AODA and mental health treatment programs: DHS appropriation corrections [Sec. 360, 835, 837-840, 864-868] -
Act 20Certified crisis programs that create mental health mobile crisis teams for rural areas: DHS grants to counties and regions to establish -
Act 132Child psychiatry consultation program: DHS to create and administer; qualified consultation provider criteria and report required -
Act 127Children's Mental Health, Office of, created in DHS; director is appointed by the governor; annual report required [Sec. 40, 1232, 2000] -
Act 20Comprehensive community services: full reimbursement if offered on a regional basis; report and JCF duties [Sec. 1056, 1056b] -
Act 20Crisis intervention training grants re mental health: DHS to award to law enforcement agencies and correctional officers -
Act 126Firearm possession prohibited for persons subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction; court and law enforcement may request information from DOJ re person's eligibility to possess a firearm -
Act 223Individual placement and support (IPS): DHS required to establish regional centers re employment of individuals experiencing mental illness; county and tribal programs are eligible for grants; Medicaid matching funds provision -
Act 131MA program mental health benefits and reimbursement for certain mental health services revisions re in-home therapy for certain children and telehealth; definitions, provider requirements, and DHS duties provisions -
Act 130Mental health services and programs provided by counties and regions: DHS biennial report required -
Act 251Milwaukee County Mental Health Board created; reports, audits, and LAB duties -
Act 203Emergency detention, involuntary commitment, and privileged communication revisions -
Act 158Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required -
Act 235Family Care enrollees admitted to mental health institutes: funding provisions, report required [Sec. 347j, k, 831f, p, 9118 (5e), 9418 (10e)] [vetoed] -
Act 20Inpatient mental health treatment of minors: admission revisions -
Act 161Involuntary commitment proceedings: procedure for the corporation counsel to make a limited appearance in certain cases; three-person petition provisions -
Act 340Milwaukee County Mental Health Board created; reports, audits, and LAB duties -
Act 203Peer-run respite center re mental health conditions or substance abuse: DHS to contract with peer-run organizations, appropriation provision -
Act 129Peer-run respite centers: DHS grants to [Sec. 836] -
Act 20Protected health information: use, disclosure, or request of by a covered entity is exempt from certain confidentiality requirements if complying with federal regulations; DHS duties and definition provisions -
Act 238Sexually violent person commitments: discharge and supervised release provisions revised -
Act 84Mass transit systems: state aid payments changed [Sec. 1569b-1579] -
Act 20Overall length limit for vehicle combinations: recreates an exception repealed by 2011 WisAct 243 -
Act 99Utility relocation costs to accommodate urban rail transit systems [Sec. 290g, r, 1564e-s, 1978d-t, 1989c-x] -
Act 20Emergency management volunteer: state shall reimburse local governments for WC claims [Sec. 397, 2163g, r] -
Act 20OJA eliminated and most functions transferred to DOJ; programs for reintegrating incarcerated American Indians transferred to Corr.Dept; some homeland security programs transferred to DMA; youth diversion grant reductions [Sec. 29, 30, 37, 38, 43, 44, 161-185, 339, 382, 386, 387, 416-420, 428, 433-454, 460, 584, 615d, 1938, 1939, 1944, 1946, 1947, 2142, 2148, 2157, 2340-2342, 2345-2347, 2360, 9101 (1), 9126 (2), 9201 (1), 9208 (1)] -
Act 20Third deputy adjutant general in DMA authorized and duties specified -
Act 98Wisconsin Code of Military Justice revisions re sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and stalking; JRCCP report -
Act 201Creditable military service under WRS: program which participating employees may purchase years established, conditions specified; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 191Drones: use of by law enforcement restricted, definition and search warrant provisions; penalties for use of weaponized drone and using a drone equipped with recording or transmitting equipment, exceptions specified; JRCCP report -
Act 213Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal -
Act 55Knowledge test requirements for CDL applicants who hold a military CDL -
Act 94Military family financial aid from the military family relief fund: eligibility extended -
Act 45Military personnel who served during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars: free resident small game, deer, or archer hunting license or resident annual fishing license; DVA voucher requirement [Sec. 411, 562] -
Act 20Service members given priority when registering for courses at any UW campus or technical college -
Act 56State civil service system revisions re nonresidency prohibition, supervisory or management position probation, assistant SPD, leave provision of the state compensation plan, annual leave, leave for military personnel upon reemployment, and personal holidays of an employee who is terminated -
