School and school district accountability report: DPI to publish annually; independent charter school and parental choice participating private school provisions [Sec. 1746] - Act 20
Student information system: include charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program; JCF approval [Sec. 1732m-1734] - Act 20
Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised, fee provision; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included; State Superintendent duties - Act 256
Teacher's aide requirements modified for private schools participating in parental choice programs [Sec. 1856c, 1873m] - Act 20
school _ boardSchool -- Board, see also Milwaukee -- School
Community programs and services: school board levy provisions, report required; resolution to exceed the limit required [Sec. 9134 (4L)] - Act 20
Epinephrine auto-injector: plan for use of on school premises or at school-sponsored activities; definitions, conditions, and civil liability immunity - Act 239
General school aid appropriated for 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years increased; delays dates for school districts to determine amounts necessary to operate and maintain schools; school district levy for community programs and services revision - Act 46
Long-term capital improvement trust fund: school board authorized to establish - Act 336
Part-time Open Enrollment Program expansion [Sec. 239, 1745, 1811-1827] - Act 20
Pupils in grades 7 and 8 may earn high school credit under certain conditions - Act 138
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint process changed; DHA and not State Superintendent to hold hearings, rules provision; school district does not have to comply with existing court order to terminate use of; school district prohibited from membership in an interscholastic athletic association that bars race-based team name, mascot, etc. - Act 115
STEM grants: DPI to award to school boards and charter schools, matching fund provision [Sec. 242m, 9134 (5q)] - Act 20
Work based learning program: school boards and governing bodies of charter and private schools may create for pupils in grades 9 to 12 [Sec. 1828g, 1858p] [1828g -- partial veto] - Act 20
school _ branches of instructionSchool -- Branches of instruction, see School -- Curriculum
school _ buildingSchool -- Building
Sex offender registrant prohibited on school premises unless the registrant notifies the school; JRCCP report - Act 88
Transportation alternatives program and grants created; bicycle and pedestrian facilities program, transportation enhancement activities program, safe routes to school program, and traffic marking enhancement program eliminated [Sec. 302, 303-314, 1560-1564, 9145 (5v), 9245 (3x)] - Act 20
school _ consolidation or reorganizationSchool -- Consolidation or reorganization
Consolidated school district aid period extended [Sec. 1883, 1884, 1888, 9334 (4)] - Act 20
school _ conveyance of pupilSchool -- Conveyance of pupil
High cost transportation aid for school districts established [Sec. 238g, r, 1891m] - Act 20
Transporting pupils who live more than 12 miles from school: reimbursement rate to school districts increased [Sec. 1891] - Act 20
Academic and career planning software: DPI to purchase and maintain for school districts [Sec. 230, 1737] - Act 20
Career and technical education incentive grants created; DPI to award to school districts after conferring with DWD and TCS; appropriation provided - Act 59
Collaborative content delivery and online instruction between schools: DPI may not require a licensed teacher or instructional staff to be physically present [Sec. 1736] - Act 20
Common core standards: implementation suspended; DPI, LFB, and JLC studies required; procedure for adopting college and career readiness standards; reports required [Sec. 9134 (2q)] - Act 20
Home-based private educational program: pupil attendance in public high school courses expanded to any public school; minimum standards, equalized aid, and counting provisions [Sec. 1756, 1828, 1858, 1878, 1881, 1889] - Act 20
Home-based private educational program pupil: requirements to attend up to 2 high school courses revised - Act 211
Local youth apprenticeship grants: funding increased - Act 112
MacKenzie Environmental Education Center: DOA report on status and condition of buildings required; DNR appropriation [Sec. 9101 (2i), 9132 (3i)] - Act 20
Mathematics and science credits required for a high school diploma increased; counting courses in computer science and career and technical education toward math and science credits provisions - Act 63
Out-of-home care for child with an individualized education program (IEP) and who is a full-time student: extending care to age 21 or until the child is granted a high school diploma; conditions and exemptions to emergency rules and rule-making procedures provisions; appropriation revisions - Act 334
Pupils in grades 7 and 8 may earn high school credit under certain conditions - Act 138
School year 180 day requirement eliminated; withholding state aid for failing to provide required hours of instruction, strike by school district employees provision; state aid and revenue limit provisions for high school pupils enrolled in online summer courses, conditions specified - Act 257
STEM grants: DPI to award to school boards and charter schools, matching fund provision [Sec. 242m, 9134 (5q)] - Act 20
Teacher's aide requirements modified for private schools participating in parental choice programs [Sec. 1856c, 1873m] - Act 20
Teaching online courses in public and charter schools: repeal related professional development requirement; virtual charter school provision [Sec. 1757, 1808, 1879] - Act 20
Work based learning program: school boards and governing bodies of charter and private schools may create for pupils in grades 9 to 12 [Sec. 1828g, 1858p] [1828g -- partial veto] - Act 20
Workforce training program: grant appropriation increased; DWD required to use funds for reducing waiting lists for certain technical college programs, collaborative projects among school districts, technical colleges, and businesses, and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through public and private organizations; DWD budget request provision - Act 139
