PEG, PEO, charitable organization, professional fund-raisers, and fund-raising counsel: regulation of transferred from DSPS to DFI; annual financial report filing modified [Sec. 787, 869, 1227, 1237, 1238, 1461, 1715, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1936, 1974, 1989, 1990, 2161, 2179, 2180-2182, 2183, 2184-2187, 2188-2217, 2232-2253, 2267, 9138 (1), 9438 (1)] - Act 20
Petroleum products and hazardous substances regulation: certain duties and powers transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 201, 206-209, 211, 213m, 529, 786, 1462, 1463, 1589-1591, 1594, 1595, 1600-1627, 1629-1633, 1949-1961, 1962-1970, 9138 (3), (4), 9238 (1), (2)] [9138 (3) -- partial veto] - Act 20
Unclaimed property program transferred from State Treasurer to DOR [Sec. 28m, 375m, 463f-r, 490m, 1971m, r, 1972m, 1976m, 1982d-t, 1990g-s, 2267b, d, 2270e, r, 2271m, 2295d-t, 9146 (1c)] - Act 20
reorganization of state government _ attached under s.15.03Reorganization of state government -- Attached under s.15.03
WERC attached to DWD; commissioner compensation, work status, and prohibition on holding other public office and WERC budget provisions [Sec. 33-35, 47, 2005, 2010, 9313 (1)] - Act 20
Air pollution control permits: registration permit for certain stationary source; exemption for natural minor sources and report required; DNR required to contact owners or operators of stationary sources re benefits of registration permits and exemptions; and evaluation of reporting, monitoring, and record-keeping requirements [Sec. 2104i-je, n-r, 9132 (1L)] - Act 20
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: individuals who must submit samples expanded; immunity from liability for certain law enforcement and DHS personnel; conditions for purging records; DNA surcharge; JLC study required; JRCCP report [Sec. 388, 390, 818, 1234, 1906-1935, 1937, 2150, 2155, 2156, 2291, 2292, 2324, 2325, 2327-2329, 2343-2344c, 2353-2358, 2360w-2362, 9126 (1), 9326 (1), 9426 (1)] - Act 20
Child care providers: fingerprinting reimbursed under Wisconsin Shares, fee provision; background check requirements and report revisions [Sec. 881, 926, 937-938f, 939] - Act 20
Children's Mental Health, Office of, created in DHS; director is appointed by the governor; annual report required [Sec. 40, 1232, 2000] - Act 20
Cigarette tax stamp: DOR to study improving cigarette tax collection system and combating illegal cigarette trafficking [Sec. 9137 (1L)] - Act 20
Commercial bail bonds regulations and licensing provisions created, report required; DSPS duties and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 204w, 2179t, w, 2183e-s, 2187c-o, 2265ce, 2285m, 2342c-w, 9138 (1i), 9438 (1i)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Common core standards: implementation suspended; DPI, LFB, and JLC studies required; procedure for adopting college and career readiness standards; reports required [Sec. 9134 (2q)] - Act 20
Community programs and services: school board levy provisions, report required; resolution to exceed the limit required [Sec. 9134 (4L)] - Act 20
Comprehensive community services: full reimbursement if offered on a regional basis; report and JCF duties [Sec. 1056, 1056b] - Act 20
Concerns of 5-star child care providers: report and recommendations after meeting with DCF required [Sec. 9106 (1q)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Consolidation of DSPS and DATCP: DOA study required [Sec. 9101 (3s)] - Act 20
DETF progress on modernizing business processes and integrating information technology systems: annual report required; supplemental appropriation and FTE position flexibility; governor and JCF duties [Sec. 713, 9112 (1), 9212 (1)] - Act 20
DOJ required to submit annual reports on administration of its grant programs [Sec. 1904m] - Act 20
DVA grant to VETransfer, Inc. re training and assistance to veterans engaged in entrepreneurship; annual report and audit provisions [Sec. 412, 788] - Act 20
Dwelling Code Council: requiring a review of one- and two-family dwelling code once every 3 years and report on the review and recommendations to DSPS once every 6 years - Act 23
Efficiency initiatives: reimbursing businesses for assisting local governmental units in establishing [Sec. 54m, 413s, 9101 (4q), 9401 (2q)] - Act 20
Elector registration and voting statistics: municipal clerk reporting requirements modified, GAB and Internet provisions; statistics on elector address verification postcards added; annual report on suspected election frauds, irregularities, or violations required - Act 148
Executive branch state agency FTE position reductions and DOA duties, report required [Sec. 9101 (3c)] - Act 20
Family Care enrollees admitted to mental health institutes: funding provisions, report required [Sec. 347j, k, 831f, p, 9118 (5e), 9418 (10e)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Family Care expansion: DHS study and report required [Sec. 9118 (3q)] - Act 20