Act 123State park vehicle admission fee and state trail fee waived for resident service member on active duty; Veterans Day and Memorial Day weekend provisions [Sec. 277, 533-544] -
Act 20Steiner, (SGT) Andrew: life and military service of reservist commended [AJR33] -
JR13Wisconsin Code of Military Justice revisions re sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and stalking; JRCCP report -
Act 201Military income received by active duty member of U.S. armed forces who dies in a combat zone: individual income tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 19Military income received by active duty member of U.S. armed forces who dies in a combat zone: individual income tax exemption created [Sec. 1304fm] -
Act 20Kei class vehicles and historic military vehicles: motor vehicle registration provisions revised -
Act 103Community policing grant to City of Milwaukee repealed [Sec. 381, 1945] -
Act 20Crime laboratories: removing requirement that DOJ locate them in the cities of Madison, Milwaukee, and Wausau [Sec. 1905] -
Act 20Food protection practices (FPP) certification examination and restaurant provisions revised; local ordinance prohibition, exception for 1st class city -
Act 292Hinkley, Gordon Lyle: life and dedication of the ``Granddaddy of Milwaukee Radio" commended upon his death [AJR 97] -
JR28Hoan Bridge reconstruction including approaches: funding provisions [Sec. 1537g, h] -
Act 20Milwaukee, City of, shoreline established re Lake Michigan; DNR not required to report re conveyances of lake bed areas [Sec. 575ac, 9132 (4e)] -
Act 20Residential mortgage loans: regulation by local ordinance restricted; exception for 1st class cities [Sec. 1896s] -
Act 20Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS; extension of license under certain conditions permitted -
Act 298Shoreline of Lake Michigan in the City of Milwaukee established -
Act 140Shot Spotter Program in the City of Milwaukee appropriation; Sheboygan County tuberculosis response funding decreased -
Act 263Chaney, Felmers O.: life and dedicated service to the people and City of Milwaukee honored [AJR4] -
JR2Marquette University authorized to establish a university police department -
Act 265Certificate of occupancy and building usage charges revisions for private schools in the parental choice program, MPCP, and Racine Parental Choice Program [Sec. 1852d, 1856r, 1867m, 1873p] -
Act 20Community programs and services: school board levy provisions, report required; resolution to exceed the limit required [Sec. 9134 (4L)] -
Act 20Examinations to measure pupil attainment of knowledge and concepts expanded to grades 9 and 11; public, private, charter, and parental choice school provisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties [Sec. 1759-1769, 1874, 9434 (4L)] -
Act 20Horton, Barbara P.: life, public service, and dedication to Milwaukee's children and families commended upon her death [SJR44] -
JR19MPCP and Racine Parental Choice Program: participation of private schools in both programs; school accreditation revisions; DPI and State Superintendent of Public Instruction duties [Sec. 1855, 1859, 1859a, 1859t-1861m, 1871, 1872m, 1875d, t, 1876db-dL, 9134 (6q)] [1876dL -- partial veto] -
Act 20Parental choice program per pupil payment, summer school and reserve fund provisions; comprehensive financial audit requirement revised [Sec. 1849-1852, 1852g, j, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1864-1867, 1867p-1869, 1873, 1876, 1884p-1887g, 9334 (4L)] -
Act 20Parental choice program student prioritization [Sec. 1862, 1863] -
Act 20Student information system: include charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program; JCF approval [Sec. 1732m-1734] -
Act 20Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised, fee provision; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included; State Superintendent duties -
Act 256Teacher's aide requirements modified for private schools participating in parental choice programs [Sec. 1856c, 1873m] -
Act 20Children's services network requirement of a W-2 agency eliminated; nomination of members to the Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council modified -
Act 225County clerk duties revised; counties requiring a board of election commissioners modified; county clerk designated the chief election officer in each county and as executive director of the board of election commissioners in populous counties -
Act 373DCF to expand distribution of demonstration project funding re reducing out-of-home care for children in Milwaukee County to other counties [Sec. 370, 819, 820, 872-880, 893, 894, 909-916, 918-920, 933, 934, 2319-2323] -
Act 20Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County created; LAB performance audit required -
Act 235Milwaukee County governance revisions re county board supervisors' compensation, term, authority, and expenditures; county executive authority; contracts and intergovernmental cooperation agreement approval; annuitants of the Milwaukee County Employee's Retirement System; and research department and lobbying services provisions; obsolete statutory reference deleted; referendum required; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 14