Epinephrine auto-injector: plan for use of on school premises or at school-sponsored activities; definitions, conditions, and civil liability immunity - Act 239
school _ employeeSchool -- Employee, see also Teacher
Epinephrine auto-injector: plan for use of on school premises or at school-sponsored activities; definitions, conditions, and civil liability immunity - Act 239
Local governmental units prohibited from requiring residency for nonelective positions; collective bargaining provision; limitations re law enforcement, fire, and emergency personnel [Sec. 193, 1239, 1251, 1258, 1262-1265, 1270] - Act 20
School year 180 day requirement eliminated; withholding state aid for failing to provide required hours of instruction, strike by school district employees provision; state aid and revenue limit provisions for high school pupils enrolled in online summer courses, conditions specified - Act 257
Substitute teaching and paraprofessional staffing services for a special education program: school district, county, and CESA may use state special education aid to contract with a public or private agency to provide - Act 255
Teacher's aide requirements modified for private schools participating in parental choice programs [Sec. 1856c, 1873m] - Act 20
school _ evaluation and testingSchool -- Evaluation and testing
Educator effectiveness: certain charter schools allowed to use alternative method; credentialed school principal from another state may be granted an initial charter school principal license - Act 258
Educator effectiveness evaluation system: DPI may charge fee to use and award grants to implement [Sec. 227, 231, 243, 1748, 1749] - Act 20
Examinations to measure pupil attainment of knowledge and concepts expanded to grades 9 and 11; public, private, charter, and parental choice school provisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties [Sec. 1759-1769, 1874, 9434 (4L)] - Act 20
Reading readiness assessment expanded; oral vocabulary assessment pilot project [Sec. 1755, 9134 (3i)] - Act 20
School and school district accountability report: DPI to publish annually; independent charter school and parental choice participating private school provisions [Sec. 1746] - Act 20
Community programs and services established by school districts: DPI to promulgate rules defining eligible costs; audit and revenue limit provisions - Act 306
Long-term capital improvement trust fund: school board authorized to establish - Act 336
Per pupil revenue limit increased and certain per pupil categorical aid created [Sec. 237m, 1751m, 1893sb-st] - Act 20
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency [Sec. 1893t-v, z, 9334 (7i)] - Act 20
Revenue limit adjustment for uncounted open enrollment pupils [Sec. 1893w-y, 9334 (6c)] - Act 20
School year 180 day requirement eliminated; withholding state aid for failing to provide required hours of instruction, strike by school district employees provision; state aid and revenue limit provisions for high school pupils enrolled in online summer courses, conditions specified - Act 257
school _ health programSchool -- Health program
Epinephrine auto-injector: plan for use of on school premises or at school-sponsored activities; definitions, conditions, and civil liability immunity - Act 239
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint process changed; DHA and not State Superintendent to hold hearings, rules provision; school district does not have to comply with existing court order to terminate use of; school district prohibited from membership in an interscholastic athletic association that bars race-based team name, mascot, etc. - Act 115
Youth athletic activity operated by a school or private club: distribution requirement of concussion and head injury information sheet to participants modified - Act 93
school _ neighborhood useSchool -- Neighborhood use
Community programs and services established by school districts: DPI to promulgate rules defining eligible costs; audit and revenue limit provisions - Act 306
school _ state aidSchool -- State aid, see also School -- Finance
Appropriations to DPI repealed re ARRA and per pupil adjustment aid for 2012-13 school year [Sec. 237, 246, 247, 9434 (1), (2)] - Act 20
Consolidated school district aid period extended [Sec. 1883, 1884, 1888, 9334 (4)] - Act 20
Full-time open enrollment state aid adjustments [Sec. 1810m] - Act 20
General school aid appropriated for 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years increased; delays dates for school districts to determine amounts necessary to operate and maintain schools; school district levy for community programs and services revision - Act 46
High cost transportation aid for school districts established [Sec. 238g, r, 1891m] - Act 20
Home-based private educational program: pupil attendance in public high school courses expanded to any public school; minimum standards, equalized aid, and counting provisions [Sec. 1756, 1828, 1858, 1878, 1881, 1889] - Act 20
Independent charter school per pupil payment amount [Sec. 244, 1744, 1782-1786] - Act 20
Per pupil revenue limit increased and certain per pupil categorical aid created [Sec. 237m, 1751m, 1893sb-st] - Act 20
School year 180 day requirement eliminated; withholding state aid for failing to provide required hours of instruction, strike by school district employees provision; state aid and revenue limit provisions for high school pupils enrolled in online summer courses, conditions specified - Act 257
Substitute teaching and paraprofessional staffing services for a special education program: school district, county, and CESA may use state special education aid to contract with a public or private agency to provide - Act 255
school _ taxationSchool -- Taxation, see Property tax
school yearSchool year, see School
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics _stem_ programScience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program, see School -- Curriculum