Fees charged to students: UW Board of Regents annual report to JCF and JLAC required [Sec. 609m] - Act 20
Fish farms: DNR and DATCP to review applicable statutes and administrative rules, report required, and emergency rules provision [Sec. 9132 (4q)] - Act 20
FoodShare work requirements for able-bodied adults; employment and training program appropriations; report required [Sec. 350b, c, 357c, g, 1211, 1211m, n, 1212-1216, 9318 (9)] [1215m -- vetoed] - Act 20
Forestry and fire prevention study required; JCF provision [Sec. 286g, j, 532m, 9432 (1d)] - Act 20
Fund of funds investment program created; DOA, LAB, JCF, and SWIB duties; investment manager, venture capital funds, and report provisions [partial veto] - Act 41
GIB to offer a high-deductible health insurance plan and health savings account, actuarial parameters and OSER duties; health reimbursement accounts instead of savings account study by OSER and DETF required [Sec. 462, 491, 705, 706, 711, 716, 719, 730, 753, 9112 (4L), (4m)] - Act 20
GPS and electronic monitoring re correctional purposes and persons subject to an injunction or TRO: JLC to study use of [Sec. 9127 (1z)] - Act 20
Grain inspection program funding; DATCP and JCF duties [Sec. 9102 (1e)] [partial veto] - Act 20
HIRSP and Authority dissolved; final report and LAB audits required; Medicare supplement and replacement policy issuance provision [Sec. 1g, 6f, 27b, pr-s, 49m-r, 54c, s, 65am, p, 67d-h, j, 68c, 91c, 92c, 102c, 118c-122j, 138m, 155d, 204g, 344v, 515c, 530c, 709c, 1210c, 1278r, 1344df-e, 1372c, 1395eh-es, 1431eg, em, 1438c, 1440c, d, 1473c-f, 1488c, 1599n, 1900n, 1971n, 1998u, 2017m, p, 2264s, 2265ab-c, m-z, 2266j, n, 2267e, 2318h, 9122 (1L), (1m), 9337 (4L), 9422 (1L), (1m), 9437 (4L), (4n)] [9122 (1L) -- partial veto] - Act 20
Land information program and register of deeds fees revised; statewide digital parcel map provisions, DOA and county board duties and report required; land information fund established [Sec. 185g-186y, 420d, f, 514u, 530m, 1241-1242g, 1247d-1250g, 9429 (1i)] - Act 20
Legal services contract on contingency fee basis: executive agencies prohibited from entering unless the governor makes a written determination, DOA duties specified; limitations specified; report required - Act 105
MacKenzie Environmental Education Center: DOA report on status and condition of buildings required; DNR appropriation [Sec. 9101 (2i), 9132 (3i)] - Act 20
Medical College of Wisconsin and UW--Madison Medical School: biennial reports combined into one biennial report; new annual report on rural or underserved urban medicine programs required [Sec. 2-6] - Act 20
Mental health services and programs provided by counties and regions: DHS biennial report required - Act 251
Milwaukee County Mental Health Board created; reports, audits, and LAB duties - Act 203
Opioid treatment program: DHS required to establish regional programs, report required - Act 195
Out-of-state retailers collecting sales tax on purchases by Wisconsin residents: impact of federal law and alternative minimum tax provisions [Sec. 1460d] - Act 20
Overweight permits for transporting raw forest products or lumber near the Michigan border: additional highway routes specified; report required [Sec. 2175g-i, 9345 (5r)] [2175i -- vetoed] - Act 20
Position elimination in DNR: DOA report to JCF required [Sec. 9101 (3u)] [partial veto] - Act 20
Prerelease pilot program for prisoners and contract with Freedom Life Skills, Inc. established; report required [Sec. 340d, r, 381d, g, 9108 (1L), 9408 (1L)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Private fish farm: capacity study and report by DNR required [Sec. 9132 (4j)] - Act 20
Production plant requirements: DOR and PSC required to study re aid payments [Sec. 9137 (1i)] - Act 20
Public assistance benefits recovery programs in DHS revisions; property subject to recovery defined; recovery of nonprobate property expanded; real property and living trust provisions; JCF approval required [Sec. 353, 354, 361, 821-831, 833, 834, 1179-1197, 1199-1210, 1221-1226, 1240, 2266, 2268-2270, 2271, 2275, 2294, 2295, 2296-2317, 2318, 9118 (6i), 9318 (3)-(6), 9418 (2)] - Act 20
Public library systems study by DOA and DPI, report required [Sec. 9101 (3L)] [vetoed] - Act 20
Qualified rehabilitation expenses for certified historic structures and qualified rehabilitated buildings: income and franchise tax credits; claimants required to get WEDC certification; DOR, WEDC, and WHS report to JCF required - Act 62
Rural schools task force: JLC requested to establish, report required [Sec. 9127 (1i)] - Act 20
Sale or lease of state-owned real property and management of state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants; JCF approval required; DOA and Building Commission duties; budget stabilization fund provision; state agencies to inventory real property under their jurisdiction and report to DOA, exception provided [Sec. 7-20, 22-24, 25-27, 65, 123-137, 290, 531, 578-580, 585, 602-604, 759, 760, 762, 766, 814, 815, 817, 1233, 1516, 1547-1554, 1557, 1565-1568, 1719, 1720, 1728, 1729, 2132-2134, 2154] [14, 132 -- partial veto] - Act 20
