, 2324, 2325, 2327-2329, 2343-2344c, 2353-2358, 2360w-2362, 9126 (1), 9326 (1), 9426 (1)] - Act 20
Community policing grant to City of Milwaukee repealed [Sec. 381, 1945] - Act 20
Crime laboratories: removing requirement that DOJ locate them in the cities of Madison, Milwaukee, and Wausau [Sec. 1905] - Act 20
DOJ required to submit annual reports on administration of its grant programs [Sec. 1904m] - Act 20
Domestic abuse incidents: law enforcement to report when an arrest is not made and procedures following an incident; victim access to service provider information; DOJ access to prosecutor technology for case tracking system maintained by DOA - Act 323
Drug courts: DOJ to provide grants to counties to establish and operate [Sec. 381m, 1944m] - Act 20
Drug disposal program for prescription drugs, controlled substances and analogs, and household pharmaceutical items: DOJ may authorize operation of and political subdivision may operate or authorize another person to operate; definitions, policy, and procedures provisions; written permission required to destroy another person's prescription drugs; disposal program required to report certain information to DNR - Act 198
Drug law enforcement, crime laboratories, and genetic evidence activities appropriation: unencumbered balances transferred back to DOJ at end of each fiscal year [Sec. 389] - Act 20
Fees collected for handgun purchase background checks and issuing concealed carry certification cards and licenses to one appropriation to provide these services [Sec. 383-385, 1971] - Act 20
Firearm possession prohibited for persons subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction; court and law enforcement may request information from DOJ re person's eligibility to possess a firearm - Act 223
Firearms restrictions record search before transferring a handgun: alternate means for firearms dealer to transmit information to DOJ - Act 109
Forensic scientist open position in state or regional crime laboratory: college graduate a condition of application [Sec. 2016] - Act 20
GPS pilot program and grants to counties re persons subject to TRO or injunction; domestic violence prevention or treatment center may not make the assessments [Sec. 391, 1942m, 2282-2283r, 9426 (2L)] [1942m -- partial veto] - Act 20