Shoreland zoning ordinances that apply to shorelands annexed by a city or village or part of a town incorporated as a city or village; report and appropriation provisions - Act 80
State employee health insurance coverage: actuarial study of options re employees who elect not to receive coverage and spouse or domestic partner of employee with coverage from their employers; report required [Sec. 461pg, pr, 9112 (3q), 9412 (1q)] - Act 20
State highway maintenance activities performed by counties, municipalities, and private contractors under contract with DOT: appropriations, definitions, payment method between DOT and local governments, and other revisions [Sec. 319-322, 325-330d, 1539-1543, 1545, 1546] - Act 20
Statewide student data system: collaboration of agencies to include DCF and DWD; work force data maintained by DWD incorporated into the system; report to DOA required [Sec. 1739-1743, 9134 (2)] - Act 20
Stewardship program: moneys obligated for the land acquisition subprogram and property development and local assistance subprogram modified; Kettle Moraine Springs fish hatchery provision, report required; JCF duties [Sec. 478u, 500m-506, 507-509y, 510-514, 9132 (4c)] - Act 20
Student information system: include charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program; JCF approval [Sec. 1732m-1734] - Act 20
TCS Board appropriations consolidated, incentive grants provisions; annual report describing moneys distributed to district boards required [Sec. 253-256, 258-271, 611-614, 637-640m, 647, 649-659m, 9443 (1)] - Act 20
Technical college state aid formula replaced with a performance based formula, reports required and JCF duties [Sec. 257, 641-646, 648, 1993] [646 -- partial veto] - Act 20
Transfer of credits for core general education courses agreement between UW Board of Regents and TCS Board; provisions for tribal colleges and certain private colleges to participate; report required [Sec. 581-583, 601, 609, 610] - Act 20
Treatment and diversion (TAD) grants to counties for persons charged with or convicted of AODA related offense: funding increased and reports required - Act 197
UI law revisions; delinquent payment of unemployment insurance contributions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report [partial veto] - Act 36
UW Board of Regents may accept research involving government security classifications or restrictions on participation in, access to, or dissemination of research results; annual report required - Act 289
UW Board of Regents to award incentive grants to UW institutions for specified programs, flexible option initiative provision; JCF duties and reports required [Sec. 591, 608c-x, 9148 (1e)-(2c), (5e)] - Act 20
UW Carbone Cancer Center transitional imaging research funding; matching funds and JCF approval required [Sec. 9148 (4i)] - Act 20
Veterans home task force created, study and report required [Sec. 9149 (2q)] - Act 20
Veterans trust fund and veterans home appropriation: transfer of funds, JCF approval and report required; home for needy veterans appropriation repealed [Sec. 413e, 478, 516, 766m, 801f, 9249 (2e)] [801f -- partial veto; 9249 (2e) -- vetoed] - Act 20
WEDC operation requirements re procurement, code of ethics applies to employees, annual reports, and independent audit [Sec. 193o, q, 2055m-x, 9150 (1q)] - Act 20
Wisconsin Shares program revisions re distribution, maximum rates, copayments, and noncustodial parents; JCF duties [Sec. 374, 375, 936, 951-953, 960, 962, 973, 979-981, 983-986, 990-992, 994-1020, 1217, 9406 (4), (5L)] - Act 20
Workforce training program created and labor market information system required; DWD duties; annual report, grants, and appropriation provisions - Act 9
reserve unit of u.s. armed forcesReserve unit of U.S. armed forces, see Military personnel
residential propertyResidential property, see Housing
resortResort, see Recreation
Food protection practices (FPP) certification examination and restaurant provisions revised; local ordinance prohibition, exception for 1st class city - Act 292
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS; extension of license under certain conditions permitted - Act 298
retail establishmentRetail establishment
Dry cleaning facility license fee: ``gross receipts" definition revised [Sec. 1505] - Act 20
Lead acid battery used in motor vehicles: seller required to charge a deposit - Act 305
Out-of-state retailers collecting sales tax on purchases by Wisconsin residents: impact of federal law and alternative minimum tax provisions [Sec. 1460d] - Act 20
Resale store owned by nonprofit organization: property tax exemption created [Sec. 1278k, 9337 (8d)] - Act 20
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS; extension of license under certain conditions permitted - Act 298
Retail sales tax: ``purchase price" and ``sales price" definitions revised [Sec. 1276, 1481-1484] - Act 20